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What is the ruling on selling dogs?

Rabiul Awwal 20, 1446 / 23 Sep 2024

It is not permissible to sell dogs, and their price is not lawful, whether they are guard dogs, hunting dogs...

The ruling on selling cats, monkeys and dogs

Rabiul Awwal 20, 1446 / 23 Sep 2024

It is not permissible to sell cats, monkeys and dogs, and other carnivores that have fangs, because the Prophet ﷺ...

Islamic ruling on dealing in and buying animals for hobby or decorative purposes

Rabiul Awwal 20, 1446 / 23 Sep 2024

Is it lawful to eat the meat of cats?

Rabiul Awwal 20, 1446 / 23 Sep 2024

It is prohibited to eat cats, for they are of the fanged animals.

Ruling on replacing stoning the adulterer to death with a sword or gun

Rabiul Awwal 10, 1446 / 13 Sep 2024

It is impermissible to replace stoning to death with killing by sword or shooting with a gun, because stoning to...

Is learning English haram?

Rabiul Awwal 09, 1446 / 12 Sep 2024

If there is a religious or worldly need for learning the English language or other foreign languages, there is no...

It is the duty of every Muslim to study his religion

Rabiul Awwal 09, 1446 / 12 Sep 2024

The Muslim has to learn such fundamental knowledge even if this requires traveling to another land if there is no...

Who is entitled to issuing fatwas?

Rabiul Awwal 08, 1446 / 11 Sep 2024

Issuing fatwas and religious guidance should be given by those who are well-versed in the knowledge of the Quran and...

Ruling on marrying a woman who is not righteous

Rabiul Awwal 08, 1446 / 11 Sep 2024

What I would like to advise the Sunni husband is to choose a woman who brings him happiness in his...

Is memorizing the Qur'an obligatory?

Rabiul Awwal 08, 1446 / 11 Sep 2024

Memorizing the Qur'an is one of the best forms of worship and contains great reward if a Muslim acts according...

Advice for Social Media Users

Rabiul Awwal 06, 1446 AH / 09 Sep 2024

Knowledge is not obtained from websites or social media networks; it is obtained directly from scholars, and not obtained from...

Types of People on Earth Before The Mission of Islam

Rabiul Awwal 02, 1446 / 05 Sep 2024

When God sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) the people on earth were of two groups: the people of the...

The ruling on one who say that The Prophet ﷺ betrayed the trust

Safar 29, 1446 / 02 Sep 2024

There is no doubt in the unbelief of the one who says this; rather this is the severest of unbelief....

Is there any difference between a Messenger and a Prophet?

Safar 29, 1446 / 02 Sep 2024

A Prophet is one who receives Revelation from Allah of a law, but he is not commanded to propagate it,...

Are the Prophets also Messengers?

Safar 29, 1446 / 02 Sep 2024

If Muhammad ﷺ was the last of the Prophets, then he (ﷺ) was also the last of the Messengers for...

Did the Salaf declare a particular individual a disbeliever?

Safar 29, 1446 / 02 Sep 2024

Takfir of a particular individual who commits what would necessitate disbelief due to it, then there is nothing wrong in...

Ruling on placing a wreath on a grave

Safar 29, 1446 / 02 Sep 2024

This practice is a bidah, and excess in terms of revering the dead, and it is similar to the practice...

Islam is the religion of all Prophets

Safar 24, 1446 AH / 28 Aug 2024

The religion of all the Messengers is Islam, but their laws varied. This means obeying Allah at any given time...

The ruling on taking pictures

Safar 20, 1446 AH / 24 Aug 2024

Pictures of the living -humans and animals- are unlawful except for necessity such as identity, passport, or photos of criminals....

What is the future of occupied Jerusalem?

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

We are upon certainty that the Jews will not have permanency in Palestine.

The Ruling on Cursing Israel

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

Do not say May God’s curse be upon Israel, but say May God’s curse be upon the Jews or Yehudi...

Ruling on presenting pictures of the wounded or killed in Palestine and other places

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

This act is not appropriate. It is not permissible to establish pictures for the injured.

The Jews assembling in Palestine is from the signs of the Hour

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

The Jews assembling in Palestine is from the signs of the Hour. They will assemble during the last days in...

The crescent moon is not a symbol of Islam

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

There is no basis in shariah for taking the crescent moon or star as a symbol of the Muslims or...

Concerning Oppressed Muslims in Palestine

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

Assist them with wealth and donations. Because they are in need. There are among them families, the elderly, children and...

Gharqad the tree of the Jews

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

The Prophet ﷺ informed us that when the Muslims fight the Jews, the Jews will try to hide behind trees,...

Ruling on lazy performing prayers

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

These people who fast and do not pray, their fast is not accepted. Rather, it is rejected as long as...

Islamic ruling on frozen chickens

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

If the above-mentioned meats were imported from the lands of the People of the Scripture, then it is permissible to...

Ruling on fasting without praying

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

When it is ruled that he is a disbeliever, then his fasting and other acts of worship are nullified.

The ruling on divorcing a pregnant wife

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

Is it permissible to divorce a pregnant wife or not? the answer is there is no objection in divorcing a...

Ruling on wearing black garment in mourning for the dead

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

Wearing black at the time of calamities is a distinction that is invalid, with no basis to it.

The Ruling on Violating Traffic Rules

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

Because of the grave dangers involved in breaking traffic rules, it is not allowed for a Muslim or non Muslim...

The ruling on shaking with both hands

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

As for shaking with both of his hands, we are not aware of anything in that regard, rather, it should...

Ruling on playing poker

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

Card playing has an evil effect on society. It deters people from praying in the mosque; it causes enmity and...

Ruling on Kidney Transplants

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

If the doctors that specialize in that field decided that she would not be harmed by the removal of her...

The ruling on one who thinks that 'right is wrong and vice versa'

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

The people you have described those whose understanding has been distorted until they see good as evil and evil as...

Is it permissible to translate the Quran?

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

To translate the Qur'an into another language is an impossible task, for the wording of the Qur'an in Arabic is...

Concerning al-Dirar Mosque (the mosque built by the hypocrites)

Safar 19, 1446 AH / 23 Aug 2024

The meaning of 'building' is the mosque that the hypocrites built, the purpose of which Allah described in the above-mentioned...

Ruling on buying from the Jews who are in a state of war against the Muslims

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 18 Aug 2024

If they are at war, then it is not permissible to have dealings with them, whether that is in the...

Muslims can not achieve glory or overcome their enemies unless they obey Allah and His Messenger

Safar 02, 1446 AH / 06 Aug 2024

How can glory and might be to Muslims when they are so weak in a corrupted world that Christians and...

Ruling on voting and candidacy

Safar 01, 1446 AH / 05 Aug 2024

It is not permissible for a Muslim to nominate himself hoping to be a part of a system disagreeing with...

What is meant by Al-Siyasah Al-Shar'iyyah?

Safar 01, 1446 AH / 05 Aug 2024

Al-Siyasah Al-Shar'iyyah is policy that is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, by the ruler administering justice and the subjects...

Ruling on voting the kuffar in elections

Safar 01, 1446 AH / 05 Aug 2024

Never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way to triumph over the believers.

It is impermissible for a Muslim to elect a communist

Safar 01, 1446 AH / 05 Aug 2024

It is impermissible for a Muslim to elect a communist, a person who mocks religion or one whose loyalty is...

On those who say that there are no politics in Islam and no Islam in politics

Safar 01, 1446 AH / 05 Aug 2024

As for evil politics that are based on corruption, delusion, lies, violating covenants, deceit and breaking promises, this was not...

False accusations against Uthman

Safar 01, 1446 AH / 05 Aug 2024

What this author wrote is all lies and falsehood. It is not permissible to spread this, because it is a...

Is it permissible for a Muslim to support communists?

Safar 01, 1446 AH / 05 Aug 2024

It is impermissible for a Muslim to become acquainted with those who adopt false creeds, such as communists, Nasiriyyah, Druze,...

The Quran is the Word of Allah and is not created

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 02 Aug 2024

The difference between the two statements is that claiming that the Qur'an is created is a statement of disbelief that...

Is the Qur'an created?

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 02 Aug 2024

The Qur'an is the Words of Allah, not created. So, whoever claims that the Qur'an is created is a Jahmite...

The ruling on political and religious parties Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Ikhwanul-Muslimin

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 02 Aug 2024

It is not permissible for Muslims to divide into separate religious groups and parties, with members cursing and fighting each...

The ruling on invoking Allah against a ruler who does not judge according to Shari'ah

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 02 Aug 2024

What is the ruling on invoking Allah against a ruler who does not judge according to Allah’s revealed Law?

Ruling on those who speak ill of the Muslim rulers and the scholars

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 02 Aug 2024

Be aware of them and warn against them. Or they are people who backbite and slander others; that they are...

Concerning the Hadith 'The best Jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler'

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 02 Aug 2024

This Hadith does not mean that he should criticizes the ruler openly on the mimbars and on the streets, it...

Ruling on calling people to Islam through politics

Muharram 27, 1446 AH / 02 Aug 2024

It is your duty to work for Islam through calling the people to the Book of Allah and the Sunnah...

The Ruling on pronouncing the intention to pray aloud

Muharram 22, 1446 / 28 Jul 2024

Pronouncing the intention is an innovation or bid'ah, and pronouncing it aloud is an even worse sin.

The Ruling on Salatul-Hajah and Salat Hifzul Qur’an

Muharram 22, 1446 / 28 Jul 2024

They are both incorrect; neither Salatul-Hajah nor Salat Hifzul-Qur’an are correct, because it is not possible to confirm such acts...

There is no such thing as a good bid’ah in the religion

Muharram 22, 1446 / 28 Jul 2024

There is no such thing as a good bid’ah as is claimed by some of the ignorant ones. Innovations –...

The ruling of travelling to Islamic Lands which has open sinning

Muharram 22, 1446 / 28 Jul 2024

The land which is not upon practicing the religion and one which has open lewdness and evil within it, then...

The ruling standing for a minute of silence in memory of martyrs

Muharram 22, 1446 / 28 Jul 2024

This is considered as unacceptable or disapproved of by Islamic law and Muslims of sound intellect, and bid`ah,

Refutation upon the followers of bid'ah and deviation

Muharram 22, 1446 / 28 Jul 2024

The refutations upon the people of innovation are from Jihad in the path of Allah. They are from safeguarding the...

Obey Allah, the Messengerﷺ and those who are in authority

Muharram 22, 1446 / 28 Jul 2024

This Quranic verse is inclusive, including the Scholars and the Rulers, this is what is correct.

The ideology of the Khawarij in present times

Muharram 21, 1446 / 27 Jul 2024

The manhaj of the Khawarij comprises of three aspects namely disobedience to the ruler, takfir of the Muslims, and making...

Do Muslims Worship The Black Stone and The Ka'bah?

Muharram 21, 1446 / 27 Jul 2024

They contrive lies against us whilst we do not worship the Ka'bah but rather we worship the Lord of the...

All acts of worship depends on correct aqidah

Muharram 21, 1446 / 27 Jul 2024

Faith is not faith except if the aqidah (creed) is correct. And if the aqidah is not correct, then there...

Explanation of the Quranic verse 'They are Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, so They Return Not'

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

These are three qualities that Allah Almighty described the hypocrites with – deaf, they do not listen to or hear...

Concerning the Hadith 'Whoever Turns Away From My Sunnah'

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

This means whoever turns away from my way that I follow, then he is not of me. This is because...

Concerning bid'ah or innovations in the religion

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

Bi'dah in reality are indirect criticisms of the Shari’ah; because they necessicate the implication that the Shar’iah is incomplete and...

Does rebellion against the rulers occur only by the sword or does it include slandering them?

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

Rebellion against the rulers occurs by the sword which is the most extreme form of rebellion and it also occurs...

The ruling on referring a person as being Haram

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

If a person does something that is indeed unlawful such as fornication, and then people say about him Haram meaning...

The Ruling on feeling shy or fear from speaking the truth

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

Shyness that prevents you from speaking the truth is not shyness at all, but only weakness. The shyness that is...

Ruling on the one who disobeys the rulers

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

If he criticises the ruler, then this is the madhab of the Khawarij who criticise the rulers, speak about them...

Those who declare the Muslim rulers to be disbelievers are from the Khawarij

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

Those who declare the Muslim rulers to be disbelievers in general, then these are from the most extreme of the...

Ruling on Clapping One's Hands and Whistling

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

This practice appears to be taken from non-Muslims; therefore, it is not an appropriate thing for a Muslim to do....

Concerning Demonstrations

Muharram 19, 1446 AH / 25 Jul 2024

The concept of demonstrations is a new, modern issue. It was not known in the time of the Prophet, nor...

Ruling on one who speaks ill of the works of Imam Muhammad bin 'Abdul-Wahhab

Muharram 18, 1446 / 24 Jul 2024

This individual is upon either of two conditions: either he is an ignorant one who has not studied them and...

Ruling on accusing Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah of believing in anthropomorphism

Muharram 18, 1446 / 24 Jul 2024

Anyone who alleges that the Shaykh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah believed in anthropomorphism is totally ignorant of the creed of...

Ruling on writing Quranic verses and putting it in water and drink it

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

Nothing is authentically reported from the Prophet ﷺ in this regard. So avoiding this practice would be better. And Allah...

Is ruqyah performed by a Muslim to another permissible?

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

Ruqyah (reciting Qur'an and saying supplications over the sick seeking healing) is permissible to be done by one Muslim for...

Ruqyah against Scorpions

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

The Ruqyah (recitation for healing or protection) you mentioned is false. Only authentic Ruqyah with Qur'an and supplications authentically reported...

Ruling on bowing to one’s parents

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

This is impermissible and is tantamount to Shirk. Bowing is a form of worship, just like prostration; therefore, it is...

Ruling on treatment, ruqyah and amulets using Qur'an

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

It is permissible to treat sick people with the Qur'an. But having amulets that contain some parts of the Qur'an...

Ruling on prostrate to anyone other than Allah

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

If they insist on offering Sujud to anyone other than Allah after being informed, they should be sentenced to death...

Ruling on seeking treatment from a Mushrik

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

It is forbidden to go to someone who practices acts of shirk, such as making supplications to and seeking help...

Ruling on going to a diviner in cases of illness

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

It is unlawful to go to soothsayers and diviners who claim the knowledge of the unseen and work with talisman...

Is it permissible for Muslims to use all kinds of Ruqyah?

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

There is no harm in Ruqyah as long as it does not entail Shirk.

Ruling on invoking Allah by His Names for healing

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

It is permissible to do so due to the general saying of Allah 'And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong...

Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah is one of the imams of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

Shaykh Ahmad ibn Abdul-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah is one of the imams of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah who called people to the truth...

Can Ali ibn Abu Talib aid anyone after his death?

Muharram 17, 1446 / 23 Jul 2024

A person who believes that Ali, or any other dead person, can bring benefit or ward off harm is a...

Ruling on disbelieving in Salafiyyah

Muharram 16, 1446 / 22 Jul 2024

This is ignorance and trespassing the truth. If he intends that using this term is not necessary and that it...

Ruling on visiting the grave of Arwaz and making offerings for him

Muharram 16, 1446 / 22 Jul 2024

Visiting the graves of the pious people for the purpose of seeking their blessings or drawing closer to them, etc,...

Ruling on following the funeral of grave-worshippers

Muharram 06, 1446 / 12 Jul 2024

If such people die in the state which you describe, it is not permissible to follow their funeral procession, to...

Ruling on carrying the wife of the deceased

Muharram 06, 1446 / 12 Jul 2024

This practice is prohibited as it is considered an act of Bid`ah. Introducing innovations in religion is not permissible.

The Moon Landing

Muharram 04, 1446 / 10 Jul 2024

The knowledge about this matter will not increase or decrease our faith. Thus, we should neither believe nor deny what...

Words to be said at times of adversity

Muharram 02, 1446 / 08 Jul 2024

I live with my parents, brothers, and sisters. We all love and respect each other, all praise be to Allah....

Ruling on preparing food for the people who attend the funeral

Muharram 02, 1446 / 08 Jul 2024

Is it permissible for the family of the deceased to cook food during the same day in which a person...

Patience During Hardship

Muharram 02, 1446 / 08 Jul 2024

A Muslim should depend on Allah and hold firm to His Rope in bringing benefit and removing harm. If a...

Enduring diseases

Muharram 02, 1446 / 08 Jul 2024

Illness and the like can also be a means of punishment or an expiation for those who show patience on...

Allah will punish the person whom He loves beforehand in this world

Muharram 02, 1446 / 08 Jul 2024

When Allah wills good for His Slave, He hastens to punish them in this worldly life, and when He wills...

Ruling on bury a Mushaf or Qur'an in the grave of deceased

Muharram 01, 1446 / 07 Jul 2024

It is not permissible to bury a Mushaf in the grave with the dead. This act has no basis in...

Ruling on gathering on the Prophet's Mawlid

Muharram 01, 1446 / 07 Jul 2024

Celebrating the Mawlid is an act of bid‘ah (deviant innovation). The Prophet ﷺ neither celebrated it nor ordered that it...

Where is the grave of Al-Husayn?

Muharram 01, 1446 / 07 Jul 2024

Al-Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him) was killed in Iraq in Muharram, 61 A.H. And his body was buried...

Ruling on going out to the market without husband permission

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1445 / 04 Jul 2024

If a woman wants to go out, she should inform her husband about the place she is going to and...

Ruling on saying Allah and His Messenger know best

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 / 02 Jul 2024

As for saying Allah and His Messenger know best, this was permissible during the lifetime of the Messenger, but after...

Ruling on applying the phrase Al-Marhum and Al-Maghfur Lahu to the deceased

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 / 02 Jul 2024

It is impermissible for anyone to declare that Allah has bestowed forgiveness or mercy upon a deceased person unless there...

Ruling on concluding letters and petitions with the phrase May you last forever

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 / 02 Jul 2024

It is a reprehensible act, for immortality belongs to Allah (Praised be He) alone and creatures do not live forever....

Ruling on attributing blessings to nature

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 / 02 Jul 2024

It is not permissible to say this sentence 'There are still some natural gifts in our world,' or to write...

Every human is born in a state of natural disposition of monotheism, then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 / 02 Jul 2024

Every child is born in a state of divinely endowed natural disposition of monotheism/Islam, then his parents make him into...

Every bid'ah is a going astray

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 / 02 Jul 2024

Beware of newly-invented matters (in religion), for every newly-invented matter is a Bid‘ah, and every Bid‘ah is a Dalalah.

Ruling on one who claims that he saw the Prophet ﷺ in a state of wakefulness

Dhul-Hijjah 25, 1445 / 01 Jul 2024

Claiming to see, while awake, the Prophet after his death is a false claim.

Ruling on reciting Surah Ya-Sin over the dead

Dhul-Hijjah 25, 1445 / 01 Jul 2024

A Hadith has been reported concerning the recitation of Surah Ya-Sin upon the dying person, but it is a da'if...

Ruling on reciting the Qur'an over the dead for a fee

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1445 / 30 Jun 2024

It is not permissible to recite the Qur'an in return for a payment and have this as a profession. This...

Ruling on hiring people to recite Qur'an for the dead

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1445 / 30 Jun 2024

Reciting the Qur'an for the souls of the dead or reciting it in the graves or hiring someone to recite...

Way to deal with the followers of Batiniyyah and Ahlul-bi'dah

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1445 / 28 Jun 2024

You must avoid whoever exposes their Bid'ah and reveres the Prophet's family members excessively whether 'Ali, Fatimah, etc. or even any one...

Difference between repentance and praying for forgiveness

Muharram 11, 1445 / 29 Jul 2023

Repentance is regret for what has passed, giving it up, and resolving not to go back to it. This is...

