Reward in the Hereafter for a disbeliever treating a Muslim kindly


What is the ruling on a benevolent disbeliever who does good towards Muslims such as building a Masjid (mosque) for them and giving money to poor Muslims. Shall he enter Paradise for his benevolence?


If a disbeliever does good for the Muslims, he is rewarded for this in this life; however, it is not a reason for him to enter Paradise. Entering Paradise is a reward for Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah/ monotheism) and abiding by the Shari’ah (Islamic law).

  • Estimated reading time :
    1 min read
  • Source :
    Fatawa Al-Lajnah Al-Da'imah of KSA, Fatwa no. 13477, Question 3
  • Fatwas   Walabara
  • Updated :