• Miscellaneous

    11 entries

It is impermissible for a person to remain ignorant

Are the ignorant about religious matters and the layman not brought to account for the things they do not...

Publishing Islamic books as a Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity)

Does the printing of valid Islamic books benefit a Muslim after death, and can it be considered as knowledge...

A Muslim is not permitted to seek forgiveness for grandparents who die as Mushriks

I have grandparents who died in Shirk (disbelief); is it permissible to ask Allah’s Forgiveness for them?

knowledge has faded and the scholars have died

One of the common sayings among students, especially in colleges and scientific institutions is: knowledge has faded and the...

Learning Arabic

What should I do to learn the Arabic Language and write it very well? Indeed, I did not have...

Ruling on bestiality

What is the ruling on bestiality? Answer: The ruling on bestiality and its consequences: Having sex with animals is...

How to cure hardheartedness

What are the causes of hardheartedness and how can we cure it? Answer: The causes of hardheartedness include sins,...

Reasons for many young people deviating from the Din (Religion)

What are the reasons for many young people deviating from the Din (religion of Islam) and becoming alienated from...

Does committing sins obliterate the blessing?

A sister from Riyadh asks: I read that one of the consequences of sin is punishment from Allah and...

Annulling Shahadah

What is the separating line between Kufr (disbelief) and Islam? What about a person who utters the Two Testimonies...

Ruling on sitting with Mubtadi's (ones who introduces innovations in religion)

Is it permissible to sit with people who indulge in Bid’ahs (innovations in religion) and participate in their lessons?...