Ruling on praying behind an imam from the bareilawi sect

Muharram 10, 1445 AH / 28 Jul 2023

What is the ruling on praying behind an imam from the bareilawi sect, who believes that the Prophet ﷺ is...

A woman is not guilty of sin if she advises her negligent husband

Muharram 09, 1445 AH / 27 Jul 2023

What is prescribed is that the advice should be given in a kindly and polite manner, because that makes it...

Who Are The Ikhwanul Muslimin

Muharram 07, 1445 / 25 Jul 2023

The founder of this methodology was a Sufi. He had a connection with Sufism.

The Jama'ah Is What Conforms To The Truth Even If You Are Alone

Muharram 07, 1445 / 25 Jul 2023

The Muslim has to seek the truth. If he finds an Islamic center which promotes the truth, or a group...

What to do when there is too much fitnah and division

Muharram 06, 1445 AH / 24 Jul 2023

When the people do not have an leader and they split into sects and parties, do not follow any of...

Jama'at Al-Tabligh are Modern-Day Sufiyyah (Tasawwuf)

Muharram 05, 1445 / 23 Jul 2023

Even those who went out with the Jama'at at-Tabligh and studied with them wrote against them. Many people wrote about...

Hajj by a Mushrik

Muharram 4, 1445 / 22 Jul 2023

If anyone performs Hajj while committing major disbelief and then returns to Islam, their Hajj will not count as the...

Ruling on Changing Names after Hajj

Muharram 04, 1445 / 22 Jul 2023

What is the ruling on a person changing their name like most of the Indonesian pilgrims do? Indonesians are used...

Act of Jahiliyyah in Muharram

Muharram 4, 1445 AH / 22 Jul 2023

This habit is an invented practice from Jahiliyyah and it is not permissible for a Muslim to do it.

Ruling on Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Muharram 02, 1445 AH / 20 Jul 2023

The Muslim must adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah in all his affairs, especially at times of fitan (temptation and tribulation) and...

The ruling on supplications accompanied by music

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 / 16 Jul 2023

If the supplications are tinged with bid'ah, this is even worse, for it combines amusement and heresy.

Ruling on listening to songs

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 / 16 Jul 2023

Listening to songs is haram, for Allah (Exalted be He) says, And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks...

Ruling on hearing songs or music without intending

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 / 16 Jul 2023

Listening to songs is not permissible. As for hearing them without intending to, as happens in the street or on...

Biography of Shaykh As-Sa'di

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 AH / 16 Jul 2023

He was born in Unayzah, in al-Qasim, on the twelfth of Muharram 1307H, and he lived as an orphan, without...

Biography of Shaykh Al-Albani

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 AH / 16 Jul 2023

He was a scholar of hadith and fiqh, a caller to the Book and the Sunnah with the understanding of...

What is the kind of bell that is forbidden?

Dhul-Hijjah 27, 1444 / 15 Jul 2023

What is the kind of bell that is forbidden?

Tafsir Surat Al-Tawbah 23-24

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 / 12 Jul 2023

O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief...

Tafsir Surat Al-Ankabut Ayat 8

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 / 12 Jul 2023

And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents; but if they strive to make...

Ruling on reciting Al-Fatihah for the deceased when visiting his grave

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 AH / 12 Jul 2023

There is no report that the Prophet ﷺ recited a surah of the Qur’an or any verses thereof for the...

What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary?

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 AH / 12 Jul 2023

The origin of this is a Pharaonic custom which was practised by the Pharaohs before Islam.

It is not permissible to give the daughters of Sunni families in marriage to the sons of Shi’is or Communists

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1444 / 11 Jul 2023

It is not permissible to give the daughters of Sunni families in marriage to the sons of Shi’is or Communists....

Rapprochement Between The Shi'ah And The Sunnis Is Not Possible

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1444 / 11 Jul 2023

Rapprochement between the Rafidah (Shi'ah) and the Sunnis is not possible, because their beliefs are different.

Ruling on a Muslim Marrying a Shi’i

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 / 10 Jul 2023

And do not marry Al-Mushrikat (idolatresses) till they believe (worship Allaah Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is...

Marriage is Half Your Religion

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 / 10 Jul 2023

The Sunnah indicates that it is prescribed to get married, and that it is one of the Sunnahs of the...

Ruling On Burying Non-Sunnis With Sunnis In The Same Graveyard

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 AH / 10 Jul 2023

If the innovator is a disbeliever because of his bid'ah, then it is not permissible to bury him in the...

Ruling On Reciting Al-Fatihah At The Time Of A Man's Proposal To A Woman

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 AH / 10 Jul 2023

Reciting Al-Fatihah at the time of a man's proposal to a woman or at the time of his marriage contract...

Ruling on Palestinian Intifada

Dhul-Hijjah 11, 1444 / 29 Jun 2023

All they have to do is to persevere in patience and constancy, and vie in such perseverance, for the promise...

What is the way of solving the Palestinian issue

Dhul-Hijjah 10, 1444 / 28 Jun 2023

A solution cannot be reached in this matter unless it is regarded as an Islamic issue and the Muslims cooperate...

Green Dome over the Prophet’s grave

Rabi Al-Thani 13, 1444 / 07 Nov 2022

There is no proof in the fact that a dome was set up over the Prophet’s grave for those who...

Correct methodology for advising the rulers

Rajab 13, 1443 AH / 14 Feb 2022

No one is Infallible except for Allahs Messenger (peace be upon him). Rulers are humans and they make errors. So...

Ruling on Islamic Anasheed

Rajab 13, 1443 / 14 Feb 2022

As for anasheed, then they are from the ways of the innovating Sufis, those who take their religion as play...

The Salaf warned against the story-tellers

Rajab 12, 1443 / 13 Feb 2022

The Salaf warned against story-tellers since for the most part their intention was to affect people by telling them stories...

Was the Ka'bah clad with a covering at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)?

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH / 03 May 2021

The covering of the Ka'bah is a well known practice centuries before the Mission of the Prophet (peace be upon...

What is the meaning of Bid'ah?

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH / 03 May 2021

What is the meaning of Bid'ah? We want you to define this term clearly. Indeed, there are some people who...

The meaning and types of Bid'ah

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH / 03 May 2021

Bid'ah is an act of worship that was not legislated by Allah such as celebrating the birth of the Prophet...

Acts of worship are Tawqifi

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH / 03 May 2021

The fundamental rule on the acts of 'Ibadah (worship) is that it is Tawqifiyyah (bound by a religious text and...

Ruling on commanding one's children under ten to offer Salah

Sha'ban 23, 1442 / 05 Apr 2021

No! They are not sinners. They should only encourage thern to perform it. However, when children reach ten years old,...

Ruling on extravagant and lavishness during funerals

Sha'ban 22, 1442 / 04 Apr 2021

What is the ruling on extravagance in funerals? The bereaved family serve dinners for those who come to offer condolences....

The differences between the Ahl-ul-Sunnah and Shiites

Jumada Al-Awwal 26, 1442 / 10 Jan 2021

Shiites have many sects. Some of them are Kafirs (disbelievers) who worship 'Ali and call upon him, and they worship...

Are Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism considered religions?

Jumada Al-Awwal 26, 1442 AH / 10 Jan 2021

Islam is to worship Allah Alone associating no partners with Him, obey His Commands, avoid His Prohibitions, abide by the...

The Qarmatians and Al-Batiniyyah

Jumada Al-Awwal 25, 1442 / 09 Jan 2021

Both the Qarmatians and Al-Batiniyyah do not belong to Islam. Rather, they are Kafirs (disbelievers) and heretics.

Punishment in the Grave

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH / 23 Dec 2020

The evidence on the rulings of Shari'ah are established through the Qur'an as well as the authentically established Sunnah reported...

It was not authentically reported that a dead person can see the Prophet in his grave

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH / 23 Dec 2020

When the person dies and people bury him in the grave, two angels come to ask him about his Lord,...

Is there any Adhkar from the Qur'an and the Sunnah that can be said to rescue one from the punishment of the grave?

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH / 23 Dec 2020

Fulfilling the obligations which Allah has ordained upon His servants, refraining from what He has prohibited, repentance and seeking forgiveness...

Hadith about the Prophet putting a palm leave on the graves

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 / 23 Dec 2020

This was not a regular practice of the Prophet, but was only done twice or thrice according to the number...

Giving the Muslims' sins to the Jews and Christians

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH / 23 Dec 2020

Those who invite others to follow the misguidance that they follow, will carry the same sins as those committed by...

Entering Jannah is by the bounty of Allah, not by good deeds

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH / 23 Dec 2020

Jannah cannot be the corresponding reward for one's good deeds. In other words, deeds, however great they may be, are...

Should a man who discovers that his wife is not a virgin demand his Mahr?

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 20 Dec 2020

If it is necessary to show the bride's virtuousness by blood on her garment according to their traditions, the husband...

Rule on a woman refuses any person proposing for her betrothal and wants to be married only to her paternal cousins

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 20 Dec 2020

It is up to her. If a person proposes to marry her, she refuses and wants only one of the...

Prohibition of giving women in marriage without their permission

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 20 Dec 2020

This manner of marriage is Munkar and invalid according to the most correct view of scholars. This is because the...

It is permissible to refuse marriage when there is a Shar'i excuse

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 20 Dec 2020

Consequently, every Muslim, male or female, should obey the Prophet's (peace be upon him) instructions and hasten to marry to...

Is a man considered a Mahram for the sister of his wife?

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 20 Dec 2020

No, a woman's husband is not a Mahram to her sister or paternal aunt. The husband of a woman is...

Discovering that one's wife is not a virgin

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 20 Dec 2020

This may be due to several reasons; virginity may be lost due to other reasons than Zina, so he should...

Advice to those who wish to marry but cannot afford the expenses

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 20 Dec 2020

O brother! Fear Allah and adhere to His Religion, and observe Sawm (Fast) as often as possible until you can...

Ruling on keeping marriage with one wife who does not pray

Rabi' Al-Thani 24 1442 / 09 Dec 2020

If she does not pray at all, then the marriage is over since whoever abandons Salah (Prayer) has no religion;...

How to rectify the Muslim's Aqidah

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 07 Dec 2020

The Muslim who seeks knowledge must ponder over the Ayahs (verses) of the Qur'an and the words of the Hadiths....

How to achieve Tawhid

Rabi'ul-Awwal 22, 1442 / 07 Dec 2020

A Muslim can achieve Tawhid by avoiding sins, all means and elements of Shirk and Bid'ah (innovation in Islam).

Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah is denied only by deviated people

Rabi' Al-Thani 20, 1442 / 05 Dec 2020

As for denying entirely the existence of Allah, this was done stubbornly by pharaoh and ancient philosophers. On the other...

Copyrights on tapes

Rabi' Al-Thani 19, 1442 / 05 Dec 2020

It is not permissible for a person to make copies of software programs protected by copyright unless the person obtains...

Ruling on saying Allah is Omnipresent

Rabi' Al-Thani 19, 1442 / 04 Dec 2020

The foregoing is a false saying and it is tantamount to Kufr (disbelief) in Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He)....

Rule on preventing a girl from marrying due to the opinion of a family member

Rabi' Al-Thani 18, 1442 AH / 03 Dec 2020

None is allowed to object because of personal desire, hatred or desire for worldly gains. All these reasons should be...

Is it permissible for a father to force his daughter to marry a person whom she does not want to marry?

Rabi' Al-Thani 18, 1442 AH / 03 Dec 2020

A father or any other person is not allowed to force the girls towards whom they act as Walis to...

It is not permissible to delay the marriage of the younger girl

Rabi' Al-Thani 18, 1442 AH / 03 Dec 2020

It is not permissible to delay the marriage of the younger daughter until the elder one gets married.

Greediness and dissatisfaction with simple life, dowries and expenditures for weddings have become exorbitant,that is why marriages have decreased

Rabi' Al-Thani 18, 1442 AH / 03 Dec 2020

They should not demand excessive dowries and wedding costs so that the number of marriages increase and the number of...

Merits of hastening to marry

Rabi' Al-Thani 18, 1442 AH / 03 Dec 2020

It is most required to hasten to marry. Young men should not delay marriage due to studying. Marriage is not...

The things that nullify one's Islam

Rabi' Al-Thani 14, 1442 / 29 Nov 2020

There are certain matters that nullify Islam. A Muslim is obliged to be cautious about these things. Scholars have mentioned...

Actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Paradise

Rabi' Al-Thani 14, 1442 / 29 Nov 2020

The deeds and actions which bring a person closer to Jannah are obeying Allah and His Prophet, carrying out all...

Explaining what strengthens faith

Rabi' Al-Thani 13, 1442 / 28 Nov 2020

The more one's Iman is firm, the more one's good deeds will be, and vice versa. Hence, a strong Mu'min...

The Prophet (peace be upon him) teaching 'Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) the Du'a of visiting graves

Rabi' Al-Thani 13, 1442 / 28 Nov 2020

This Hadith in which he teaches 'Aishah the Du'a of visiting graves was during the period when women were allowed...

How can a Muslim know the extent of his Iman

Rabi' Al-Thani 13, 1442 / 28 Nov 2020

This can be known through the extent of his fear and exaltation of Allah (Exalted be He), through hastening to...

How do I taste the sweetness of Iman (faith)

Rabi' Al-Thani 13, 1442 / 28 Nov 2020

Turn to Allah, paying a lot of attention to your worship and making your heart present in your worship, think...

Refuting those opining that the rulings of Shari'ah do not match with the present time

Rabi' Al-Thani 07, 1442 / 23 Nov 2020

Whoever claims that overlooking these rulings leads to more well-being, or deliberately supports such claim, is considered Kafir (disbeliever).

Difference between Iman and Islam

Rabi' Al-Thani 06, 1442 / 21 Nov 2020

Islam is submission and obedience to Allah by Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah/monotheism), sincere devotion to Allah, obedience...

Ruling on claiming knowledge of the Unseen

Rabi' Al-Thani 05, 1442 / 20 Nov 2020

People should not pay attention to him, rely on him or fear him, for he is a swindler and a...

Who are the Magians of this Ummah?

Rabi' Al-Thani 05, 1442 / 20 Nov 2020

They are the Qadariyyah who deny fate and say that everything is predestined. It is a fact that Magians say...

Ruling on describing worldly inventions as Bid'ah

Rabi' Al-Thani 03, 1442 AH / 19 Nov 2020

Worldly affairs cannot be described as Bid'ahs in terms of the religious connotation of the word. What is Munkar and...

What is meant by Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited) in Islam

Rabi' Al-Thani 02, 1442 AH / 18 Nov 2020

Halal and Haram are two Shar'i (Islamic legal) rulings, the knowledge of which is acquired from the Qur'an and the...

Validity of acts of worship by someone committing a sin that entails executing the Hadd

Rabi' Al-Thani 02, 1442 / 17 Nov 2020

Whoever drinks Khamr, commits Zina, or indulges in any sin while considering it Halal (lawful); is regarded as a Kafir...

Rule on drink Khamr for relieve pains

Rabi' Al-Thani 02, 1442 / 17 Nov 2020

Khamr is Haram. It is impermissible to be used as a treatment. A proof for the foregoing is the Hadith....

Ruling on wearing gloves while praying

Rabi' Al-Thani 02, 1442 / 17 Nov 2020

There is nothing wrong with this. Wearing gloves is similar to wearing Khuffs (leather socks). All praise is due to...

The ruling on smiling during Salah

Rabi' Al-Thani 02, 1442 / 17 Nov 2020

Smiling does not invalidate Salah but laughing with sound does. Also, if a person deliberately talks during Salah while knowing...

False Karamahs

Rabi' Al-Thani 01, 1442 / 16 Nov 2020

Such things are baseless in Shari'ah and are superstitious invented by some people. Some Sufis pretend to have Karamahs.

Can a person be excused for their ignorance regarding the fundamentals of Tawhid

Rabi' Al-Thani 01, 1442 AH / 16 Nov 2020

No person can be excused for their ignorance regarding issues of Tawhid so long as they live amongst Muslims. On...

Ruling on using phrase 'peace be upon him' to anyone other than the Messenger

Rabi' Al-Thani 01, 1442 AH / 16 Nov 2020

There is no evidence on singling him out with this phrase to the exclusion of other Sahabah. Likewise, there is...

Ruling on Palmistry

Rabi' Al-Thani 01, 1442 / 16 Nov 2020

This is just a baseless supposition on the part of some people. We do not know of any religious scholar...

Ruling on Ghulu in loving the Prophet (peace be upon him)

Rabi' Al-Awwal 29, 1442 / 15 Nov 2020

Ghulu means an increase or doing something more than what is ordained by Allah (Exalted be He).

Sites of the Prophets' graves

Rabi' Al-Awwal 28, 1442 / 14 Nov 2020

These claims have no basis, for the sites of the graves of all prophets are unknown, except the grave of...

The location of the grave of Al-Husayn

Rabi' Al-Awwal 28, 1442 / 14 Nov 2020

The correct opinion is that what exists in Egypt is neither the grave nor the head of Al-Husayn. A number...

Exposition that the exact location of the grave of Al-Khadir is unknown

Rabi' Al-Awwal 28, 1442 / 14 Nov 2020

No one knows the exact location of his grave. It is groundless to claim that his grave is located in...

Quburiyyun (grave worshippers)

Rabi' Al-Awwal 27, 1442 / 13 Nov 2020

Worship is not defined through people's views but it is determined through Allah's Judgment (Glorified and Exalted be He). The...

Is it true that Ali fought the Jinn?

Rabi'ul-Awwal 27, 1442 / 13 Nov 2020

All of this is baseless. He did not fight the Jinn and no such thing happened at all. Rather this...

Ruling on the green dome on the grave of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

Rabi' Al-Awwal 26, 1442 / 12 Nov 2020

The Prophet (peace be upon him) was buried in the house of Aishah as the Companions (may Allah be pleased...

Was Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab's Da'wah based on Takfir?

Rabi' Al-Awwal 25, 1442 / 11 Nov 2020

The Ever-Glorious Qur'an declares anyone who contradicts truth and right guidance to be a disbeliever. Thus, there is evidence of...

All of the scholars in Saudia are Wahhabis?

Rabi' Al-Awwal 25, 1442 / 11 Nov 2020

The four madhahib are studies for their benefit and this is to know the proofs that they come with and...

Ruling on Funeral Prayer for people transgressing Shari'ah

Rabi' Al-Awwal 24, 1442 / 10 Nov 2020

If the person transgressing the Shar'ah is deemed a Murtad (apostate), the funeral Prayer should not be offered for him....

Extolling Allah means praising Him a lot

Rabi' Al-Awwal 24, 1442 / 10 Nov 2020

Extolling Allah means praising Him a lot; i.e., (saying): You are Al-Rahim (The Most Merciful), You are Al-Rahman (The Most...

Allah's Speech to Moses

Rabi' Al-Awwal 24, 1442 / 10 Nov 2020

As for the number of times; Allah (Exalted be He) knows that best, as I do not know about the...

What is the difference between Al-Hilm and Al-Sabr

Rabi' Al-Awwal 24, 1442 / 10 Nov 2020

Al-Hilm is to delay the punishment for a servant (granting them respite so that they may repent from their sins)....

ما الفرق بين النبي والرسول؟

٢٢ ربيع الأول ١٤٤٢ / 08 Nov 2020

المشهور عند العلماء أن النبي هو الذي يوحى إليه بشرع، ولكن لا يؤمر بتبليغ الناس، يوحى إليه يفعل كذا، ويفعل...

The word 'Aqidah

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 08 Nov 2020

Scholars use the word 'Aqidah on matters related to one's inner belief, those related to Tawhid (belief in the Oneness...

Noah was the first messenger

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 08 Nov 2020

Nuh was the first Messenger to be sent when Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship, polytheism)...

