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    11 entries

Ruling on kufr 'Amali (disbelief in actions)

Can a person commit Kufr `Amali (disbelief in actions) which takes them out of Islam in normal cases? Answer:...

What are the Hadith Qudsy?

What are the Hadith Qudsy? Why they are called so? Answer: The term Hadith Qudsy refers to Revelations from...

Ruling on claiming that the Call to Islam does not need knowledge

Some Muslim brothers hold the view of the obligatory nature of calling non-Muslims to Islam upon every capable Muslim....

Ruling on using the word 'Sayyid'

We often address each other using the word “Sayyid” (Master or Sir) for people whose ancestry can be...

claiming that some Hadiths contradict the Qur'an

Some people claim that some of the Hadiths in the books of Sunnah such as Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others...

Who is meant by the reference 'Related by the Three or Five Compilers'

What is meant by “Related by the three” and “Related by the five”? Answer: The Three Compilers are Abu...

Claiming there are Hadith Munkar related by Al-Bukhari

Some people deny some authentically reported Hadith and claim that there are Da’if (weak) and Munkar (rejected Hadith reported...

The basic rule concerning any commands of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is that they denote obligation

Any command given by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) indicates obligation and duty. However, there is...

Tawhid comes first

Is it sufficient to utter the testimony of faith, namely La Ilah Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah (i.e. there...

Ruling on the call to rapprochement between religions

Is the call for rapprochement between religions (Islam - Christianity - Judaism) a legitimate one? Is it permissible for...