Explaining what strengthens Iman


How does a Mu’min (believer) become firm in Iman (faith)?


The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good.” Related by Muslim in his Sahih (authentic book of hadith).

A strong Mu’min (believer)” is one with firm Iman, built on what one has of knowledge, insight and fear of Allah. These are the reasons that make one firm in Iman, so much so that one then propagates Ma’ruf (that which is judged as good, beneficial, or fitting by Shari’ah and Muslims of sound intellect) and prevents Munkar (that which is unacceptable or disapproved of by Shari’ah and Muslims of sound intellect), offers advice to people, preaches goodness, and curbs harm. The more one’s Iman is firm, the more one’s good deeds will be, and vice versa.

Hence, a strong Mu’min is one who strictly adheres to the religion, and feels angry when a prohibited act is committed, glorifies Allah, and guards against sins. On the other hand, a weak Mu’min is one afflicted with weak Iman and dim insight, lacking fear of Allah and in turn mostly committing sins, we ask Allah to keep us safe.