The difference between a prophet and a messenger

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 08 Nov 2020

The well-known view of scholars is that a prophet is one to whom a system of law is revealed but...

Meaning of denying Al-Taghut (false deities)

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 08 Nov 2020

It means to declare oneself free from worshipping false deities and to believe that all deities worshipped along with Allah...

Definition of Islam

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 08 Nov 2020

Islam means total submission to Allah (Exalted be He) through belief in His Oneness, and showing subservient and servile obedience...

Theory of human evolution or Darwin's theory

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 08 Nov 2020

Allah created Adam from clay and molded him in His Image. Adam was sixty cubits tall, but people have been...

Tafsir Surah Yusuf, Ayah 106: 'And most of them believe not in Allah...'

Rabi' Al-Awwal 21, 1442 A.H / 07 Nov 2020

Abu Jahl and his like believed that Allah was their Creator and Provider, the Creator of the heavens and the...

Tafsir Surah Al-Tawbah, Ayahs 76 to 78

Rabi' Al-Awwal 21, 1442 A.H / 07 Nov 2020

It indicate that if someone promises Allah to do something and then breaks their promise is characterized by the traits...

Tafsir Surah Al-Tawbah, Ayah 4: 'Except those of the Mushrikun with whom you have a treaty...'

Rabi' Al-Awwal 21, 1442 A.H / 07 Nov 2020

In this Ayah Allah (Exalted be He) commands His Messenger (peace be upon him) to complete the treaty which he...

Ruling on a husband who treats his wife unjustly

Rabi' Al-Awwal 21, 1442 AH / 07 Nov 2020

You also have to check yourself and follow your religion properly. Repent to Allah from any bad deeds and sins...

Ruling on cursing one's children or wife

Rabi' Al-Awwal 21, 1442 AH / 07 Nov 2020

It is not permissible to curse one’s wife. Cursing her is not a form of divorce and she is still...

Commenting on criticism among Du'ah (Callers to Islam)

Rabi' Al-Awwal 19, 1442 AH / 05 Nov 2020

It has become prevalent nowadays that many of those who claim to be scholars and Du'ah (callers to Islam) backbite...

Be fair and equitable with your children

Rabi' Al-Awwal 15, 1442 AH / 01 Nov 2020

A father should be fair with his sons and daughters according to the laws of inheritance. It is impermissible for...

Warning against talking about people's honor and Ghibah

Rabi' Al-Awwal 15, 1442 AH / 01 Nov 2020

Saying things about Muslims which they dislike is a major reprehensible matter in religion, falling under the prohibited backbiting.

Jarh wa Ta'dil and investigating Hadith still remain

Rabi' Al-Awwal 14, 1442 AH / 31 Oct 2020

No, this is not true. The fact is that Jarh, Ta'dil and investigating of Hadith still remain; and scholars should...

On Shaykh Al-Albani

Rabi' Al-Awwal 14, 1442 AH / 31 Oct 2020

Though Shaykh Al-Albani is not infallible and might err in declaring a Hadith as Sahih (authentic) or Da'if (weak); it...

Ruling on women offering Janazah Prayer

Rabi' Al-Thani 13, 1442 / 30 Oct 2020

Yes, generally, it is Mashru' (Islamically prescribed) for any Muslim to offer Janazah Prayer, whether they are a man or...

Rule on associating with the disbelievers

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

Loving the Kafirs, helping them in falsehood and considering them friends are major sins and means leading to disbelief in...

The ruling on Taswir of an inanimate objects

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

Yes, this is permissible according to the Fatwa issued by the interpreter of the Qur'an and the knowledgeable scholar of...

Ruling on painting, drawing, sculpture, photography

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

Every Muslim should avoid Taswir. It is authentically reported that the Prophet - peace be upon him - cursed the...

The ruling on putting pictures in homes

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

It is obligatory to remove these pictures. You should not keep them either in the bathroom or anywhere else at...

The ruling on keeping useful magazines that contain pictures

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

What is the ruling on bringing home useful magazines and school books that contain pictures of living creatures? Does this...

The ruling on keeping pictures

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

These photos should be disposed of if they are no longer needed. As for the Hadith: 'Except a design on...

The ruling on caricatures

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

The referred to drawing is not permissible. It is one of the widely common prohibited matters that should be abandoned...

Issue on painting, drawing, sculpture, photography

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 / 28 Oct 2020

It is not permissible for a teacher or any other person to depict pictures of animate beings, because the Prophet...

Ruling on Muslims residing in a non-Muslim country

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH / 28 Oct 2020

All the Muslims living in non-believers' countries should migrate to Islamic countries where the rites of Islam are being performed...

Allah's Wisdom behind trying His Slaves with calamities and ordeals

Rabi' Al-Awwal 09, 1442 / 26 Oct 2020

All the signs that happen in this universe that arouse sympathy like thunderbolts, fierce wind, floods that destroy everything, earthquakes...

A Piece of advice about earthquakes

Rabi' Al-Awwal 09, 1442 / 26 Oct 2020

There is no doubt that what happens these days of earthquakes in many countries are of these portents that Allah...

Executing one who apostatizes from Islam

Rabi' Al-Awwal 9, 1442 AH / 26 Oct 2020

The Noble Qur'an and the purified Sunnah have verified the obligation of executing a Murtad if they refuse to repent...

It is Compulsory to save yourself and family from Hellfire

Rabi' Al-Awwal 08, 1442 / 25 Oct 2020

The greatest responsibility is to take care of what saves them from the Punishment of Allah, by advising them to...

Do supplication and voluntary charity repel the Divine Decree and Predestination?

Rabi' Al-Awwal 06, 1442 / 23 Oct 2020

A Muslim should be keen to venture means of goodness and avoid means of evil, asking Allah to guide and...

Ruling on following Sufi Shaykhs

Rabi' Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 22 Oct 2020

What the questioner mentions about having in their country shaykhs whom they follow and the belief that one who does...

The Believer's Stance towards the Trials (Fitnah)

Rabi' Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH / 22 Oct 2020

Trial also takes place by means of doubts and lust. Many people were exposed to trial because of groundless doubts,...

Ruling on the view that not rebel against the ruler as a defeatist thinking which manifests weakness

Rabi' Al-Awwal 03, 1442 / 20 Oct 2020

This is a mistake on the part of those who said this and shows their lack of understanding, as they...

It is not permissible to rebel against him if revolution leads to greater harm

Rabi' Al-Awwal 03, 1442 AH / 20 Oct 2020

There is no doubt that giving Bay'ah (pledge of allegiance) for some people results in dissention and rebellion against the...

What should a son do who was raised by an ignorant family

Rabi' Al-Awwal 01, 1442 / 19 Oct 2020

If one knows true Islam and Allah helps him accept it, one should not be loyal to people of Shirk...

Meaning and types of Taqlid and the ruling on each type

Safar 28, 1442 AH / 15 Oct 2020

Some scholars defined Taqlid as following a person's religious view without knowing the evidence upon which it is based. Some...

Reconciliation of the Four Schools of Jurisprudence

Safar 28, 1442 AH / 15 Oct 2020

A Muslim is not required to combine between the ways followed by the four Madhabs (Schools of Jurisprudence) in his...

It is obligatory on Muslims to follow the Qur'an and Sunnah

Safar 28, 1442 AH / 15 Oct 2020

The basic rule states that it is incumbent upon every Muslim to follow the Book of Allah and the Sunnah...

Ruling on Al-Mirghaniyyah or Al-Khatmiyyah Tariqah (Sufi order)

Safar 27, 1442 / 14 Oct 2020

I am a monotheist but my household follow Al-Mirghaniyyah Tariqah (Sufi order) which is known here in Sudan as Al-Khatmiyyah....

Definition of Makruh

Safar 27, 1442 AH / 14 Oct 2020

Al-Makruh (what is disliked) is defined as an act that if abstained from, one is rewarded. However, if such an...

The authority of Hadith-ul-Ahad

Safar 27, 1442 AH / 14 Oct 2020

What about a person who denies the punishment in the grave, because the reports in this regard are Hadith-ul-Ahad (Hadiths...

Learning the Glorious Qur'an

Safar 27, 1442 AH / 14 Oct 2020

What is the ruling of the Shari'ah (Islamic law) on someone who does not apply the rules of the recitation...

The book: 'Al-Jawahir by Shaykh Zayn Al-Din Al-Malibary' is not considered a reliable source

Safar 27, 1442 AH / 14 Oct 2020

The book of Al-Jawahir fi 'Uqubat Ahl Al-Kaba'ir by Shaykh Zayn Al-Din Al-Malibary is not considered a reliable source with...

Extent of obligatory knowledge

Safar 27, 1442 AH / 14 Oct 2020

It is obligatory on every Muslim to convey the knowledge they have, whether it is much or little to those...

It is impermissible for a person to remain ignorant

Safar 25, 1442 AH / 12 Oct 2020

It is impermissible for a person to remain ignorant. They have to learn what they must know about their Din...

Ruling on book entitled 'Kashf Al-Akinnah' by Abdul-Wahhab Mahiyyah

Safar 25, 1442 AH / 12 Oct 2020

After reviewing the mentioned book (Kashf Al-Akinnah), I realized that its author is not one of the reliable scholars in...

Publishing Islamic books as a Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity)

Safar 25, 1442 AH / 12 Oct 2020

The printing of useful books that benefit people in their religious and worldly affairs is a good act, for which...

Duties of a teacher

Safar 25, 1442 AH / 12 Oct 2020

It is obligatory for the teacher to devote care to this issue and first be the living example of it...

The Hadith: 'I saw 'Amr ibn 'Amir Al-Khuza'i dragging his intestines in the Fire'

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

Is it reported in any Hadith that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saw 'Amr ibn Luhay turning...

A Muslim is not permitted to seek forgiveness for grandparents who die as Mushriks

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

It is impermissible for a Muslim to invoke Allah's Forgiveness for their grandparents or others, if they died in Shirk....

Ruling on asking forgiveness for the disbelievers

Safar 24, 1442 / 11 Oct 2020

It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allâh’s Forgiveness for the Mushrikûn (polytheists, idolaters,...

Ruling on whoever dies as a minor

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

This baby will be dealt with in this world as his family. If he is born to a Muslim family,...

Ruling on Ahl Al-Fatrah

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

Those who refused to embrace Islam after its message was conveyed to them, whether in the period before or during...

The Prophet's parents

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

Parents of the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not belong to Ahl-ul-Fatrah because the Arabs followed the faith of...

The fate of the children of the disbelievers

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

The preponderant view is that Allah will test them with some commands on the Day of Resurrection; whoever is obedient...

The fate of Ahl Al-Fatrah

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

As for those whom Da'wah has not reached in an uncorrupted manner, they are left to the Will of Allah....

Can a Muslim's ignorance of creed be excused?

Safar 24, 1442 AH / 11 Oct 2020

It is impermissible for the adherents of Tawhid (monotheism), who hold that the worshippers of graves are disbelievers, to call...

Ruling on watching movies and television and playing cards during the daytime in Ramadan

Safar 23, 1442 / 10 Oct 2020

Muslims, whether fasting or not, should fear Allah with regard to what they do or do not do at all...

Is the month of Ramadan an exclusive feature of the Muslims?

Safar 23, 1442 / 10 Oct 2020

Is the month of Ramadan an exclusive feature of our Muslim nation only or it was also prescribed upon previous...

Advise for Muslims on the occasion of the beginning of blessed Ramadan

Safar 23, 1442 / 10 Oct 2020

I advise my Muslim brothers everywhere on the occasion of the beginning of blessed Ramadan 1413 A.H. to fear Allah,...

Ruling on joining religious parties

Safar 21, 1442 / 08 Oct 2020

A Muslim must not belong to innovated parties. We should only belong to Allah's Book and the Sunnah of His...

knowledge has faded and the scholars have died

Safar 21, 1442 AH / 08 Oct 2020

Indeed, Allah does not take away (religious) knowledge by pulling it away from the (chests of) people. However, Allah takes...

Obeying rulers and scholars in Ma'ruf to set things right

Safar 20, 1442 AH / 07 Oct 2020

Those in authority refer to Muslim scholars and rulers. Their orders should be followed if they agree with Shari'ah and...

Each group claims to be the right group

Safar 20, 1442 / 07 Oct 2020

The group we should follow and comply with its methodology is that which follows Al-Sirat-ul-Mustaqim (the Straight Path), the Prophet...

The obligation of abiding by the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger and warning against whatever contradicts them

Safar 19, 1442 / 06 Oct 2020

Allah (Exalted be He) has pointed out that the straight path is belief in the guidance and the religion of...

The Hadith: 'All of them will be in Hellfire except one'

Safar 18, 1442 AH / 05 Oct 2020

The one saved sect will be Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah who abided by the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him)...

The meaning of 'Newly invented things'

Safar 8, 1442 / 03 Oct 2020

The Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him): Beware of newly invented things (in religion) includes all things which...

Answering a question presented by a Muslim brother on some issues of Bid'ah and Shirk

Safar 15, 1442 / 02 Oct 2020

As for the claim that this sect (i.e. shi'ah/shiites) is the saved group and that they are following the truth...

Obligation of enjoining good and forbidding evil

Safar 09, 1442 / 26 Sep 2020

A Muslim should recognize what is good and evil by acquiring knowledge and understanding the teachings of Islam, then, undertake...

We do not declare a Muslim as a disbeliever for committing a sin unless he believes it is lawful.

Safar 07, 1442 / 24 Sep 2020

Ahlus-Sunnah do not consider a person who commits sins while knowing that they are Haram as a kafir but he...

Ruling on kufr 'Amali (disbelief in actions)

Safar 07, 1442 AH / 24 Sep 2020

Can a person commit Kufr Amali (disbelief in actions) which takes them out of Islam in normal cases?

Ruling on making Sujud and slaughtering for other than Allah out of ignorance

Safar 07, 1442 AH / 24 Sep 2020

What is the ruling on making prostration and slaughtering for other than Allah out of ignorance?

Biography of Shaykh Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Aal Al-Shaykh

Safar 6, 1442 AH / 23 Sep 2020

He acquired knowledge from his father and many Shaykhs, including His Eminence Shaykh Ibn Baz, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Amin Al-Shanqyti, and...

Biography of Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd

Safar 6, 1442 AH / 23 Sep 2020

Shaykh Bakr studied until the second year of elementary school, and then in 1375AH. he moved to Riyadh where he...

Biography of Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim

Safar 6, 1442 AH / 23 Sep 2020

He is one of the well known scholars of Islam. He was particularly influenced by his Shaykh and teacher Imam...

Biography of Shaykh Abdul-Razzaq Afifi

Safar 6, 1442 AH / 23 Sep 2020

Shaykh 'Abdul-Razzaq ibn Afifi ibn Atiyyah was born in Shanshur, Ashmoun Center, Al-Munufiyyah Governorate in 1323 AH.

The Tawhid of the Prophets and its antithesis in the religions of the Kafirs and Mushriks

Safar 05, 1442 / 22 Sep 2020

Allah (Praised and Exalted be He) sent His Honorable Messengers to guide people to know Him, to call them to...

The importance of women's face-veil

Safar 04, 1442 / 21 Sep 2020

At the beginning of Islam, hijab was not prescribed for women to display their faces and hands in front of...

Tafsir of the Ayah: 'The Hand of Allâh is over their hands.'

Safar 03, 1442 AH / 20 Sep 2020

Please be informed that our 'Aqidah is to affirm Allah's Attribute of having a Hand and the other attributes stated...

The Shari'ah ruling on Ghulam Ahmad Pervez

Safar 03, 1442 / 20 Sep 2020

This atheist, Ghulam Ahmad Pervez, has never believed in what Allah sent down to Muhammad, peace be upon him, and...

Refuting and criticizing an article published in Al-Musawwir magazine

Safar 03, 1442 / 20 Sep 2020

Thus, how on earth could Ahmad Baha' Al-Din or those who have transmitted this news to him propagate such falsehood...

Exposing the mistakes of some writers

Safar 03, 1442 / 20 Sep 2020

I deemed it necessary to point out, in this comment, the serious mistakes in the published article to advise the...

Darwinian Theory

Safar 03, 1442 / 20 Sep 2020

The theory of Evolution which is renowned as the theory of Darwin contradicts the Qur'an, Sunnah, and consensus of scholars....

Darwin's theory of evolution

Safar 03, 1442 / 20 Sep 2020

This statement is false; the evidence on that is that Allah has clarified in the Qur’an the stages of Adam’s...

Ruling on the call to rapprochement between religions

Safar 02, 1442 / 19 Sep 2020

Druze, Nusayriyyah, Ismailiyyah and those who follow them such as Babists and Baha'is have manipulated the religious texts; legislated for...

Ruling on cauterization as a way of curing epilepsy

Safar 04, 1442 / 19 Sep 2020

Is it permissible in this case to burn the Muslim woman with a firebrand so that the female jinni will...

Ibn Taymiyyah did not approve celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Muharram 29, 1442 AH / 17 Sep 2020

Ibn Taymiyyah did not approve celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid, rather he condemned doing so and was of the view that...

A brief look at Babism and Bahaism and their hatred towards the Muslims

Muharram 28, 1442 / 16 Sep 2020

The Babists carried out an armed terrorist movement in which they shed a great deal of blood and killed hundreds...

Ruling on Tabarruk from the Messenger ﷺ after his death

Muharram 27, 1442 AH / 15 Sep 2020

Tabarruk, this is not permissible after his death, as these things ended with his death and can no longer be...

The Hadith: 'Allah curses the person who offers a sacrifice to anyone other than Allah'

Muharram 27, 1442 AH / 15 Sep 2020

What is meant by this Hadith is the prohibition of offering sacrifices to the dead prophets or pious people, seeking...

Ruling on believing the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not have a shadow like ordinary human beings

Muharram 27, 1442 / 15 Sep 2020

This is a false belief which is incongruous with the explicit texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah

Dealing with Sufi shaykhs and their followers

Muharram 27, 1442 / 15 Sep 2020

What do you advise us concerning dealing with Sufi shaykhs and their followers?

Ruling on writing the Exalted Name 'Allah' and 'Muhammad' (peace be upon him) parallel on a paper, portraits, wall or the like

Muharram 27, 1442 AH / 15 Sep 2020

It is not permissible to write the Exalted Name 'Allah' and 'Muhammad' (peace be upon him) parallel to each other...

Living in a village where there are Bid'ahs

Muharram 27, 1442 AH / 15 Sep 2020

If you cannot find a suitable job in your town, you think that the people there will most probably reject...

A poem attributed to Imam Abu Hanifah

Muharram 27, 1442 AH / 15 Sep 2020

This poem is a lie against Imam Abu Hanifah. It is, thus, not permissible to attribute it to him.

Is it permissible to vow and sacrifice for the sake of the Waliy?

Muharram 27, 1442 / 15 Sep 2020

In case that the aim of staying beside the grave is to offer worship to Allah Alone, it is still...

Tafsir Surah Aal Imran Ayat 6

Muharram 26, 1442 AH / 14 Sep 2020

Allah is the All-Wise in His disposing of affairs, in His creation and in His legislation. This also refutes the...

No Basmalah in Surah Al-Tawbah

Muharram 26, 1442 AH / 14 Sep 2020

Why is not the Basmalah written at the beginning of Surah Al-Tawbah?

What are the Hadith Qudsy?

Muharram 26, 1442 AH / 14 Sep 2020

The term Hadith Qudsy refers to Revelations from Allah in the Prophet’s words. Such Revelations were sent to the Prophet...

Mubahalah between the Messenger (peace be upon him) and the Christians

Muharram 26, 1442 AH / 14 Sep 2020

Mubahalah is not exclusive to the event that took place between the Messenger (peace be upon him) and the Christians....

