• Audios

    66 entries

Did the Salaf declare a particular individual a disbeliever?

Is it allowed to declare a particular individual a disbeliever and did the Salaf in the past declare...

What is the future of occupied Jerusalem?

A key point, what is the future of occupied Jerusalem and its destination after the peace treaty with...

The Ruling on Cursing Israel

The Jews; their known name is Yahud (Yehudi; Judah followers 1). However, they have begun...

Ruling on presenting pictures of the wounded or killed in Palestine and other places

Some presentations are established to show the wounds of the Muslims in Palestine and other places, and they...

The Jews assembling in Palestine is from the signs of the Hour

The Jews assembling in Palestine is from the signs of the Hour. They will assemble during the last days in...

The crescent moon is not a symbol of Islam

May Allah reward you with good and treat you well. Why do the Muslims symbolize the crescent moon...

Concerning Oppressed Muslims in Palestine

May Allah reward you with good, this questioner says, what is your advice for the Muslims in light...

Ruling on buying from the Jews who are in a state of war against the Muslims

Questioner: Since there is war between us and the Jews is it permissible to buy from the Jews and...

Ruling on those who speak ill of the Muslim rulers and the scholars

This one (the questioner) says: How should our stance be towards those who speak ill of the (Muslim)...

Concerning the Hadith 'The best Jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler'

Does the Hadith “The best Jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler” apply...

Ruling on disbelieving in Salafiyyah

What is your opinion, Oh virtuous Shaikh, about the one who says: that he is a disbeliever in...

Difference between repentance and praying for forgiveness

What is the difference between repentance and praying for forgiveness?  Answer: Repentance is regret for what has...

Ruling on commanding one's children under ten to offer Salah

Are parents of children under ten considered sinners if their children do not perform Salah (Prayer)? Answer:...

Ruling on keeping marriage with one wife who does not pray

I am a married man, but my wife knows nothing of the Glorious Qur’an and she also does...

How to rectify the Muslim's Aqidah

How can Muslims rectify and preserve their Islamic Aqidah (creed)? Answer: ‘Aqidah can be rectified and preserved...

How to achieve Tawhid

How can Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah/ monotheism) be achieved? Answer: A Muslim can achieve...

The things that nullify one's Islam

Can you mention to the listeners the things which take out a person from the Din (religion) of...

Actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Paradise

He (the questioner) is asking about actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Jannah (Paradise) and...

Explaining what strengthens faith

How does a Mu’min (believer) become firm in Iman (faith)? Answer: The Prophet (peace be upon him)...

How can a Muslim know the extent of his Iman

How can a Muslim know the extent of his Iman (faith/ belief)? Answer: This can be known...

How do I taste the sweetness of Iman (faith)

How do I taste the sweetness of Iman (faith)? Answer: Turn to Allah, paying a lot of...

Difference between Iman and Islam

What is the difference between Iman and Islam? Answer: Iman is Islam and Islam is Iman (i.e....

Ruling on claiming knowledge of the Unseen

A sister asks: There is a man in our village who claims to have knowledge of the Ghayb...

Who are the Magians of this Ummah?

Who are the Magians of this Ummah, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ? Answer: They are the denying Qadariyyah who...

Ruling on wearing gloves while praying

Abdullah Abu Omar from Jordan asks: In winter, my hands become very cold, can I wear woolen gloves...

The ruling on smiling during Salah

Does smiling during Salah (Prayer) invalidate it ? Answer: Smiling does not invalidate Salah but laughing with...

Ruling on Ghulu in loving the Prophet (peace be upon him)

What does Ghulu in loving the Prophet (peace be upon him) mean? Answer: Ghulu (Exceeding proper limits)...

Sites of the Prophets' graves

In the Sultanate of Oman, particularly in the South, there is a Masjid (mosque) and a grave in...

The location of the grave of Al-Husayn

People talk a great deal and have different opinions about where the grave of Al-Husayn is located. Can...

Exposition that the exact location of the grave of Al-Khadir is unknown

There is a mausoleum in our residential district where people claim the body of Al-Khadir (peace be upon...

Is it true that Ali fought the Jinn?

A questioner from Republic of Yemen asks: is it true that Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with...

Ruling on the green dome on the grave of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

We learnt from Shaykh Abdul- ‘Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz that domes and other buildings on graves are...

All of the scholars in Saudia are Wahhabis?

My parents are not upon the correct methodology and Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) has guided me...

Ruling on Funeral Prayer for people transgressing Shari'ah

If a Muslim transgresses the Shari’ah (Islamic law), should Muslims offer Funeral Prayer for him on his death...

