Actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Jannah (Paradise) and further them away from Hellfire


He (the questioner) is asking about actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Jannah (Paradise) and further them away from Hellfire?


The deeds and actions which bring a person closer to Jannah are obeying Allah and His Prophet, carrying out all what is ordered and legislated by Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him), performing obligatory and supererogatory Salah, observing obligatory and supererogatory Sawm, performing both obligatory and supererogatory Hajj, paying Zakah and Sadaqah (voluntary charity), much observing Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah), Tasbih (saying: “Subhan Allah [Glory be to Allah]”), and Tahlil (saying, “La ilaha illa Allah [None has the right to be worshipped but Allah]”), performing Da’wah (calling to Islam), teaching people what is good, visiting the sick, enjoining Ma’ruf (that which is judged as good, beneficial, or fitting by Shari’ah and Muslims of sound intellect), forbidding Munkar (unacceptable or disapproved of by Shari’ah and Muslims of sound intellect), and reading Qur’an. These are all causes for entering Jannah and getting closer to it.

All sins send you further away from Jannah and bring you closer to Hellfire. We ask Allah to keep us safe from such sins, such as backbiting, gossiping, laziness to pray in congregation, praying at home, cutting the beard, growing the moustache, and lengthening clothes. All these sins bring one closer to Hellfire. We ask Allah to keep us safe.