Ruling on reciting some Ayahs incorrectly

Muharram 21, 1442 AH / 13 Sep 2020

There are some Ayahs (Qur'anic verses) which I cannot pronounce properly, for I have never been to schools. Is it...

Ruling on committing Lahn while reciting Qur'an

Muharram 21, 1442 AH / 13 Sep 2020

Is there sin on the reciter? Is the Salah (Prayer) of the one who corrected him valid? Please give us...

How to learn Tajwid

Muharram 25, 1442 AH / 13 Sep 2020

How can I learn Tajwid and in which book can I find the rules of Tajwid?

Inability to properly pronounce the Arabic letter 'ض' [dad]

Muharram 21, 1442 AH / 13 Sep 2020

If they fail after exerting effort to pronounce it properly, they are excused and they may pronounce it in the...

Danger of denying the Sunnah by words and deeds

Muharram 24, 1442 / 12 Sep 2020

I considered it necessary to make things clear regarding the claims of this man, and expose his reality before the...

The Ruling on Tijaniyyah Sufi Order

Muharram 22, 1442 / 11 Sep 2020

Tijaniyyah is an innovated Tariqah and Muslims are not permitted to follow innovated Tariqahs, whether the Tijaniyyah or any other....

Do the Al-Asha'irah belong to Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah or not?

Muharram 22, 1442 AH / 11 Sep 2020

Do the Al-Asha'irah (Asha'rites/Ash'aris) belong to Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah or not?

Ruling on claiming that the Call to Islam does not need knowledge

Muharram 22, 1442 AH / 11 Sep 2020

They say that the Call to Islam does not need knowledge or Fiqh based on Hadith: 'Convey (my teachings) to...

Ruling on accusing some of the Imams of Ahl Al-Sunnah of committing Bid'ah (innovation in Islam)

Muharram 23, 1442 AH / 11 Sep 2020

What is the ruling on accusing a number of the Imams of Ahl Al-Sunnah of being innovators because they made...

Biography of Shaykh Abdullah Ibn Qa'ud

Muharram 22, 1442 AH / 10 Sep 2020

Shaykh Abdullah ibn Qa'ud was born on the 17th night of Ramadan in 1343 AH. in the town of Al-Hariq...

Biography of Shaykh 'Abdullah Ibn Ghudayyan

Muharram 22, 1442 AH / 10 Sep 2020

Shaykh Abdullah ibn Abdul-Rahman ibn Abdul-Razzaq Al-Ghudayyan Al-Tamimi. He descended from Al-Muhaddith from Banu Al-'Anbar from Banu 'Amr ibn Tamim....

Biography of Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan

Muharram 22, 1442 AH / 10 Sep 2020

Shaykh Dr. Salih Ibn Fawzan ibn 'Abdullah Al-Fawzan from the family of Fawzan from the people of Al-Shamasyah from the...

Biography of Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal Al-Shaykh

Muharram 22, 1442 AH / 10 Sep 2020

Grand Mufty of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the Departments of Scholarly Research and Ifta

Do Wahhabis deny Shafa’ah (intercession)

Dhul-Hijjah 19, 1441 / 09 Sep 2020

Do Wahhabis deny intercession by the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him?

Refuting those who say that Allah dwells among His creatures

Muharram 21, 1442 / 09 Sep 2020

Generally, the corrupt belief adopted by the denying Jahmiyyah and their followers from among the Mubtadi's (those who introduce innovations...

Refuting an article which states:'We should avoid all conflicts between our two religions...'

Muharram 21, 1442 / 09 Sep 2020

With these brief words, I wanted to clarify what was written by this writer and warn against the mistakes that...

Ruling on those who claim that Jesus was not raised to the heavens and will not return at the end of time

Muharram 21, 1442 / 09 Sep 2020

What is the ruling on those who deny Isa's return near the Day of Resurrection, claiming that he was crucified,...

There is no brotherhood between Muslims and Kafirs and the only true religion is Islam

Muharram 20, 1442 / 08 Sep 2020

As for non-Muslims, they should be resented and opposed for their disbelief in Allah, the Glorified. It is prohibited to...

Hadith: 'Run away from the leper as you would run away from a lion'

Muharram 19, 1442 AH / 07 Sep 2020

Dear Shaykh, kindly confirm the degree of authenticity or weakness of the Hadith reported from the Messenger of Allah (peace...

Response to Urdu newspaper Idarat who launched a press campaign against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Muharram 18, 1442 / 06 Sep 2020

It is not allowed to celebrate the birthday of the Messenger or other birthdays; rather, such celebrations should be prevented,...

Refuting Salih Muhammad Jamal for his call of the glorification of Islamic monuments

Muharram 18, 1442 / 06 Sep 2020

Anything that was not prescribed in the era of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Sahabah (may Allah...

What is the explanation of the word Salaf and who are Al-Salafiyun?

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

Salaf are Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah who are the followers of the Prophet Muhammad such as the Sahabah and those who follow...

Who are Al-Salaf Al-Saleh

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

They are the first three praised generations from the Companions of the Prophet, and those that followed them (at-Tabi’un) and those that followed...

Who are Ahl Al-Sunnah wal Jama‘ah

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

Ahl Al-Sunnah wal Jama‘ah are the Muslims who follow the very same way which Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace and...

What is Salafiyyah?

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

It refers to those following the way of the Salaf of the early Muslim generation in their adherence to the...

Ruling on various Islamic movements

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

In Sudan, an Islamic Organization among the various movements of Sufism and Salafism has been established.

Is there a new and old Salafiyyah?

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

There is only one Salafiyyah, the one who claims that there is an old and new Salafiyyah has lied.

Refuting Mustafa Amin

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

Glorifying monuments is not by building memorials, inscriptions, and following in the footsteps of non-Muslims. The true celebration of these...

A commentary and explanation of an article by Dr. Muhiy Al-Din Al-Safy entitled 'In order to be the most powerful Ummah'

Muharram 17, 1442 / 05 Sep 2020

The Salaf and those who have followed in their footsteps attributed to Allah the Attributes of Perfection, which He has...

The Messenger (peace be upon him) did not stretch his hand from his grave to anyone

Muharram 16, 1442 / 04 Sep 2020

What all Muslims have to do is to fear Allah and adhere to His Shari'ah, which is indicated in His...

Jama'at Al-Ahbash

Muharram 16, 1442 AH / 04 Sep 2020

Jama'at-ul-Ahbash (the Habashis) is a misguided group which is against Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream)....

Ruling on abstains from supplicating to Allah for the ruler

Muharram 16, 1442 AH / 04 Sep 2020

The Mu'min (believer) should pray Allah to grant all good for people and the ruler in particular, for his reform...

If we suppose that a certain group has a lawful excuse to rebel against a ruler

Muharram 16, 1442 AH / 04 Sep 2020

I informed you before that it is not permissible to rebel against the ruler, except under two conditions

Does giving the pledge of allegiance entail supplicating to Allah for those in authority?

Muharram 16, 1442 AH / 04 Sep 2020

One of the entailments of giving the pledge of allegiance is to advise the ruler. It is a part of...

Ruling on beliveing have the right to break the laws that have been made by the ruler

Muharram 16, 1442 AH / 04 Sep 2020

This is Batil (null and void) and Munkar. I have already said that it is not permissible to rebel against...

Jama'at-ul-Ahbash (the Habashis)

Muharram 16, 1442 / 04 Sep 2020

One of the most important characteristics by which those first generations were distinguished and by which they achieved a higher...

Response to a letter from Shaykh Abdul-Rahman ibn Abdul-Khaliq and weak Hadith that support the demonstrations

Muharram 16, 1442 / 04 Sep 2020

These acts are done out of displaying the rites of Islam and have nothing to do with demonstrations.

Comments on some books of Shaykh Abdul-Rahman ibn Abdul-Khaliq

Muharram 16, 1442 / 04 Sep 2020

Such a saying from you is false for scholars of Saudi Arabia know about all contemporary problems and they wrote...

Ruling on using the word 'Sayyid'

Muharram 16, 1442 / 04 Sep 2020

We often address each other using the word Sayyid (Master or Sir) for people whose ancestry can be traced to...

Ruling on knowledge seekers insult the Scholars

Muharram 16, 1442 AH / 04 Sep 2020

May Allah grant us and them guidance! It is obligatory upon the scholars to beware of Ghibah (backbiting) and Namimah...

Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid during Rabi' Al-Awwal in his honor

Muharram 16, 1442 AH / 04 Sep 2020

What is the ruling on celebrating the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday) in Rabi‘ Al-Awwal as a tribute to the Prophet...

Ruling on using hair medicines

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

If a person suffers hair loss and becomes bald, will it be permissible to use medication to generate hair growth?...

Treatment with rock hyrax dung

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

The dung of rock hyrax is used as a cure for many diseases and is sold by spice traders. Is...

Treating tooth problems

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Is pulling out natural teeth and replacing them with artificial ones considered an offence of trying to change the creation...

Treating the mentally retarded

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is not permissible to refuse to treat the mentally and physically retarded if the cure is possible, even if...

Treating enuresis

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

The guidance of the Prophet was to seek treatment and encourage the patient from among his family and Companions to...

Ruling on treatment with opium

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is not permissible to seek treatment through anything that Allah has prohibited, like opium, hashish, alcoholic drinks or any...

Ruling on treatment with narcotics

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Treatment is not allowed by means of unlawful matters, for the legal evidence that proves its prohibition.

Ruling on treating women's breasts

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

My wife is ill with breast atrophy. Even though the breasts were improving during the period of breastfeeding, they would...

Ruling on treating using snakes

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is impermissible to use snakes or the fat cooked with it in treatment. According to the preponderant view, eating...

Ruling on treatment with tiger fat

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

The impermissibility mentioned above applies to using the fat of these animals for medical treatment as well.

Ruling on treatment with sedatives and tranquilizers

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is not permissible to take medical treatment with the mentioned substances, or anything that is prohibited by Shariah.

Ruling on treatment with intoxicants

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

What is the ruling on drinking Khamr (intoxicants) in case of necessity, i.e. Being advised by the doctor to do...

Ruling on treating diabetes with a medicine extracted from pigs

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is Haram to use this type of insulin which is produced from pigs. This view is based on authentic...

Ruling on taking hypnotic drugs

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Yes, it is permissible to use a hypnotic drug when needed with a medical prescription from a specialist.

Ruling on mixing drugs with intoxicating alcohol

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is impermissible to mix drugs with intoxicating alcohol. However, if it is mixed with alcohol in small proportion that...

Ruling on medicines containing Khamr

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Using Dentinox is not permissible for it is authentically reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

Ruling on giving the father a medicine to quit smoking without his knowledge

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Smoking tobacco is Haram for it causes great harm and has no benefit at all. Whoever smokes should give it...

Ruling on drinking donkey's milk as treatment

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to seek treatment through drinking the milk of the domestic donkeys.

Ruling on drinking the blood of human beings as a treatment for rabies

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Seeking a cure by drinking the blood of any of these two tribes is not known to have a basis...

Ruling on cleaning with cologne and alcohol

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

There is no harm in using cologne with alcohol for medical purposes such as a disinfectant for injuries.

Ruling on bloodletting

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

This process should be handled by an expert in bloodletting to determine the case properly and choose the right spot...

Prohibited medicines

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

A Muslim is forbidden to make use of any harmful herb such as intoxicant herbs, as they affect the mind...

Prescribing a medicine containing alcohol

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

It is not permissible to mix medicines with intoxicant alcohol.

The Hadith: 'Whoever among you sees an evil'

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

What is the meaning of the Hadith reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him)...

Hadith: 'By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, if you did not sin'

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

what is the meaning of the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that says: 'If you had not...

The difference between Arab and non-Arab Christians

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Is there a difference between Arab Christians and non-Arab Christians?

The claim that Islam is based on morals and not Salah

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Some people say that Islam is not just to perform Salah or Prayer, but it is to be of good...

Ruling on disagreement between groups

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

If any conflict should occur, it will be necessary to refer it to the Qur'an and Sunnah to know the...

What are the fundamentals and principles of the Salafi Da'wah

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

The Salafi Da'wah is a da'wah to follow the footsteps of the Messenger, his Companions, and those who follow them...

The difference between 'Aqidah and Manhaj

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Accordingly, there is no difference between Aqidah and Manhaj; they refer to the same thing which all Muslims must observe...

Learning Arabic

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

What should I do to learn the Arabic Language and write it very well? Indeed, I did not have a...

Ruling on Muslims who cannot practice their rites publicly

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

It is impermissible to reside in a country where the Muslims are prevented from performing the Islamic rituals. If possible,...

Necessity of Hijrah for anyone who fears for his religion in his country

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

it is permissible for a Muslim to migrate from his homeland to another land where he feels secure about himself...

Hijrah from countries of Kufr, sorcery and charlatanism

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

If you are unable to immigrate, you should abandon all these sects. If this is difficult for you, then you...

Fleeing with religion from non-Muslim countries

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

My children can not read Arabic well as there is no Muslim in this city except me. I am very...

Conditions of Dar Al-Harb and Dar Al-Kufr

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

The countries whose rulers and those in power uphold the limits set by Allah in their judgments and rule their...

The meaning and conditions of Hijrah

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Hijrah means leaving a non-Muslim to a Muslim country, which is obligatory.

What is the ruling on having multiple Islamic groups?

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

You have to follow the path of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah to which the Prophet guided us when sects first started to...

Who are the Mutafayhiqun?

Muharram 14, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Who are the Mutafayhiqun? They are those given to ostentatious, braggart speech.

What is the way to attain Taqwa?

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Observing Taqwa entails obeying all that Allah has ordered and abstaining from all that He has forbidden. Thus, a Muslim...

The meaning of knowing Islam with evidence

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

Whoever responds to him, embraces Allah's Religion, obeys Allah's Commands, and avoids His Prohibitions will enter Paradise. Whoever rejects faith,...

Who are Ahl-ul-Qiblah?

Muharram 15, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

One of the principles of Ahlus-Sunnah is not to declare whether a person from Ahlul-Qiblah will enter Paradise or Hell....

Celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Celebrating the birth of the Prophet is Bid‘ah (innovation in religion). The Prophet did not celebrate his birthday, nor did...

Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Holding a celebration to commemorate the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is impermissible, and that was never...

The existence of Gog and Magog and attributing them to human beings

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

They are human beings from the children of Adam, the father of mankind. They are living on this earth in...

Will the Antichrist appear?

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Imam Al-Bukhari has a chapter in his Sahih Book of Hadith dedicated to References to Al-Masih- ad-Dajjal that includes ten...

Who is Imam Al-Mahdy?

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Al-Mahdy is a man from Ahlul-Bayt , who will appear before the descent of Jesus, peace be upon him, to...

Who are Gog and Magog and where are they?

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Ya'juj and Ma'juj are from Bani Adam or human beings, from the line of Yafith ibn Nuh. They live in...

Warning against the bad deeds of Fasiq persons is not tale-bearing

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Warning against Fasiqs or people flagrantly violating Islamic law and those who commit major sins is obligatory.

The trial of Al-Dajjal

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

It is authentically reported from the Prophet - peace be upon him - that Al-Masih Al-Dajjal will appear at the...

Will the dead feel the coming of Al-Dajjal?

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal will appear to those living only. Dead people will not be resurrected except on the Day of Judgment.

Some of the signs of the Hour

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

There are many Signs of the Hour, and some of them are included in the answer that the Prophet gave...

Scholars are obliged to enjoin good and forbid evil

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

The ruling on this varies according to the degree of availability of the scholars and their level of knowledge and...

Someone who mentions another's faults in his face

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

It is permissible if it is done gently and with the intention of giving advice so that such a person...

Ruling on someone committing some misdeeds such as trailing the garment, shaving the beard, backbiting and tale-bearing

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

This person is regarded as a disobedient Muslim who should be advised and instructed so that perhaps Allah will show...

The meaning of the existence of Dajjal and describing him as one-eyed

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Al-Masih Al-Dajjal or The Antichrist exists now and he is actually one-eyed, for the basic ruling states that the literal...

Muslim's attitude towards political parties

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

What is the attitude of Islam towards these parties, and towards Muslims who take part in them? Is their Islam...

Matters that need disapproval of evil

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Is it allowed to reprove a Muslim because he believes that pictures are permissible? What things are permissible to denounce?...

Authenticity of the Hadiths mentioning Al-Dajjal

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

There are Hadiths that are Sahih and Mutawatir about the appearance of Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal. His appearance is one of the Signs...

Gog and Magog

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Ya'juj and Ma'juj are two great nations from the descendents of Prophet Adam. At the end of time, they will...

Advising or complaining to the ruler from someone abandoning the congregational Salah

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Is it obligatory on me to complain to the Imam about someone who does not attend the congregational prayer or...

The coming out of Al-Mahdy

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

There are many Hadiths that indicate the emergence of Al-Mahdy. They were reported in many chains of transmission. A group...

Calling people to Allah with wisdom and fair preaching

Muharram 14, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

You have to call to Allah with wisdom, good admonition and arguing with people in the best manner. You should...

Calling Muslims who do not know Islam

Muharram 14, 1442 / 03 Sep 2020

They should be called to Islam with wisdom and fair preaching and be argued with in a way that is...

Authentic book that deals with the signs of the Day of Judgment and the battles

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

The most authentic books in this regard that come after the Qur'an are Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud,...


Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Al-Jassasah mentioned in the Hadith reported by Tamim Al-Dary is different from the creature which Allah will bring out from...

Advising sinners and disobedient people and one's attitude towards them

Muharram 14, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

A Muslim is obliged to enjoin right and forbid wrong with wisdom and good and wise argument.

Reports about the Awaited Al-Mahdy and the descending of 'Isa

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

As far as we know, there is no Sahih Hadith which specifies the time of his descent. The only piece...

Abdullah ibn Sayyad

Muharram 15, 1442 AH / 03 Sep 2020

Abdullah ibn Sayyad appeared in the lifetime of the Prophet, and some Sahabah thought he was Al-Dajjal.

Concerning the Hadith: 'You will fight against the Jews and you will gain victory over them.'

Muharram 13, 1442 / 01 Sep 2020

Is the Hadith that says: 'There will come a day when Muslims will gain victory over the Jews, and then...

The Hadith on splitting of this Ummah into seventy-three sects

Muharram 13, 1442 / 01 Sep 2020

The Hadith on This Ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of them will be in Hellfire except one.

Reason behind disagreement among Imams Malik, Ahmad and Al-Shafi'i

Muharram 13, 1442 AH / 01 Sep 2020

What are the causes of disagreement in legal opinions among Imams Malik, Al-Shafi'i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allah be...

Ruling on obedience to parents leads to committing sins

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Therefore, the girl should stick to wearing the Niqab, and try to convince her parents by explaining the legal ruling,...

Ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing Hijab

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Thus, she must not obey him in this regard, because her act of wearing Hijab is an act of obedience...

Revenue from endowed land

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Are the payments for having permission to hire Waqf or endowment included in its revenue or a part of the...

Ruling on borrowing from money dedicated as Waqf

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

If the reality is as you mentioned, meaning, that you returned the money you took for a good purpose and...

Is it permissible to bow to greet a Muslim or a non-Muslim?

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

It's not permissible to bow to greet a Muslim or a non-Muslim whether by the upper part of the body...

Meaning of the Qur'anic verse: '...and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess'

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

It is not permissible for the master of a male or female bondservant to treat them according to his desire...

The Hadith: 'You will have rulers some of whom you will approve of and some you will disapprove of'

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Your Eminence, is this Hadith Sahih (authentic)? We read it in Sahih Al-Jami' Al-Saghir Wa Zyadatih.