Extolling Allah means praising Him a lot

What is the meaning of extolling Allah? Answer: Extolling Allah means praising Him a lot; i.e., (saying):...

Allah's Speech to Moses

How many times did Allah speak to Musa (Moses, peace be upon him)? Did He speak to him...

What is the difference between Al-Hilm and Al-Sabr

What is the difference between Al-Hilm (forbearance) and Al-Sabr (patience), which is one of Allah’s Attributes? Answer:...

The word 'Aqidah

A questioner asks: Is it true that the word ‘Aqidah (belief) is incorrect and baseless, and that it...

Noah was the first messenger

A questioner asks: Who was the first Prophet: Idris (Enoch) or Nuh (Noah) (peace be upon them)?

The difference between a prophet and a messenger

What is the difference between a prophet and a messenger? Answer: The well-known view of scholars is...

Meaning of denying Al-Taghut (false deities)

What is the meaning of denying Al-Taghut (false deities)? May Allah reward you best. Answer: It means...

Definition of Islam

Please, illustrate to me the meaning of Islam. Answer: Islam means total submission to Allah (Exalted be...

Theory of human evolution or Darwin's theory

I have read a lot about the theory that humans evolved from an ape-like ancestor. The theory proposes...

Ruling on women offering Janazah Prayer

Is it permissible for women to offer Janazah (Funeral) Prayer, or not? Answer: Yes, generally, it is...

The dome on the grave of the Prophet is no pretext

I know that building domes on graves is impermissible; however, some people say it is permissible and they...

People of Bid'ah are not of Al-Firqah Al-Najiyah

Is a Mubtadi’ (one who introduces innovations in religion) excluded from the Al-Firqah Al-Najiyah (the Saved Sect) and...

How to know the Bid'ah and its divisions

How can we know the Bid’ah and its divisions, respected Shaykh? Answer: Bid’ah refers to whatever people...

The duty of guiding people to the reality of Tawhid and Shirk

I live in a district inhabited by people who claim to be Muslims. They offer Salah (Prayer), pay...

Ruling on Khalwatiyyah Tariqah

I am a follower of a Khalwati Shaykh and I am quite sure that he is a good...

Ruling on excusing grave worshippers

Are those who worship graves excused because of their ignorance, even though among them are people calling to...

Clarifying the Da'wah of the Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab

Was the Da’wah (calling people to Islam) of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab a specific doctrine? Does what is...

Accused of being a Wahhabi for Da'wah to Tawhid, Abandoning Shirk and Bid'ah

There is a group of people, if we perform Da’wah to them, call them to Allah (Glorified and...

A brief of the Salafi Da'wah and the life of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab

An inquirer from the Arab Republic of Syria, Damascus, asks three questions. In one of them he asks:...

Ruling on sufis who stab themselves with daggers and knives and other tools

What is your opinion regarding those who call themselves dervish and stab themselves with daggers and knives and other...

On false statement: 'Anyone who does not have a shaykh, his shaykh will be the devil'

This questioner from Cairo asks a long question: Your Eminence Shaykh, is it obligatory to have a mediator...

Who are the Sufis?

Who are the Sufi people and what is the position of Islam regarding them? May Allah reward you...

Ruling on Rifaiyyah Tariqah Sufi order

I often hear that someone has joined a Sufi order led by some masters or some shaykhs. After...

Ruling on carrying flags for Awliya

During festivals some people carry colorful flags bearing some Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) and expressions; for example, the magnate,...

Statement on the sect of Asha'irah

Is the sect of Asha’irah (a Muslim group that bases its creedal issues on logic) part of Ahl-ul-Sunnah...

Revealing the misguidance of the Sufi scholar Ibn 'Arabi

A questioner from the Syrian Arab Republic asks: I am inquiring about Sufis and their reality and superstitions,...

Exposing Sufi orders

Are all Sufi orders wrong? Please give me a decisive answer, may Allah reward you. Answer: Sufi...

Clarifying the Da'wah of the Imam Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab

Was the Da’wah (calling people to Islam) of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab a specific doctrine? Does what is...

Wahhabism, what is it?

I heard about Wahhabism, what is it? Answer: Wahhabism is a word used by the enemies of...

Ruling on calling oneself Athari

Questioner: Some people have rejected the term Athari (has knowledge of the Hadiths and narrations of the Prophet’s Companions)...

No human being existed before Adam

Brother M. M. Y. from Al-Judeidah district, the Republic of Yemen, asks: Some people claim that before Adam...