The Hadith: 'Every flesh that has grown up from unlawful earnings, Hellfire is most entitled to it'

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

The Hadith which is mentioned in the question generally applies to eating from unlawful sources. It is a threatening Hadith...

The Hadith: 'Before the Last Hour there will be Fitnahs like pieces of a dark night'

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

I want to ask about a Hadith which reads as follows: Al-Hasan Al-Basri (may Allah be merciful to him)

Ruling on believing in Al-Shadhiliyyah order

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

You should follow the way of truthful believers who believe in what Allah has revealed and His Messenger (peace be...

Ruling on taking money to break the law

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

The mentioned agreement is not permissible because it involves lying, forging, cheating authorities, and violation of regulations set for the...

Ruling on standing up as a way of honoring the national anthem

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to stand in honor of a national anthem or flag; this is a...

Ruling on shaving the beard and being unable to perform some Salahs during military service

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to indulge in something that entails all these forbidden acts or even some...

Ruling on lying to and deceiving the ruler

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

If that is the status quo (in your country), then you are not allowed to do that, because it involves...

No obedience in matters involving disobedience to Allah

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

A believer should abandon such sins, and follow the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace be...

Advice of Allah's Book [Part 2]

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Do not attack or betray anyone, whether poor or rich, and avoid Zhulm in transactions and in everything. Do not...

Ruling on medical insurance

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

The health insurance mentioned in your Fatwa request is one form of commercial insurance which is legally prohibited since it...

Ruling on Insurance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

All praise is due to Allah Alone and peace and blessings be upon the Last of the Prophets. To proceed:...

Ruling on health Insurance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Ruling on applying health insurance to company employees

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

A wife inheriting from the husband's Diyah as well as other property

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Ruling holding a funeral ceremony for the deceased

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Starting by distributing the inheritance or repaying the debt

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Repaying the debt of a deceased debtor to a deceased creditor

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Repaying the deceased's debt to the Real Estate Development Fund before fulfilling the will, unless one of the children repays it

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020


Repaying the deceased's debt in full before distributing the inheritance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Repaying the deceased's debt before distributing the inheritance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

The remaining amount of Mahr with the husband as a part of the wife's inheritance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Obligation of repaying the deceased's debt before the inheritance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Obligation of repaying the deceased's debt before distributing the shares of inheritors

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Impermissibility of paying Sadaqah from the inheritance without the heirs' permission

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

A husband's inheritance from his wife

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

A husband died after lending his wife some money without her repaying it

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Excluding the bedroom and the wife's property from the husband's inheritance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Everything the deceased has left as the sole right of heirs

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Distributing the inheritance after one of the heirs has traded in it and made profits

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Distributing the inheritance according to Shari'ah

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Answering misconception related to women's inheritance

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Impermissibility of building the Masjid from the shares of minors

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

When was Hajj made obligatory?

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

In which year, following the Hijrah (Prophet’s migration to Madinah), was Hajj made obligatory? What is the most...

Seeking husband's permission to perform obligatory Hajj

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

I am a married woman for forty years. I’ve been asking my husband to perform Hajj and he...

Ruling on Hajj

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Some people claim that there is no obligation to go to the holy lands to perform Hajj. They...

Repeating Hajj

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Is it preferable to perform Hajj every year for whoever wishes to do so and it is not...

Obligation of Hajj even in the company the followers of Bid'ah

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

We would like to inform you that many of our Sunni Muslim brothers who live on the Persian...

New revert entering the Sacred Precincts without changing his name

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’ has read what was sent by to the General Chairman by...

Merit of Hajj

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Are major sins forgiven by virtue of Hajj Mabrur (Hajj sincerely done, not mixed with any sin, and...

Importance of Makkah to Muslims

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

How important is Makkah to the Muslim world?

Ibrahim's proclamation to mankind to perform Hajj

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

Qestion: It is claimed that Allah (Exalted be He) ordered His Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to proclaim...

Hastening to fulfill religious obligations

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

May I delay performing Hajj for one or two years, although I can perform it this year, for...

Hajj performed by a person who committed an act of Kufr

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

After performing Hajj, a person committed Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage) and sometimes neglected Salah (Prayer). Later, this...

Hajj For Minors

Muharram 12, 1442 / 31 Aug 2020

If I want to take my son, who has not yet reached adolescence, with me to Hajj, should...

Biography of Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Hadi Al-Wadi'i

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

He is a great Yemeni Muhaddith, the caller of the Salafiyah Da'wah in Yemen, and was born between the late...

Biography of Shaykh 'Abdullah Ibn Mani'

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Shaykh Abdullah ibn Sulayman ibn Muhammad ibn Mani' from the tribe of Banu Zayd, whose lineage goes back to Qada'ah...

Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Ali Ferkuz

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

He is Shaykh Abu Abdul Mu'iz Ali Farkous Al-Qubi from Al-Qubah Al-Qadîmah in Algiers, where he was born on Thursday...

Biography of Shaykh Ibn Baz

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Shaykh Ibn Baz was born in 1330 A.H. in Dhul-Hijjah, in Riyadh. He enjoyed normal eyesight until his eyes were...

Stipulating the payment of usurious interests upon delay in repaying the financial card

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Is it permissible to deal with this card taking into account that a person can avoid dealing with Riba (usury/interest)...

Should illegitimate children be attributed to their known father?

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Ruling on bringing up a foundling

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Adopting and bringing up foundlings upon good manners and Islamic etiquette is a noble act.

Ruling on using Samba visa card

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Samba visa as described in the question is a new way of the ways of those who deal with Riba...

Ruling on using the silver and gold credit card

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

These gold or silver credit cards are usurious. It is not permissible to issue or to deal with such cards....

Ruling on attributing the Laqit to its adopter

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Ruling on adopting a foundling

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Bringing up the foundling and being benevolent toward him is a good deed for which you will be rewarded.

Illegitimate children should be attributed to their mother

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

His daughter left his house and then returned bearing an illegitimate male child

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

A company issued a card for employees to use when buying a commodity

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

If the matter is as you have mentioned, the extra amount which the company takes is a form of Riba...

A card that transfers the money from the buyer's account to the seller's immediately

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

We would like your Eminence to advise us regarding using Saudi Payments Network (SPAN). For example, a person buys items...

Borrower paying a certain amount of the loan when delaying repayment

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Some companies issue cards with a set loan that the borrower can present at any bank and receive the specified...

Basics of economy in Islam

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

The Islamic economy depends on Shar'i (Islamically lawful) trade through investing money in ways that Allah (Exalted be He) made...

After Li'an, should the child be attributed to his grandfather?

Muharram 12, 1442 AH / 31 Aug 2020

Weak Hadiths: 'Fitnah is asleep. May Allah the Curse of Allah be upon the one who wakes it up' and 'Stay away from verdure growing in manure'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'When my servant becomes forty years old, I will guard them against three afflictions'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'A time will come when most people have the faces of human beings and the hearts of wolves'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'There is no better man than 'Ali and no sword other than Dhu Al-Faqar'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'Rajab is the Month of Allah, Sha'ban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'My Sahabah are like stars; whomever you follow, you will be guided'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'Love Arabs for three reasons'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'Light covers the person who performs ablution'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'Learn witchcraft but do not practice it'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'I am the best person for the wicked people of my Ummah'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'Difference among my Ummah is a mercy'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'The best among you is the one whose first child is a girl'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Fabricated Hadith: 'Anyone who dies without knowing the Imam of his time will die the death of one belonging to Jahiliyyah'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

The Hadith: 'Much laughter kills the heart'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Research and verification show that the phrase that you have mentioned in the question reading: 'May Allah be merciful to...

The Hadith: 'Anything I command you to do, perform of it as much as you can; and anything I forbid you to do, abandon it'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Anything I command you to do, perform of it as much as you...

The Hadith: 'There is no obedience to a creature if it involves disobedience to the Creator'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Is the following Hadith considered Sahih (authentic): 'There is no obedience to a creature if it involves disobedience to the...

The Hadith: 'A strong believer is better than a weak believer'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

The Hadith refers to the strength of faith. A believer who has strong faith is far better than a believer...

The Hadith: 'When Allah wills good for His servant, He uses him'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

What is the meaning of the following Hadith: 'When Allah wills good for His servant, He uses him.'

The Hadith: 'Verily, Allah helps this religion even through a wicked person'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

What is the meaning of the following Hadith: 'Verily, Allah helps this religion (Islam) even through a wicked person.' What...

There is many a reciter of the Qur'an whom the Qur'an curses

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

I would like Your Eminence to explain the meaning of this honorable Hadith, as I conversed with a Muslim brother...

The Hadith: 'None of you will have faith until his desire is in accordance with what I have brought.'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Would you please explain the meaning of the following Hadith: 'None of you will have faith until his desire is...

Hadith: 'Fear Allah and fear those who fear Him'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

It is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: 'Fear Allah, and fear those who fear...

If some person finds a sum of money but none asks about it

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Found a watch in the street, took and wore it but later it broke down

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling taking any of the belongings left by the pilgrims after their leaving Makkah

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on some person found an amount of money that is inconsiderable in the eyes of common people

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling Picking up Luqatah

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on one when he was young he found a wallet in the street and gave it to his paternal cousin

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on together with his brothers they found a sum of money in the street and gave it to their father

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on a person found a wallet and spent the money

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on a person found a wallet and divided the money between him and his friend

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Luqatah found in Al-Haram

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Luqatah in Al-Haram is not to be picked up except by someone who will make a public announcement about it

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on if one found a sum and announced it, but he could not find its owner

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on a man found a collection of golden ornaments and sold them because he was ignorant of the ruling of Luqatah in Al-Haram

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

He found a brass statue of a bird and sold it

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Found a gold ring in the street and gave it to his mother who would ask people if anyone lost a ring

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

I found a sum of money somewhere and asked people there about it but it was not theirs

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on forgets something with a merchant and does not return to take it

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Ruling on denying the Hadiths of the Messenger (peace be upon him)

Muharram 11, 1442 / 30 Aug 2020

What do you say about the people who deny the Hadiths of the Messenger (peace be upon him)?...

claiming that some Hadiths contradict the Qur'an

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Who is meant by the reference 'Related by the Three or Five Compilers'

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Claiming there are Hadith Munkar related by Al-Bukhari

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

The basic rule concerning any commands of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is that they denote obligation

Muharram 11, 1442 AH / 30 Aug 2020

Do the books of Hadith explain the Qur'an?

Muharram 11, 1442 / 30 Aug 2020

The Sunnah explains the Qur'an. Anyone who denies the authority of the Sunnah is a kafir because they deny one...

Ruling on Zina especially where one is away from the spouse

Muharram 10, 1442 / 29 Aug 2020

A Muslim is prohibited to commit Zina, even if he is away from his wife for one or two years...

Ruling on paying the woman money to have intercourse

Muharram 10, 1442 / 29 Aug 2020

You should protect yourself and stay away from the avenues leading to Zina and hasten to get married if you...

Ruling on befriending women

Muharram 10, 1442 / 29 Aug 2020

Having a girlfriend is considered Zina, which is prohibited according to the Book of Allah, the Sunnah and the Ijma'...

Professing committing Zina

Muharram 10, 1442 / 29 Aug 2020

In our school, some students talk publicly about adultery and admit to having committed it. What should I do in...

Confusion in lineage as a reason behind prohibiting Zina

Muharram 10, 1442 / 29 Aug 2020

There are other reasons unknown to many people behind the prohibition of Zina and protecting lineage is only one of...

Salah of a menstruating woman

Muharram 10, 1442 / 29 Aug 2020

If a woman becomes purified from menstruation or postpartum bleeding before the end of the due time of any Salah,...

Tawbah to prevent the execution of the Hadd

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

If Hudud come to the knowledge of the ruler and are proven by sufficient evidence, they should be carried out...

Stoning versus lashing a previously married man committing Zina

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

It is impermissible to cut one's own hand to apply the Hadd of stealing or to kill oneself if there...

Responsible for Qisas

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

It is not permissible to resort to Qisas (just retaliation) unless the crime is legally confirmed through the legal court....

Punishment on the Day of Resurrection for someone to whom the Hadd has been administered

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Will a sinner who receives the Hadd (ordained punishment for violating Allah’s Law) in worldly life be punished on the...

Permissibility of the victim's guardian giving up the right of executing the Hadd

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

The guardian of the victim is not permitted to forgo, for executing the punishment is Allah's right, and the ruler...

Paying money instead of executing the Hadd

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

It is not permissible to substitute the Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Law) that Allah decreed with monetary fines;...

Forgiving the people of good qualities their slips

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

The Hadith means that it is desirable to forgive people of good qualities if they commit a small or trivial...

A family executing the Hadd of Zina if living in a country that does not apply Shari'ah

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

You are not entitled to execute the punishment; because execution of Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Law) against the...

Executing Hadd in the absence of the ruler

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Only a Muslim ruler or his deputy is entitled to execute the Hudud, so as to keep order, prevent transgression,...

Ruling on bestiality

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Having sex with animals is a bad deed, transgression to bounds set by Allah and contradicts the Fitrah (natural disposition)...

Ruling on swearing not to masturbate but returning to it

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Ruling on masturbation

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Ruling on masturbation for medical purposes

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Ruling on cursing the masturbator

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Ruling on missing the Fajr prayer due to practicing masturbation

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Ruling on masturbation to prove the need to marry

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Ruling on masturbation during Ramadan

Muharram 10, 1442 / 29 Aug 2020

Masturbation is prohibited, as it involves drawing sexual pleasure in a way that Allah has made unlawful.

Ruling on masturbation by means of pressing the prostate area

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Is having a wet dream similar to masturbation?

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Comparison between masturbation and looking at women

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

The Ayahs that state the prohibited immoral sexual practices

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Administering the Hadd to the masturbator

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Ruling on a wife practicing Qadhf with her husband

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

The Hadd (ordained punishment for violating Allah’s Law) of Qadhf (falsely accusing a chaste person of involvement in prohibited sexual...

Qadhf of the wife

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

This word is one of the clear words of Qadhf (falsely accusing a chaste person of involvement in prohibited sexual...

Ruling on following Malik in religious rulings as he derived them

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Imam Malik is one of the Imams in religious knowledge, but at the same time he is a human who...

Ruling on acting in accordance with Imam Malik's School of Jurisprudence

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

People differ in preparedness, knowledge, reasoning, and background; some are intelligent and others are simple, some are well educated and...

Lesbianism and its Hadd

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Lesbianism stands for homosexuality between females. It is forbidden and those who commit it have to be punished with Ta'zir...

Suing the one who does Qadhf

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Accusing a Muslim by another Muslim brother is not permissible and it is one of the major sins which necessitate...

Ruling on sodomy and the effect on illegitimate children

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Sodomy is one of the major sins, whether it is committed with a boy or an adult, and whether it...

Ruling on lesbianism

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Lesbianism is Haram (prohibited), and is a major sin because it is an act that contradicts the Ayahs (Qur'anic verses)...

Ruling on intending to commit sodomy

Muharram 10, 1442 AH / 29 Aug 2020

Thank Allah for protecting you against the crime of sodomy. Seek Allah's forgiveness and do many good deeds.

Ruling on wearing something bearing a cross while praying

Muharram 9, 1442 / 28 Aug 2020

It is not permissible to wear a watch that has a cross on it, be it in Salah or otherwise....

Should all the Salahs prayed after a forgotten Salah be repeated when this Salah is remembered?

Muharram 9, 1442 / 28 Aug 2020

That person should offer Fajr Prayer only, and they do not have to repeat all the mentioned Salahs, as they...

Salah of a person who drinks intoxicants

Muharram 9, 1442 / 28 Aug 2020

If a person offers Salah with all its obligatory acts and fulfills its conditions, it is considered valid. They will...

Obligation of Salah on a Mukallaf

Muharram 9, 1442 / 28 Aug 2020

Salah is obligatory upon every Mukallaf either man or woman, five times a day.

Making up for missed Salah due to unconsciousness or sickness

Muharram 9, 1442 / 28 Aug 2020

If he was conscious during the period when he abandoned Salah, he should make up for the missed Salahs according...

Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons

Muharram 9, 1442 / 28 Aug 2020

The Salah you miss due to sleep or forgetfulness should be offered the moment you wake up or the moment...

Exhorting children to pray

Muharram 9, 1442 AH / 28 Aug 2020

When a child reaches the age of seven, the guardian should command them to perform Salah in order to get...

Ruling on deliberate abandoning or delaying of Salah after its prescribed time

Muharram 9, 1442 AH / 28 Aug 2020

If she is as what you have mentioned, she is an apostate. By doing this, she is causing great harm...

Clothing for women during Salah

Muharram 9, 1442 AH / 28 Aug 2020

Prophet Ibrahim's (Abraham, peace be upon him) rescue from his enemies

Muharram 9, 1442 AH / 28 Aug 2020

On raising up of Jesus and his being created without a father and the reason behind the permissibility of Jihad

Muharram 9, 1442 AH / 28 Aug 2020

Jesus was no more than a Messenger of Allah

Muharram 9, 1442 / 28 Aug 2020

Surely, in disbelief are they who say that Allâh is the Messiah, son of Mary.

The descent of Jesus before the end of time as a prophet and messenger is one of the major signs of the Hour

Muharram 9, 1442 AH / 28 Aug 2020

Covering the Awrah

Muharram 9, 1442 AH / 28 Aug 2020

According to the consensus of Muslim scholars, covering the Awrah is Wajib (obligatory).

The translation of the Qur’an by Muhammad Asad contains fatal errors and flagrant false beliefs

Muharram 8, 1442 / 27 Aug 2020

The translation by Muhammad Asad contains fatal errors and flagrant false beliefs. As a result, the Constitutional Council of the...

The life of Jesus, his descent, destroying the cross, killing pigs and calling to the truth

Muharram 8, 1442 / 27 Aug 2020

Proofs from the Qur'an and the Sunnah confirm that 'Isa (peace be upon him) was not murdered or crucified, and...

Sufi belief in Al-Khadir

Muharram 8, 1442 / 27 Aug 2020

As far as we know, there is no evidence affirming that Al-Khadir is an exception. Therefore, we should accept this...

The status of Prophet 'Isa according to the Qur'an and Sunnah

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

Singling out 'Isa for being raised to the heavens

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

Ruling on making distinctions between the prophets and deeming one of them to be superior to others

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

The reason behind calling Jesus (peace be upon him) as Al-Masih

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

The prophet sent before Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him) was not killed or crucified

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

Is Al-Khadir (peace be upon him) still alive?

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

The descent of Jesus before the end of the time

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

A decisive statement about the life or death of Jesus and where he is now

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020


Ruling on claiming that Maryam (Mary) the daughter of 'Imran got married after giving birth to Isa (Jesus, peace be upon him)

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

Ruling on claiming that Al-Khadir takes care of people in rivers and deserts

Muharram 8, 1442 / 27 Aug 2020

Is Al-Khadir a guardian of the rivers and deserts and does he help those who get lost if they call...

The bodies of messengers are still intact and do not decay after death

Muharram 8, 1442 / 27 Aug 2020

You should be aware of the fact that Jesus the son of Mary did not die, rather he was raised...

The gospels' glad tidings of sending Muhammad and Allah's showing the lies of the Christians and Jews

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

Is Al-Khadir a prophet or a righteous man?

Muharram 8, 1442 AH / 27 Aug 2020

Working according to Ahad Hadith in matters of creed and Muslims' creed about Jesus

Muharram 8, 1442 / 27 Aug 2020

According to the creed of the Salaf whom the Prophet described as the best generation, Jesus was not killed or...

The wisdom behind sending Messengers over sporadic periods

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

What is the wisdom behind sending the prophets and messengers over sporadic periods of time? Why were they not sent...

Was there any messenger before Noah?

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

Prophet Nuh was the first messenger sent to the people on earth after Adam. This is based on the long...

The Jews killing prophets

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

Allah explicitly states in the Qur'an that the Jews killed the prophets unjustly.

Was Ishmael buried in Al-Hatim?

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

The claim that Ishmael (peace be upon him) was buried in Al-Hatim is not true and an unreliable statement.

Ruling on believing that Jesus has a father

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

They are either accusing Maryam of Zina, as the Jews did, or claiming that Jesus is the son of Allah,...

Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

Yusuf, peace be upon him, and his brothers are the sons of Ya'qub (Jacob, also known as Israel, peace be...

The name of Abraham's father

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

Azar is a Persian name of the father of Abraham, peace be upon him, according to the most authentic scholars'...

People's need for Allah's Messengers

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

Indeed, humankind are in dire need for the messengers, as human beings minds differ greatly in reason. Moreover, they are...

On the Jews and Christians concerning the crucifixion of Jesus

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

Whoever claims that Jesus was crucified or killed is a Kafir as he will be opposing the explicit texts of...

Number of prophets and messengers

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

No one knows their number except Allah. Those who are known are those who are mentioned in the Qur'an or...

On movie entitled A Man from Babel about the life story of Prophet Abraham

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

It is not permissible to act the messengers and the prophets, which will be necessary to film their stories.

Is Adam a prophet or a messenger?

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

The first messenger to be sent was Noah as was mentioned in the Hadith of the intercession reported in the...

Ruling on denies Abraham was thrown in the fire

Muharram 7, 1442 / 26 Aug 2020

Anyone who denies that Abraham was thrown into the fire is a disbeliever as they belie the Qur'an and the...

The difference between Major Shirk and Minor Shirk

Muharram 7, 1442 AH / 26 Aug 2020

Tafsir Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 258

Muharram 6, 1442 AH / 25 Aug 2020

This Ayah (Qur'anic verse) is very clear to whoever contemplates it. Ibrahim, Khalil Al-Rahman (the close friend of Allah), was...

Revelation of Hadith

Muharram 6, 1442 AH / 25 Aug 2020

As for the Hadith, Allah (Exalted be He) revealed them to the Prophet (peace be upon him) through Jibril. At...

Deceitful acts of dervishes

Muharram 6, 1442 / 25 Aug 2020

These people are liars and imposters and their acts have no origin in Shari'ah (Islamic law). They use certain techniques...

Obedience to the ruler

Muharram 6, 1442 AH / 25 Aug 2020

This ruling is general and its meaning is qualified by other Hadiths from the Sunnah, as both the Quran and...

Warning against seeking Fatwa from ignorant people and those who follow false doctrines

Muharram 6, 1442 / 25 Aug 2020

Lacking beneficial knowledge, their ultimate concern is to be at enmity with Islam and its followers. They seek to confuse...

The importance of Fiqh

Muharram 6, 1442 / 25 Aug 2020

Scholars are the heirs of the prophets and the prophets left no Dinar or Dirham, but they left knowledge and...

Categories of Tawhid

Muharram 06, 1442 / 25 Aug 2020

Tawhid is the essence of religion and the basis of the revelations of all Messengers, peace be upon them.

Advice of Allah's Book [Part 1]

Muharram 06, 1442 / 25 Aug 2020

Truly, the Qur'an contains guidance and light. It is the strong Rope and Right Path of Allah. It is the...

Tawhid comes first

Muharram 6, 1442 AH / 25 Aug 2020

Ruling on reciting Quran over the dead

Muharram 6, 1442 / 25 Aug 2020

Reciting the Quran over or for the sake of the dead is bidah and taking rewards for that is impermissible,...

Bidahs committed in funerals

Muharram 6, 1442 / 25 Aug 2020

Such traditions are baseless in the purified Shariah. Rather, they are bid'ahs related to Jahiliyyah.

The Anti-Christ

Muharram 6, 1442 AH / 25 Aug 2020

Al-Dajjal claims and makes things through which he confuses people. He is called Al-Dajjal due to his telling many lies...

The principle of Al-Wala' wal-Bara'

Muharram 5, 1442 / 24 Aug 2020

Al-Wala' wal-Bara' is to love and be loyal to the believers and to hate the disbelievers and their faith. Hostility...

Tafsir Surah Yusuf Ayat 106

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

Scholars like Ibn 'Abbas and others explained that this Ayah means that whenever asked who created the heavens and the...

Tafsir Surah Al-Qalam Ayat 42

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) explained this Ayah (Qur'anic verse) saying that Allah (Glorified be He) will...

Tafsir Surah Maryam Ayat 71

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

This phrase means passing over (the Sirat) as it was proved by authentic Hadith reported from the Prophet (peace be...

Tafsir Surah Al-Furqan Ayat 68-69

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

These great Ayahs warn against Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship), Qatl (murder), and Zina (sexual...

Tafsir Surah Fatir Ayat 28

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

This lofty Ayah indicates that those who possess knowledge about Allah, His Din (Religion), His Glorious Book, and the Sunnah...

Tafsir Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 256

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

Allah (Exalted be He) says, 'There is no compulsion in religion.' [al-Baqarah: 256] Is this Ayah confined in application to...

Tafsir Surah Al-Nisa Ayat 145

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

The hypocrites are those who make a false pretense of Islam, whereas they are hiding otherwise. They claim to be...

Some Sufi shaykhs pay a great deal of attention to making domes on graves and people believe in its usefulness and blessings

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

Sitting on graves is not permissible as it is desecration of the graves. Therefore, it is not permissible to urinate...

How to cure hardheartedness

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

Reasons for many young people deviating from the Din (Religion)

Muharram 5, 1442 AH / 24 Aug 2020

Shaykh Ibn Baz on Islamic unity, Sufi groups, spread of Bid'ahs and misguidance, and the duties of Ahl-us-Sunnah towards them

Muharram 4, 1442 / 23 Aug 2020

It is an obligation for Muslim scholars everywhere to advise the Muslims and exert efforts in guiding them to the...

Ruling on the call to rapprochement between religions

Muharram 4, 1442 AH / 23 Aug 2020

Some practices done upon burial

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

All the practices referred to in the question mentioned above are newly-invented bid'ahs, except for the practice of offering condolences...

Ruling on the family of the deceased serving food for people and holding ceremonies on certain days

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

It is islamically permissible to serve sufficient food for the deceased's family to satisfy their need, since they will be...

Ruling on seeking help from the Messenger when digging the grave

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

Calling upon the Messenger when digging a grave through repeating the word Muhammad, Muhammad, is not permissible, as it is...

Ruling on offering condolences to the deceased's family to say: may rest be in your life

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

Is it permissible to say to the family of the deceased May the rest be in your life? What is...

Ruling on gathering for offering condolences

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

A person is rewarded when offering condolences because he or she is soothing the pain and sorrow of the bereaved...

On a habit dated to occur twenty, thirty or forty days after the time of death

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

We have a custom that whenever any distress like an accident or death befalls a person or any of his...

When there is a funeral, lines of lamps are hung, chairs are brought and reciters of the Qur'an are hired to recite the Qur'an

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

As for the other practices such as holding funeral ceremony, hanging lines of lamps, brining chairs, hiring reciters of the...

Ruling on following the funeral of a Kafir and attending his burial

Muharram 3, 1442 / 22 Aug 2020

I live in a rural area where there are Muslims and Christians. Whenever a Muslim dies, the Christians...

Ruling on seeking the help of Kafirs in fighting other Kafirs

Muharram 1, 1442 / 20 Aug 2020

According to consensus of scholars, it is permissible to seek the help of the hypocrites for the Prophet, peace be...

Nullifiers of Islam

Dhul-Hijjah 27, 1441 / 17 Aug 2020

A Muslim should know that Allah has made it obligatory for all mankind to embrace Islam, firmly abide by it...

What should a woman do when she has her monthly period and she is unable to offer Salah

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1441 / 14 Aug 2020

A woman is exempted from offering Salah during her menstrual period. In fact it is prohibited for her to offer...

Muslim world has corrupt in Aqidah

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1441 / 14 Aug 2020

It becomes evident through messages sent to this program that our Muslim world is full of many things that contradict...

The dome on the grave of the Prophet is no pretext

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1441 / 14 Aug 2020

They say that Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab removed all the domes, with the exception of that dome; namely, the dome of...

Scale models of the two Sacred Mosques

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1441 / 14 Aug 2020

It is not permissible to make scale models for Al-Haramayn Al-Sharifayn as they may contain pictures of the people in...

Ruling on building domes over graves

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1441 / 14 Aug 2020

It is impermissible to make such a Qiyas or analogy to conclude the permissibility of building domes on the graves...

Difference between the words Nasrani and Masihi

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 AH / 13 Aug 2020

The word Masihi is an ascription to Al-Masih ibn Maryam (Jesus Christ, son of Mary, peace be upon him). People...

Ruling on offering Salah behind a man who opposes Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah such as Al-Ash'ari and the like

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 AH / 13 Aug 2020

Is it permissible to offer Salah behind a man believing in a doctrine different from Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah such as...

Committing major sins affects one's faith

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 / 13 Aug 2020

Yes, this has a great effect on one's faith. Committing the grave sins such as Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage),...

Meaning of Shirk

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 AH / 13 Aug 2020

Shirk is defined as associating others with Allah in worship, such as invoking, seeking relief, making vows, offering prayers, fasting,...

Ruling on writing on graves

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 / 13 Aug 2020

It is not permissible to inscribe Qur'anic Ayahs or any thing else on graves.

Ruling on holding funeral ceremonies

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 / 13 Aug 2020

Your practice is not in accordance with the Sunnah and we do not know of any basis for it in...

Ruling on cutting down harmful trees at graves

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 / 13 Aug 2020

They should be cut down because they harm the people who come to visit the graves. Similarly, any thorny plants...

Is a tree growing on a grave a sign of anything?

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 / 13 Aug 2020

This is a groundless belief. Trees or herbs growing on graves are no sign of the righteousness of their occupants;...

How to call those who are influenced by certain cultures to Islam

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 AH / 13 Aug 2020

The caller to Islam must explain to them the defects and bid'ahs in the schools which they have been influenced...

Disapproving evil done by relatives

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1441 / 13 Aug 2020

She should forbid the wrong gently in an amiable way using kind words. Perhaps, the wrongdoer is ignorant or savage...

Ruling on Simaniyyah Tariqah (Sufi order)

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1441 / 12 Aug 2020

Here in Sudan, we have a shaykh who has many followers who compete in serving and obeying him. They travel...

Ruling on listening to songs

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1441 / 12 Aug 2020

I advise Muslim men and women to abstain from listening to songs, for they lead to great dangers. Nowadays, songs...

Does committing sins obliterate the blessing?

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1441 AH / 12 Aug 2020

Undoubtedly, committing sins is one of the causes of Allah’s Wrath, loss of blessings, withholding of rain and being overtaken...

Ruling on saying Sadaqallah Al-Adhim when finishing reading the Qur'an

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1441 AH / 12 Aug 2020

People’s custom of saying 'Sadaqallah-ul-Adhim' when finishing a session of recitation is a baseless act that should not be taken...

Ruling on offering sacrifices at the shrines and supplicating to their inhabitants

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1441 / 12 Aug 2020

It is well-known through the Qur’an and the Sunnah that offering sacrifices to get close to other than Allah, whether...

Wahhabiyah and Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab

Dhul-Hijjah 20, 1441 / 10 Aug 2020

Some people told me that there is a thing called Wahhabiyyah, but I explained to them that there is no...

Issue On Visiting Graveyards

Dhul-Hijjah 20, 1441 / 10 Aug 2020

Common people from among the Sufis attend the celebration of the Prophet's birth, believing that these celebrations constitute (true) Islam....

What is Wahhabiyah

Dhul-Hijjah 19, 1441 / 09 Aug 2020

Wahhabism is the term which the enemies of Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab gave to his call to purify Tawhid from...

Some people accuse Your Eminence of being a religious bigot and the country of being Wahabi

Dhul-Hijjah 19, 1441 / 09 Aug 2020

The ignorant people and the enemies of Allah accused the prophets and the Salaf (righteous predecessors) of more than this....

Is it true that the followers of Imam Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab seized the Arabian Peninsula and reached Madinah

Dhul-Hijjah 19, 1441 / 09 Aug 2020

This claim is groundless. In fact, it is a lie and a way of hindering others from the truth. Rather,...

People of Bid'ah are not of Al-Firqah Al-Najiyah

Dhul-Hijjah 19, 1441 / 09 Aug 2020

The triumphant group is Ahl-ul-Sunnah waI-Jama'ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream). They are the followers of the...

Woman's Hijab color

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

A Muslim woman does not have to dress in black. It is permissible for her to wear any color she...

Wearing black clothes

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is not obligatory for women to dress in black; they can wear any other color that is typical of...

Ruling on wearing a brassiere

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

Wearing a brassiere defines women's breasts and makes them a source of temptation, and as such, they are not permitted...

Ruling on wearing sheer clothes

Dhull-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is not permissible for women to wear sheer clothes. Whoever does this is considered to be of those women...

Ruling on a woman wearing tight clothes

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is not permissible for a woman to appear before non-Mahrams or go out into the streets and markets wearing...

Ruling on a Women uncovering their hands in the presence of non-Mahrams

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

The palms of a woman's hands are awrah, which may not be uncovered in the presence of non-Mahrams men.

Ruling on a woman removing hair from her body

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

The evidence is that permissibility is the basic ruling. Besides, a woman has to beautify herself for her husband and...

Ruling on a woman who cover her head and uncover her face

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is ordained for a woman to wear clothes that conceal her whole body, including her face and hands.

Ruling on wearing tight shirts

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

You should order the women of your household to dress in the islamically lawful way; do not pay attention to...

Ruling on wearing skirt's opening

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is prohibited to wear clothes with drawings of beings with souls. This is based on the general prohibition on...

Ruling on wearing scarf that covers the head partially leaving some hair uncovered

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is not sufficient to partially cover her head with a scarf, leaving some hair uncovered, in the presence of...

Ruling on wearing ornamented clothes at weddings

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

If the matter is exactly as what is mentioned in the question, it is permissible for women attending weddings to...

Ruling on trimming eyebrows

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is not permissible for women to remove anything from eyebrows whether by trimming, cutting, or shaving.

Ruling on trimming eyebrows and the hair in between

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is not permissible to trim eyebrows, because this is removing hair from the face or eyebrows. The Prophet cursed...

Ruling on those who believes that wearing black clothes will be in Hellfire forever

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

This claim is speaking in the Name of Allah without knowledge and ruling according to one's own desires.

Ruling on parting hair on side

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

These women would not enter Paradise nor perceive its odor, even though its odor can be perceived at such and...

Ruling on a man paying no attention to his women's clothes

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is not permissible for a woman to curse her children in her husband's house or in any other place....

Ruling on using artificial nails, eye lashes, and colored contact lenses

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is impermissible to wear artificial nails, false eyelashes and colored contact lenses, because they are harmful to the body,...

Ruling on men neglecting their Mahrams

Dhul-Hijjah 14, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

What is your opinion of a man who does not order his female household to cover themselves in front of...

Wahhabism is based on fulfilling the testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and shunning Bid’ahs and superstitions

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

Wahhabism is based on fulfilling the testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and shunning Bid’ahs and superstitions as...

The Da'wah of Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab is the true Islamic Da'wah

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

In fact, the call of Imam Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab is the true Islamic call of the Messenger of Allah, the...

By the Mercy of Allah and His Benevolence the rulers of this country apply Shari'ah

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

By Allah's Mercy and Benevolence, the rulers of this country were guided since the time of Imam Muhammad ibn Sa'ud...

Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

Shaykh Ibn al-Uthaymeen was born in the city of Unayzah, Qasim Region, Saudi Arabia, on 27th Ramadhan 1347H in a...

Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Hadi Al-Madkhali

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

Graduated from Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University in 1408 AH and got his Masters in 1414 AH and doctorate with...

Biography of Shaykh Ahmad Yahya An-Najmi

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

The Shaikh was born in the village of Najamiyyah on the 22nd of Shawal of 1346H, and was raised in...

Biography of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin Al-Abbad

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

He is the great scholar and Muhaddith, Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin bin Hamad bin ‘Abdil-Muhsin bin ‘Abdillah Al-‘Abbad Ali Badr.

How to know the Bid'ah and its divisions

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

A Bid'ah is what people introduce into Allah's Purified Shar'i (Law) and contradicts it In other words all that people...

The duty of guiding people to the reality of Tawhid and Shirk

Dhul-Hijjah 18, 1441 / 08 Aug 2020

It is obligatory that the scholars guide people to the reality of Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah/monotheism) and...

Ruling on Khalwatiyyah Tariqah

Dhul-Hijjah 17, 1441 / 07 Aug 2020

Yes, all the Sufi orders are innovations in the religion. However, some actions of these ways might match with the...

Ruling on excusing grave worshippers

Dhul-Hijjah 17, 1441 / 07 Aug 2020

Are those who worship graves excused because of their ignorance, even though among them are people calling to Tawhid (belief...

Clarifying the Da'wah of the Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

He made Da'wah to Tawhid, obeying His commands, abstaining from what is forbidden, following the Qur'an and sunnah, and abandoning...

Accused of being a Wahhabi for Da'wah to Tawhid, Abandoning Shirk and Bid'ah

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

There is a group of people, if we perform Da'wah to them, call them to Allah advise them to abandon...

A brief of the Salafi Da'wah and the life of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

I would like to have an idea about the Da'wah Salafiyyah, i.e. based on the approach of the Salaf or...

Ruling on sufis who stab themselves with daggers and knives and other tools

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

These people are liars and impostors whose acts have no evidence at all. Rather, they are liars who use things...

On false statement: 'Anyone who does not have a shaykh, his shaykh will be the devil'

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

The only path that must be adopted is that of the Prophet (peace be upon him). It is the way...

Who are the Sufis?

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

Sufis are groups of people who are known for their innovating methods of worship that are not ordained by Allah...

Ruling on Rifaiyyah Tariqah Sufi order

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

These Sufi orders are all null and void. All these orders are mere cults and lies. In fact, such people...

Ruling on carrying flags for Awliya

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

During festivals some people carry colorful flags bearing some Ayahs (Qur'anic verses) and expressions; for example, the magnate, great reliever...

Statement on the sect of Asha'irah

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

Is the sect of Asha'irah (a Muslim group that bases its creedal issues on logic) part of Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah (adherents...

Revealing the misguidance of the Sufi scholar Ibn 'Arabi

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

Sufism has different branches, and its followers are, mostly, Mubtadi's. They have invocations and acts of worship that have no...

Exposing Sufi orders

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

Sufi orders are newly-invented ways in Islam, which fall under Bid'ah (innovation in religion) whose seriousness varies from group to...

Clarifying the Da'wah of the Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab

Dhul-Hijjah 16, 1441 / 06 Aug 2020

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab is of the scholars of Sunnah and the scholars of the people of truth. His Da'wah...

Wahhabism, what is it?

Dhul-Hijjah 13, 1441 / 03 Aug 2020

Wahhabism is a word used by the enemies of Salafiyyah. They use it to describe those who followed Imam Muhammad...

Ruling on calling oneself Athari

Dhul-Hijjah 13, 1441 / 03 Aug 2020

I think there is nothing wrong in calling someone as Athari if it is true. If someone accepts the Prophetic...

The Magi of the Muslim Ummah are Al-Qadariyyah

Dhul-Hijjah 13, 1441 / 02 Aug 2020

The Magi of the Muslim Ummah are Al-Qadariyyah who denied Predestination and went astray in this regard, saying that matters...

The meaning of 'La ilaha illa Allah'

Dhul-Hijjah 12, 1441 / 02 Aug 2020

This indicates that the Mushriks understood that the meaning of 'La ilaha illa Allah' superseded their deities and necessitated dedicating...

The ruling on Al-Ikhwan-ul-Muslimun (the Muslim Brotherhood) group

Dhul-Hijjah 11, 1441 / 31 Jul 2020

The method which should be followed is the Qur'an and the Sunnah. A person should seek the help of Allah...

Ruling on writing fiction

Dhul-Hijjah 11, 1441 AH / 31 Jul 2020

It is Haram (prohibited) for a person to write such false stories. The stories mentioned the Qur'an, the Sunnah and...

The Shari'ah's stance regarding searching for Scholars faults

Dhul-Hijjah 11, 1441 AH / 31 Jul 2020

In fact, the aim of doing so is clarifying the truth and advising Muslims, not belittling such great personalities as...

Manufacturing crosses is not permissible

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to have crosses in mosques, houses or educational buildings like schools, institutes and so on.

Tawassul through the entities, honor, or right of creatures

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

Beseeching in the name of a person, virtue, status or right of creatures, whether they are prophets or righteous people...

Rule on tawassul through the Qur'an and certain days

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

It is permissible to make Tawassul by the Qur’an, because it is the Speech of Allah in word and meaning,...

Rule on tawassul through the blessing of the Qur'an or some creatures

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

What is the ruling on a person who speaks words like, in the name of or by the blessing of...

Rule on rawassul through the Messenger and Awliya

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

A dispute arose between a person and me. This person has memorized the Qur'an and has already performed Hajj to...

Tawassul through creatures

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

Thus, whoever claims that Allah is not above or below us or to our right or left has contradicted the...

Rule on invoking the Prophet’s honor or parents pleasure upon rising from one's seat

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

Scholars say that whoever utters such words is a Mushrik, because he is placing an intermediary between Allah and himself....

Ruling on believing in Awliya’ as a means of healing from illnesses and holding annual Mawlids for them

Dhu al-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

What are the rulings on the following: Using the pious people as a means of healing from illnesses, visiting graves,...

Ruling on reading a book that includes Tawassul through the Prophet and asking for his intercession

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

What is the ruling on reading the book entitled Dala’il Al-Khayrat by Imam Muhammad ibn Sulayman Al-Jazuly which contains daily...

Ruling on reading Bible

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

The Divine Books revealed before the Qur'an now include many distortions, alterations, and omissions, as Allah says in the Qur'an....

Ruling on ascribing a person to Judaism or Christianity

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

A person becomes a Jew if they believe in the beliefs of the Jews and act upon them. Likewise, they...

Islam's attitude towards the People of the Book

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

The origin of the doctrines with which prophets and messengers were sent is one. Allah revealed scriptures that contained these...

Evidence on the invalidity of the Christian creed

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

Christianity was distorted and beliefs of Shirk invaded it, such as believing that Jesus Christ is Allah's Son, Allah Himself,...

Deeming Jews and Christians, who do not believe in Muhammad, to be disbelievers

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

What is the ruling of Islam on the Jews and the Christians, for example, to whom the message of Prophet...

The distortion that Christianity underwent is confirmed

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

The Christians have distorted Christianity from the original religion revealed to their prophet, Jesus, peace be upon him. The evidence...

The Four Juristic Schools and their authenticity

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

These Four Madhabs are well-known schools which have spread during the second century and the later centuries.

The Gospel of today is not the same that Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) sent down

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

The Injil (Gospel) of today is not the same that Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) sent down. Many distortions,...

The most important books in Aqidah (Creed)

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

The most important book in 'Aqidah is the Qur'an; it is the most truthful, the greatest and the noblest book....

Ruling on book entitled: 'Al-Mustatraf'

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

The book entitled 'Al-Mustatraf' includes good and bad information. Therefore, one should not rely on it either regarding knowledge or...

Ruling on the book entitled: 'Biography of Master Shaykh Ubayd Al-Sharif'

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 AH / 29 Jul 2020

It is impermissible to publish, print, obtain or promote this book (Al-Ta'rif bil-Shaykh Sayyidi by Al-Hadi Bashawat) as it calls...

Seeking the help of the dead or the absent is major Shirk

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

Yes, seeking help from someone who is dead or absent is considered an act of major Shirk and doing so...

Ruling on supplicating to the Awliya to ward off evil and pretending to know the Ghayb

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

Making Du'a to others instead of Allah such as pious people to remove harm, cure the sick, or secure a...

Do Awliya’ have authority over anyone?

Dhul-Hijjah 8, 1441 / 29 Jul 2020

Awliya’ have no authority over anyone; whatever Allah has given them is merely the ordinary means given to all other...

Impermissibility for Muslims to celebrating the millennium or other occasions of Non-Muslims

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for Muslims who believe in Allah and the Last Day to express their interest in celebrating...

The etiquette the Messenger followed when visiting graves

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

The dead people should not be asked or sought as intercessors as this is one of the avenues that lead...

Ruling on tawassul through prophets and Awliya

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

What is the Islamic ruling on supplicating to Allah through a means through prophets and pious people?

Tawassul through the Awliya'

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Is it permissible for a Muslim to make Tawassul by virtue of the status of the prophets and the righteous...

Tawassul to Allah by the honor, sanctity or blessings of the Prophet or another person

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 144 / 28 Jul 2020

The Prophet, peace be upon him, forbade people from taking graves as places for worship, fearing that people might worship...

Ruling on visiting the graves to supplicate to the dead or ask for their help or intercession

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

People should not visit graves to supplicate to the dead or ask for their help or intercession, as this is...

Ruling on the Wirds of Al-Tijaniyyah, Al-Qadiriyyah and others

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

It is better for Muslims to take Wird for themselves from the Qur'an and remember Allah with Dhikr reported from...

Ruling on the recitation of Al-Tijaniyyah and Al-Qadiriyyah and praying behind their followers

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to supplicate to Allah through these utterances, offer Salah behind people who worship Allah through them,...

Ruling on reading the virtues of Shaykh Abdul-Qadir

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Love of the Awliya' of Allah and honoring a guest are among the most outstanding virtues of Shari'ah and exhorted...

Ruling on Masjid controlled by Al-Tijaniyyah followers

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Refuting the superstitions and Bid'ah of the Tijanys is an obligation on the knowledgeable people of Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah (those...

Ruling on the Imamate of a follower of Al-Tijaniyyah tariqah (sufi order) and praying behind them

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Al-Tijaniyyah Order is one of the worst sects in terms of deviation and misguidance and propagation of Bid'ahs (innovations in...

Exaggeration of the Qadiriyyah order

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

The poem that was sent by the questioner shows that the one who wrote it was ignorant, as the things...

Ruling on Naqshabandiyyah Order

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

You should devote your attention to the Qur'an, reciting it regularly and contemplating its meanings, as the Qur'an is the...

Al-Tijaniyyah is one of the most disbelieving and misguided tariqahs (sufi orders)

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 AH / 28 Jul 2020

As for the claim of some Sufis that they see the Prophet (peace be upon him) while they are awake,...

Ruling on Al-Mahdiyyah Tariqah (Sufi order)

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

The claim that this man is Al-Mahdy and that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to walk before his...

Ruling on Al-Habriyyah tariqah

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

The only sound and truthful order is that which was introduced by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and followed...

Does the Shirk mentioned in the Qur'an: 'And do not marry Al-Mushrikât till they believe' include those who follow some Tariqahs (sufi orders) such as Al-Tijaniyyah?

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Shirk mentioned in this Ayah includes those who seek the help of jinn, the dead and the absent instead of...

Ruling on Al-Burhamiyyah Tariqah

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

It is impermissible to worship Allah through what is cited in this book - i.e. Awrad Al-Burhamiyyah Tariqah (Invocations of...

The creed of Barelwiyyah (Barelvis) Sufi Order

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

It is impermissible to offer Salah behind an Imam who adopts such beliefs. If the Ma'mum knows that the Imam...

Scholars' books on Shiite 'Aqidah and their details

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Shiites have numerous sects, some are extremists and others are not. Hence, we recommend you read books written by scholars...

Ruling on the present Shiites

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Shiites nowadays have many sects. For more clarification on this issue, refer to the contemporary books written on deviant sects,...

Ruling on marrying from those who invoke Al-Hasan, Al-Husayn and 'Aly apart from Allah

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to allow them to marry Muslim women, and it is not permissible for us to marry...

Ruling on the followers of Al-Imamiyyah

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Any person who follows one of the leaders of Kufr (disbelief) and misguidance and supports their chiefs and masters in...

Ruling on eating animals slaughtered by Ja'faris Shi'ah

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

They are committing an act of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) and thus they are...

Ruling on claiming that 'Ali is ranked as a prophet and Jibril made a mistake

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Shiites have been divided into many sects. Whoever among them says that 'Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) is...

Ruling on Imamite Shi'ah sect in Islam and its origin

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

It was not the way of the Prophet (peace be upon him) or his the Rightly-Guided Caliphs (may Allah be...

The difference between Sunnis and Shi'ah

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

The differences between Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream) and the Shiites are major regarding Tawhid...

Dawoodi Bohras

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Prostration is one of the acts of worship which Allah has ordained His Servants to offer exclusively for Him, and...

Dawoodi Bohras women kissing their leader's hands and feet and those of his family

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

What you have mentioned in regards to women who belong to Bohras and kiss the hands and feet of their...


Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

The belief that Allah is incarnated in 'Ali or in any other being is sheer disbelief that excludes a person...

The reality of the Iranian Shi'ah and confuting those who claim there is no true Muslim leader except Ayatollah Khomeini

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

As to the claim that in today's Muslim world Iran is the only state that abides by Allah's rules and...


Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

Al-Ibadiyyah is one of the deviant sects because of their aggression and rebellion against 'Uthman ibn 'Affan and 'Ali (may...


Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 / 28 Jul 2020

What is the meaning of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): 'During the last days,...

Do the Jinn know knowledge of Unseen?

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 AH / 28 Jul 2020

Knowledge of Ghayb is one of the exclusive attributes of Rububiyyah (Lordship); no one knows the Ghayb of the heavens...

Wishing to migrate to France where things are tough on Muslims

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

You should call to the path of Allah as much as you can. We ask Allah, the Benevolent, to grant...

Treating Christians kindly

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Offering benefits and doing good to non-hostile unbelievers are from the worldly matters which are permissible, as long as a...

Ruling on visiting relatives who love disbelievers

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible to visit such relatives on condition that the person visiting them advises and instructs them to stop...

Ruling on traveling to non-Muslim countries

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

If the person who wants to travel to the land of the disbelievers needs to travel, for example, to maintain...

Ruling on taking part in the celebrations of the People of the Book

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to join the non-Muslims in their festivals and to express joy and happiness...

Ruling on Staying in non-Muslim country

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

On the other hand, Muslims who are able to migrate to Muslim countries, yet prefer to live suppressed or servile...

Ruling on spending the night in the house of a Mushrik

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to spend the night in the house of a Mushrik from among those who glorify shrines...

Ruling on speaking with a Kafir

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible, if there is no fear of temptation, and only as much as is necessary.

Ruling on sharing the same places of worship with non-Muslims

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is unanimously agreed upon that the Islamic Shari'ah was revealed to both jinn and mankind. Whoever claims that the...

Ruling on returning the greeting of a Christian, attending their funeral, and offering condolences for them

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to follow the funeral procession of a Non-Muslim, as it is Haram for...

Ruling on returning a Christian's lost object and saving them from drowning

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is obligatory on a Muslim to return the lost property of a disbeliever who is under Islamic protection if...

Ruling on reading the Bible and swearing by it

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to read the Bible as it has almost entirely undergone interpolation. Even the...

Ruling on presents given by disbelievers and worshippers of idols to Muslims in their festivals

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to accept or make use of the gifts given by disbelievers to Muslims on their festivals...

Ruling on participating in disbelievers' festivals

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to participate in their festivals or congratulate them, for this conduct shows a kind of intimacy...

Ruling on Muslim participating and paying in a farewell party for a non-Muslim

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 AH / 27 Jul 2020

Muslims' participation with non-Muslims in collecting a sum of money to hold a party to see off non-Muslims is a...

Ruling on participating in the missionary organizations competitions

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

The Gospel that exists today is not the same that Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He, sent down. It contains...

Ruling on participating with Christians in their non-religious celebrations

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Is it permissible for a Muslim to participate with Christians in their non-religious celebrations and share in their sorrows, such...

Ruling on participating in Christian feasts

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to participate in the feasts of the Christians or any of the disbelievers since this falls...

Ruling on offering a non-Muslim guest unlawful food

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

If one may be harmed due to not being generous to them, then it is permissible. However, offering them illegal...

Ruling on the Muslims who live in the lands of the disbelievers

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Whoever resides in non-Muslim countries with no legal reason and does not emigrate to Muslim countries to practice his religion...

Ruling on Muslims and non-Muslims exchanging visits

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

If your intention of visiting is to advise and invite them to Islam, then inviting to Islam is a noble...

Ruling on Muslims and Christians exchanging congratulations

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to greet Christians or other disbelievers on their festivals and religious occasions, for this will be...

Ruling on a Muslim working in non-Muslim country

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible for Muslims to work in non-Muslim countries if they feel safe in themselves from temptation in their...

Ruling on Muslim wearing a cross

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

He should be informed that wearing a cross is an indication of being satisfied with and belonging to the Christians...

Ruling on Muslims entering non-Muslim places of worship

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

A Muslim is not allowed to enter the places of worship of disbelievers as this leads to increasing their number....

Ruling on making pictures of Christian symbols such as the cross

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to take photos of non-Muslim rituals or circulate them among Muslims because they contain acts of...

Ruling on living with non-Muslims

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Shari'ah is based on providing ease, tolerance and avoiding hardship. Thus, you may continue living with them as you cannot...

Ruling on listening to Christian programs to know more

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to listen to Christian missionary programs, unless you have the basic knowledge that will make you...

Ruling on listening to Christian broadcast

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to listen to a Christian radio station that calls for embracing the Christian faith in order...

Ruling on keeping the company of a brother who refuses to enter Islam

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Is it permissible to keep company with a non-Muslim brother whom you called to accept Islam but he refused?

Ruling on Non-Muslims entering Masjids

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is Haram for Muslims to let any disbeliever enter Al-Masjid Al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque in Makkah) or any part...

Ruling on invoking Allah for the Kafir

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

You should not use such phrases with a Kafir (non-Muslim), but rather ask Allah to guide him to Islam.

Ruling on importing goods bearing the Swiss flag symbol

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to import pocketknives on which the logo referred to above, i.e. A cross, is inscribed. Actually,...

Ruling on honoring the people of Bid'ah

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Sufism is a Bid'ah or innovation in Islam, and every Bid'ah is a means of going astray.

Ruling on hiring a non-Muslim

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to employ a Kafir or non-Muslim as a servant, driver, or anything else...

Ruling on having one temple for the three religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to have one place of worship that gathers the three religions. This is because this place...

Ruling on hanging a non-Muslim country's flag on a Muslim's chest

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to hang the disbelievers' distinctive symbols, such as crosses or other items, onto...

Ruling on giving a non-Muslim neighbor from the Udhiyah

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible to give a non-Muslim from the meat of an Udhiyah or ‘Aqiqah, as a way of showing...

Ruling on making friendship with a Christian

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible for a Muslim to kindly treat disbelievers who are not in a state of war with Islam,...

Ruling on eating foods prepared for Neyruz feast after it

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to observe any of the rituals of disbelief and Shirk, including the religious...

Ruling on decorating the Masjid minaret with Christian decoration

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for Muslims to imitate the disbelievers in their festivals, their places of worship and the like....

Ruling on students congratulating Hindu teachers on their feasts

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for Muslims to take part with the Hindu disbelievers in celebrating their festivals and religious occasions....

Ruling on congratulating a Christian teacher or who commits acts of Shirk

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible either to attend the Christian festivals or congratulate them on such occasions; for this will be...

Ruling on saying the Christians are better than Muslims in dealings

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to prefer non-Muslims to Muslims, either in terms of how they deal with others or in...

Ruling on celebrating holidays of Non-Muslims

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

What is the ruling on Muslims who celebrate holidays of non-Muslims that Allah did not sanction, such as the Mother's...

Ruling on Celebrating Christmas

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to join the Christians in their celebrations, even if those who claim knowledge join them, because...

Ruling on attending the parties of a related unbeliever

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for a Muslim to have Wala' (loyalty) to unbelievers, represented in this particular situation by attending...

Ruling on attending festivities of Christians

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for Muslims to hold such celebrations, or attend them, or participate in them with the Christians,...

Ruling on attending Buddhist ceremonies

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to do any of the things mentioned. In fact, doing them is Haram, as it is...

Ruling on accept kafirs invitation

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

These people deal with each other so kindly and friendly that they invite each other to their respective rooms to...

Ruling on loving and mingling with Kafirs

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is impermissible to have a friendly relationship with non-Muslims or to mingle with them in a manner that may...

Ruling on imitating Jews and Christians in their weekends

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to allocate either Saturdays or Sundays or both of them as weekends, since this implies imitating...

Reward in the Hereafter for a disbeliever treating a Muslim kindly

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

If a disbeliever does good for the Muslims, he is rewarded for this in this life; however, it is not...

Permissibility of the People of the Book's food

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible to eat from the food served by your Christian colleague, whether in his or another person's home,...

Obligations towards non-Muslim co-workers

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

You should invite them to Islam, enjoin Ma'ruf (that which is judged as good, beneficial, or fitting by Islamic law...

Take not as friends the people who incurred the Wrath of Allah

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Allah forbids believers to establish with the Jews and other disbelievers an alliance of friendship, love, solidarity and support.

Loyalty to Kafirs that takes one out of Islam

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Loyalties to disbelievers that render a Muslim a disbeliever is loving and supporting them against Muslims, but they do not...

Love for the Sake of Allah

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Loving and hating for the Sake of Allah is the most trustworthy handhold in faith. However, loving for Allah's Sake...

Ruling on haircuts that imitate disbelievers

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

The Shari'ah has prohibited imitating disbelievers in their clothes, customs or morals, for this is a means of being influenced...

Ruling on granting the nationality of a Muslim country to a non-Muslim

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible to grant a non-Muslim the nationality of a Muslim country provided that the danger of Fitnah (sedition)...

Dealing with a Dhimmy

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

The ideal way for Muslims when dealing with a Dhimmy is to honor the agreement made with them according to...

Dealing with Christian neighbors

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

It is permissible to treat Christian people who are at close proximity to you, neighbors or classmates, gently and help...

Coercion on disbelief

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

If coercion is actually existent, then the apparent declaration of disbelief is tolerated on condition that a person's heart is...

Abd Al-Muttalib's love for the Prophet

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

The care of 'Abdul-Muttalib, and protection of Abu Talib given to the Prophet (peace be upon him), and the latter's...

Ruling on buying books from Ibadiyyah sect

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

There is no harm in buying the useful books from anyone because of their great benefit. As for the books...

This is what Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab believed in

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 / 27 Jul 2020

Wahhabism is based on fulfilling the testimony that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and shunning Bid'ahs and superstitions as...

Annulling Shahadah

Dhul-Hijjah 6, 1441 AH / 27 Jul 2020

What is the separating line between Kufr (disbelief) and Islam?

Ruling on congratulating others in the new Gregorian or Hijri years or the Mawlid

Dhu al-Hijjah 6, 1441 AH / 27 Jul 2020

Is it permissible to congratulate non-Muslims on the occasion of the new Gregorian year, the new Hijri (lunar) year and...

Ruling on loyalty to the Mushrik family

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

If one knows true Islam and Allah helps him accept it, one should not be loyal to people of Shirk...

Ruling on befriending with those who worship the graves

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

You should call those whom you mentioned to the path of Allah, show them their manifest error, and advise them,...

Ruling on initiating Salam with non-Muslims

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to greet a disbeliever first even if they occupy high positions, because of the general prohibition...

Ruling on those contradicts decisive texts from the Qur'an and authentic Hadith

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

It is unlawful to support or ally oneself with him. It is the duty of the people qualified to advise...

Ruling on attending mushrik weddings

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to share in their (Disbelievers) occasions, which involve Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity...

Ruling on book of Deobandi Jama'at Tabligh entitled 'Tablighi Nisab'

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

Seeking the help of the dead for fulfilling needs of people is a major polytheistic act. Anyone who maintains other...

Ruling on joining Jama'at Tabligh

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

The acts of the group you mentioned count as Bid'ahs (innovations in religion). You are not allowed to join them...

False story made by the Sufi Shaykh of Jama'at Tabligh

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to read the book of Fada'il A'mal (Faza'il-e-A'mal) or any similar book that contains superstitions and...

Advice to the Jama'at Tabligh and Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimun

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

They all have some defects. They should judge themselves, adhere to the truth and fulfill the obligations of Tawhid (belief...

The Salaf are Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

Salaf are Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah. Accordingly, it is permissible for a person to relate themselves to Salaf.

Ruling on hating the Salafis

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

It is impermissible for you to either be in his company or associate with him. You should rather condemn him...

Ruling on sitting with Mubtadi's (ones who introduces innovations in religion)

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 AH / 26 Jul 2020

It is not permissible for you to sit with or consider them friends. You have to forbid them from doing...

Ruling on turning a wife against her husband

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

It is Haram to turn a wife against her husband, based on the evidence reported in this regard.

Ruling on neglecting Tawhid

Dhul-Hijjah 5, 1441 / 26 Jul 2020

Being knowledgeable of Tawhid is of fundamental importance. It is the basis of religion that Muslims know the meaning of...

The duty of a Muslim is to follow the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah

Dhul-Hijjah 4, 1441 / 25 Jul 2020

The duty of every Muslim is to adhere to what came in the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of...

Adhering to the Sunnah and following the Salaf

Dhul-Hijjah 4, 1441 / 25 Jul 2020

The Muslim youth have to seek beneficial knowledge from trustworthy scholars & adhere to the Sunnah as well as belonging...

Ruling on attacking scholars

Dhul-Hijjah 4, 1441 AH / 25 Jul 2020

Abusing scholars unjustly and ascribing them to innovations and Fisq (flagrant violation of Islamic law) or belittling their status and...

A parents belong to Al-Rafidah (a Shiitic group)

Dhul-Hijjah 3, 1441 / 24 Jul 2020

He should call them to Allah and advise them. Yet, If he realizes that they are adhering to that which...

Isma'ilism sect

Dhul-Hijjah 3, 1441 / 24 Jul 2020

he Isma'ilites get their name from their acceptance of Isma'il ibn Ja'far as the divinely appointed spiritual successor (Imam) to...

Difference between Ahlus-Sunnah and Shi'ah

Dhul-Hijjah 3, 1441 / 24 Jul 2020

We should differentiate between Kafirs (disbelievers), Muslims, Shiites, and other sects. Shi'ah are Mubtadi's (those who introduce innovations in religion)....

Ba'ath Party

Dhu al-Hijjah 3, 1441 AH / 24 Jul 2020

All Ba'athists are Kafirs including the president of Iraq as they oppose Shari'ah (Islamic law) and feud with it.

Is it true that Salafis are Khawarij?

Dhul-Hijjah 3, 1441 / 24 Jul 2020

What do you say to one who believes that the 'Aqidah (creed) of Al-Khawarij followed the 'Aqidah of Salafiyyah.

Refuting Darwin's theory that man evolved from an ape-like creature

Dhul-Hijjah 3, 1441 / 24 Jul 2020

Allah created a life for the sons of Adam and granted them minds and the ability to speak. This abominable...

Introduction to Islam

Dhul-Hijjah 03, 1441 / 24 Jul 2020

The origin and basis of the Islam is Tawhid or belief in the Oneness of Allah and devoting all worship...

Correct 'Aqidah and its antithesis

Dhul-Hijjah 03, 1441 / 24 Jul 2020

One of the bases of Iman is to believe in the Perfectly Magnificent Names of Allah and His Sublime Attributes...

Ruling on organ transplants

Dhul-Qa'dah 31, 1441 / 22 Jul 2020

I have a reservation with regard to this matter. The Muslim should be respected and taking away any of his...

The Palestinians differ in their opinions regarding the peace process

Dhul-Qa'dah 31, 1441 AH / 22 Jul 2020

My advice for all the Palestinians is to agree upon making peace and cooperate in righteousness and piety in order...

Ruling on criticize rulers openly on the Minbar (pulpit)

Dhul-Qa'dah 31, 1441 AH / 22 Jul 2020

It was not the practice of the Salaf to make the defects of their rulers known by mentioning them on...

Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimun (the Muslim Brotherhood) group

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 / 21 Jul 2020

Ikhwan-ul-Muslimin Movement is being criticized by some scholars because they have no activity in the spread of Tawhid (monotheism), the...

There is no way to achieve that unless advice is exchanged

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 AH / 21 Jul 2020

It is obligatory upon citizens to acknowledge the services provided to them by the state and thank it for that....

Ruling on rebel against the rulers

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 AH / 21 Jul 2020

The Nas from the Sunnah explains the meaning and confines the absoluteness of the Ayah to obeying the Muslims in...

It is not permissible to kill resident or immigrant disbelievers

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 AH / 21 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to kill resident or immigrant Kafirs who are Musta'man (non-Muslim with a peace agreement permitting them...

Is enjoining Ma'ruf and forbidding Munkar by the hand is a right for all Muslims or is it just confined to those in authority and their deputies?

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 AH / 21 Jul 2020

Correcting the wrong is a right for all Muslims according to their ability. However, changing by the hand must be...

Clarification of the rulers' rights upon the Ummah

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 / 21 Jul 2020

It is the duty of all Muslims in this kingdom to cooperate with this country and whoever calls to Allah...

What is the proper manner of enjoining right and forbidding evil

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 AH / 21 Jul 2020

What is the proper manner of enjoining right and forbidding evil?

Ruling on those who abstain from enjoining good and forbidding evil

Dhul-Qa'dah 30, 1441 / 21 Jul 2020

Such people are thereby disobedient to Allah and His Messenger. They have weak faith and are in great danger. This...

A reply to the claims of BBC

Dhul-Qa'dah 29, 1441 / 20 Jul 2020

The statement which the BBC reported from me on its morning news in London that I said that celebrating the...

Ruling on slaughtering animals, engaging in Dhikr and beating drums during celebrations of Mawlid

Dhul-Qa'dah 28, 1441 AH / 19 Jul 2020

What is the ruling on slaughtering animals, engaging in Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and beating drums during celebrations of Mawlid...

Is Wahhabism a fifth Madhab?

Dhul-Qa'dah 27, 1441 / 18 Jul 2020

What is Wahhabism? is it a fifth Madhab (School of Jurisprudence) or follows one of the four Madhabs?

Was Buddha a Prophet?

Dhul-Qa'dah 27, 1441 AH / 18 Jul 2020

Buddha was not a prophet; he was an atheist philosopher, who led an ascetic life of non-conformity with Divine Religion....

Is there a revealed book for Buddhism?

Dhul-Qa'dah 27, 1441 AH / 18 Jul 2020

We do not know of any book which was revealed for them, rather the ruling on them is the same...

Warning against Rashad Khalifa's denial of the Sunnah

Dhul-Qa'dah 27, 1441 / 18 Jul 2020

I deemed it necessary to disclose his claims and expose his reality before Muslims lest any of them should fall...

Refuting the claims against Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab and his Da'wah

Dhul-Qa'dah 26, 1441 / 17 Jul 2020

What is the ruling on someone who attacks and slanders Imam Muhammad Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhab and his Da'wah.

Do Wahhabism criticizes the Prophet's family

Dhul-Qa'dah 26, 1441 / 17 Jul 2020

Is it true that Wahhabism antagonizes Al-ul-Bayt (members of the Prophet's extended Muslim family) and criticizes the Prophet (peace be...

On Habashi Sect

Dhul-Qa'dah 26, 1441 AH / 17 Jul 2020

I would like to tell you that this sect is known to us. It is a misguided sect and their...

Whatever opposes Salafiyyah, then it opposes the manhaj of the Messenger ﷺ

Dhul-Qa'dah 26, 1441 / 17 Jul 2020

The Jama’ah of al-Salafiyyah is the Jama’ah which is upon the truth, and it is the one that it is...

Are the Hanbalis are the only Salafis

Dhul-Qa'dah 26, 1441 / 17 Jul 2020

This is not true. The Salaf were the Sahabah and those who followed their way from among the Tabi'un.

On Abdullah Al-Habashy

Dhul-Qa'dah 26, 1441 / 17 Jul 2020

I would like to tell you that this sect is known to us. It is a misguided sect and their...

Ruling on placing the hand on the Mushaf while swearing

Dhul-Qa'dah 25, 1441 / 16 Jul 2020

It is enough to swear by Allah without having to put the hand on the Mushaf.

Ruling on swearing by Al-Bukhari's Book of Hadith

Dhul-Qa'dah 25, 1441 / 16 Jul 2020

Swearing, whether by the Qur'an or by Al-Bukhari's Book of Hadith is groundless in Shariah; it is done only by...

Ruling on sleeping on the ground for forty days as mourning over the dead

Dhul-Qa'dah 25, 1441 / 16 Jul 2020

The habit of holding Ma'tam and staying to meet people who come for consolation is a type of Bid'ah.

Ruling on swearing by Allah and His Messenger

Dhul-Qa'dah 25, 1441 / 15 Jul 2020

It is impermissible to do so, for the Messenger of Allah said, Whoever makes an oath should swear by Allah...

Ruling on slaughtering sheep for the deceased

Dhul-Qa'dah 23, 1441 / 14 Jul 2020

Slaughtering for the deceased after burial is an act of Bid’ah for which there is no evidence in the Qur’an...

Ruling on three pieces of clay for the dead

Dhul-Qa'dah 23, 1441 AH / 14 Jul 2020

We do not know any legal basis about this in the Book of Allah or the authentic Sunnah of the...

Ruling on Al-Uns Salah

Dhul-Qa'dah 22, 1441 / 13 Jul 2020

Al-Uns Salah is one of the innovated Salah. It is an impermissible Bid'ah because acts of worship are based on...

Ruling on a wife of the deceased wears a white dress and does not take a bath

Dhul-Qa'dah 21, 1441 / 12 Jul 2020

In Algeria when a man dies, his wife wears a white dress and does not take a bath or change...

Ruling on relatives of the deceased sitting beside the grave

Dhul-Qa'idah 8, 1441 / 12 Jul 2020

It is impermissible bid’ah that a relative of the deceased sits at the grave after burial for half an hour....

Ruling on Adhan after burying the dead in the grave

Dhul-Qa'dah 25, 1441 / 12 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to call the Adhan or Iqamah at the grave after burying the dead or before burying...

Why are the Sufis interested in pronouncing the name of Allah rather than referring to His Attributes

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

This is verily an act of Bid'ah (innovation in religion) and people should not adhere to this, for it had...

What is Sufism

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

In general, Sufism as it exists at the present time refers to a misguided group, which adopts a Manhaj (methodology)...

The pledge of Sufis

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

This kind of pledge is not valid. You have done well by repenting to Allah (Exalted be He). You have...

Tablighi Jama'at and offering Salah in Masjids containing graves

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

Jama'at Tabligh does not have good knowledge in matters related to 'Aqidah (creed). Thus, it is not permissible for anyone...

Sufis who beat themselves with skewers

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

It is worth mentioning that such people are very dangerous to Islam and thus you have to beware of them...

Sufi superstitions

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

What is mentioned in the question is a false and superstitious talk and it is not permissible to believe it;...

Status of the Sufi orders in Islam

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

The Sufi orders have nothing to do with the guidance of the Prophet and a Muslim has to follow the...

The pledge taken from a Sufi Shaykh

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to make a pledge of allegiance to anyone except to a Muslim ruler. It is not...

Origin and the creeds of Sufism

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

All the Sufi sects or what is so called now Tasawwuf (mysticism) are full of Bid'ah and the means which...

Misguidance of all Sufis

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

Muslims have to hold fast to the Qur'an, Sunnah, and to the way of the Salaf with regard to both...

Ruling on kissing the hands and feet of the Sufi Shaykh

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

This was not done with the Prophet (peace be upon him) or with the Rightly-Guided Caliphs. Moreover, these practices may...

The followers of Sufism stance on their shaykhs

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 / 11 Jul 2020

It is the duty of a Muslim to follow what Allah (Exalted be He) has revealed to His Prophet (peace...

Ruling on Prophet's songs

Dhul-Qa'dah 20, 1441 AH / 11 Jul 2020

Many Muslims celebrate the Prophethood of our Messenger with musical songs just as the Jews and Christians do. They mention...

Ruling on setting up tents beside the graves

Dhul-Qa'dah 25, 1441 / 10 Jul 2020

It is impermissible for anyone to set up a tent beside the grave where reciters keep reciting Qur’an, granting the...

Ruling on placing Henna in the Grave with the Deceased

Dhul-Qa'dah 9, 1441 / 10 Jul 2020

As for putting henna in the grave, this has no basis in Shari'ah; it should be abandoned.

Ruling on placing book in the grave

Dhul-Qa'dah 9, 1441 / 10 Jul 2020

It is not permissible to place any books with the dead person believing that they will make them stand firm...

Claiming to have dream of deceased who command him to build a shrine for the deceased

Dhul-Qa'dah 8, 1441 / 09 Jul 2020

Transferring the deceased from one grave to another one is not permissible unless there is a necessity to do so...

Ruling on hanging photos of the deceased at home

Dhul-Qa'dah 7, 1441 / 08 Jul 2020

It is impermissible to hang pictures of animate objects at home or elsewhere; whether they are living or dead people,...

The beggar sufis sect

Dhul-Qa'dah 13, 1441 / 04 Jul 2020

Such people should not be given money or helped by any means, as this is considered encouraging them to continue...

Sufi orders, litanies, and Adhkar

Dhul-Qa'dah 12, 1441 / 03 Jul 2020

The Sufi orders and the litanies are considered acts of Bid'ah (innovation in religion) like the famous religious orders of...

What is the ruling of Islam on the Sufi orders that exist today

Dhul-Qa'dah 11, 1441 / 02 Jul 2020

Working according to Bid'ahs (innovations in religion) prevails in most of the Sufi orders. We advise you to follow the...

Sufism and their false ancriptions

Dhul-Qa'dah 10, 1441 / 01 Jul 2020

The Problem of Sufism: What does it mean and what is the attitude of Islam toward it? I mean Al-Tijaniyyah...

No human being existed before Adam

Rabi' Al-Awwal 22, 1442 / 19 Nov 2019

This claim is a groundless and meaningless superstition because no human being ever existed before Adam (peace be upon him)....

When does passing wind become an annulment of Wudu'?

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

When does passing wind become an annulment of Wudu’ (ablution)? Is it by hearing a sound, detecting a smell, and...

Performing Wudu' (ablution) in case of certainty that some impurity was discharged

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

If you have performed Wudu’ (ablution), the basic rule is that you are Tahir (ritually pure), and this is based...

Touching or shaking hands with woman

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

According to the soundest opinion of the scholars, touching women or shaking hands with them does not nullify Wudu’ at...

Touching one's penis invalidates Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Hadith that indicates that if someone touches his penis he must perform Wudu’. The basic ruling is that the imperative...

Thinking of women while performing Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Sometimes, while performing Wudu’ (ablution) many thoughts cross the mind which are irrelevant to Salah (Prayer) or Wudu’, such as...

Some drops of urine are released after Istinja'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Soon after I have performed Istinja' (cleansing the private parts with water) after urination, I feel some small drops of...

Ritual Impurity of Maniy

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

If the discharged fluid was Maniy, he must perform Ghusl. It also invalidates fasting. Although this fluid is originally pure,...

Repeating Wudu' and Salah if a person knows that some impurity was discharged during Salah

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

If the reality is as you mentioned, you should not stop your Salah because of this, based on what the...

The perfume sprayed on one's hands does not invalidate Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

I work in a pharmacy where perfumes are also sold. My hands touch these perfumes while dealing with the perfume...

Penis erection does not invalidate Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

While a man performs Salah (Prayer), his penis becomes erect discharging nothing. Is his Wudu' (ablution) nullified? If so, should...

Passing wind invalidates Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Should a person perform Istinja’ (cleansing the private parts with water after urination or defecation) or Istijmar (cleansing the private...

Mere touching Najasah does not invalidate Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Wudu’ is not invalidated if a person’s clothes get soiled with Najasah due to contact with young children (when changing...

Looking at one's private parts does not invalidate Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Is it permissible for a person to touch the Mushaf or offer Salah (Prayer) if it happened that they looked...

Ruling on looking at naked men and women by a person having Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Does looking at naked men and women or at one's own `Awrah (parts of the body that must be covered...

Flowing of blood from anywhere other than the private parts does not invalidate Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

We do not know of any Islamic legal evidence signifying that bleeding from any part of the body other than...

Emission of wind from a woman’s vagina

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Passing wind from the front passage does not invalidate Wudu’.

Emission of white fluid

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

This fluid is considered Najis and it comes under the same ruling as urine. Therefore, you should make Wudu’ after...

Doubting that he has undergone ritual impurity

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Does doubt count for anything in case of a person having Wudu’ (ablution) yet is not sure whether or not...

Do not listen to the insinuations of Satan

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Sometimes I feel while I am washing my feet or directly or shortly after performing Wudu’ something coming out through...

Does looking at women with or without lust invalidate Wudu’ (ablution)?

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Does looking at women with or without lust invalidate Wudu’ (ablution)?

Discovering after Salah that a person might have urinated in bed

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

What should someone do if they wake up, make Wudu’ (ablution), offer Salah (Prayer), then go back to bed but...

Deep sleep probably invalidates Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Some people may fall asleep while engaged in Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) in the Masjid (mosque) using Misbahah (counting beads).Do...

Certainty is not removed by doubt

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

If you entertain doubts of Hadath (ritual impurity invalidating ablution) after having performed Taharah (ritual purification), cast doubts away and...

Breaking wind invalidates Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Does breaking wind nullify Wudu’? Should a person perform Istinja’ (cleansing the private parts with water after urination or defecation)...

The bitter liquid vomited after eating or drinking

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Concerning the bitter-tasting liquid that may regurgitate into the mouth after drinking or eating but is a little quantity that...

Belly noise does not invalidate Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

If a person performs Wudu’ (ablution) and hears his stomach rumble, but does not pass wind from his back passage,...

An infant's urine should be washed but does not invalidate Wudu'

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

I performed Wudu' (ablution) for Salah (prayer), then I held a baby that stained my clothes with urine.

Period during which the heavens, earth and what lies in them were created

Muharram 02, 1441 AH / 01 Sep 2019

Allah created the Earth on Saturday, He created the mountains on Sunday, He created the trees on Monday, He created...

Allah creating all things in general

Muharram 02, 1441 / 01 Sep 2019

The basic ruling is that Allah has created all things in general. Allah has created good and He enjoins and...

The meaning of Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah and Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah

Muharram 01, 1441 AH / 31 Aug 2019

What is the meaning of Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah and Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah?

Ruling on eating from mixed money some of which can be ill-gotten

Ramadan 17, 1440 / 22 May 2019

It is obligatory for a Muslim to try his best to adopt what is lawful in his food, drink, and...

Eating With Fingers

Ramadan 17, 1440 / 22 Feb 2019

Eating with one's fingers or using spoons is a part of customs. It was the guidance of the Prophet (peace...