• Al-Wala' Wal-Bara' (loyalty and disassociation for Allah's Sake)

    82 entries

Rule on associating with the disbelievers

What is the association with Kafirs (disbelievers) that is prohibited by Shari`ah (Islamic Law)? Answer: Loving the...

Ruling on Muslims residing in a non-Muslim country

What is your advice for the unemployed Muslim brothers and sisters who live in England and receive financial...

What should a son do who was raised by an ignorant family

What should a son do who was raised by an ignorant family then learned Islamic knowledge and informed...

Is it permissible to bow to greet a Muslim or a non-Muslim?

We joined a karate club in America. The coach said: “You should bow when your opponent bows to...

Ruling on standing up as a way of honoring the national anthem

Is it permissible to stand in honor of a national anthem or flag? Answer: It is not permissible for...

The principle of Al-Wala' wal-Bara'

Please explain for whom should be the principle of Al-Wala’ wal-Bara’ (loyalty and disassociation for Allah’s Sake)? Is...

Manufacturing crosses is not permissible

What do you think about crosses printed on carpets in some Masjids (mosques)? A carpet spread in the...

Ruling on reading Bible

What is the ruling on reading the Bible? Answer: The Divine Books revealed before the Qur’an now...

Ruling on ascribing a person to Judaism or Christianity

What makes a person a Jew or Christian, is it by performing their deeds or studying their knowledge?...

Evidence on the invalidity of the Christian creed

What is the evidence on the invalidity of the Christian ‘Aqidah (creed)? Answer: All religions, whether Christianity...

The Gospel of today is not the same that Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) sent down

Can we believe in what we hear from the Christians from what is mentioned in their Injil (Gospel)? Answer:...

Impermissibility for Muslims to celebrating the millennium or other occasions of Non-Muslims

I would like to inform Your Eminence regarding a large electroluminescent billboard placed on the facade of an...

Wishing to migrate to France where things are tough on Muslims

I was born in France where I still live until now. I am 26 years old and my...

Treating Christians kindly

A Muslim man has a car and lives in a village in the desert. There is a Christian...

Ruling on visiting relatives who love disbelievers

Is it permissible to visit relatives who love disbelievers? Answer: It is permissible to visit such relatives...

Ruling on traveling to non-Muslim countries

We know a religious brother who wants to travel to Italy to visit his brothers there in order...

Ruling on taking part in the celebrations of the People of the Book

If you please, our dear Shaykh, I entered into a discussion with my Muslim brothers regarding some matter...

Ruling on Staying in non-Muslim country

What is the ruling on a person who worships Allah Alone and associates nothing with Him in worship,...

Ruling on spending the night in the house of a Mushrik

Is it permissible to spend the night in the house of a Mushrik (the one who associates others...

Ruling on speaking with a Kafir

Is it permissible to speak with non-Muslim females and male Kafirs (disbelievers)? Answer: It is permissible, if...

Ruling on sharing the same places of worship with non-Muslims

Questions: Question 1: Is it legally valid for the followers of different religions to share one place of...

Ruling on returning the greeting of a Christian, attending their funeral, and offering condolences for them

What is the ruling on returning the greetings to Christians, attending their funerals, and offering condolences to them?...

Ruling on returning a Christian's lost object and saving them from drowning

Is it permissible for a Muslim to return lost property he finds which belongs to a disbeliever? Is...

Ruling on reading the Bible and swearing by it

What is the ruling on a Muslim who reads the Bible or swears by it? Answer: It...

Ruling on presents given by disbelievers and worshippers of idols to Muslims in their festivals

In India some festivals related to the Hindus (worshippers of idols) are celebrated. As I am their neighbor...

Ruling on participating in disbelievers' festivals

Is it permissible to attend their festivals? Answer: It is not permissible to participate in their festivals...

Ruling on Muslim participating and paying in a farewell party for a non-Muslim

In our company, Muslim employees work together with Christian and Hindu employees. Some employees collect a sum of...

Ruling on participating in the missionary organizations competitions

Some Muslim youth began corresponding with Christian missionary clubs and agencies which in return send them lessons about...

Ruling on participating with Christians in their non-religious celebrations

Is it permissible for a Muslim to participate with Christians in their non-religious celebrations and share in their...

Ruling on participating in Christian feasts

What is the ruling on participating in the feasts of the Christians? Please advise us. May Allah reward...

Ruling on offering a non-Muslim guest unlawful food

Is it permissible for a Muslim to be generous to non-Muslim companions by offering them foods and drinks...

Ruling on the Muslims who live in the lands of the disbelievers

I found in one of your Fatwas regarding travel to the land of disbelievers a Hadith of the...

Ruling on Muslims and non-Muslims exchanging visits

In the area where we work, there are some Arab Christians who sometimes invite us to visit them....

Ruling on Muslims and Christians exchanging congratulations

Is it permissible for Muslims to exchange greetings with Christians on every occasion? Answer: It is not...

Ruling on a Muslim working in non-Muslim country

Is it permissible for Muslims to work in non-Muslim countries and can we relate this to the work...

Ruling on Muslim wearing a cross

A dispute arose among us over the judgment on a Muslim who wears a cross pendant, which is...

Ruling on Muslims entering non-Muslim places of worship

Is it permissible for a Muslim to enter a church to know of their prayers or listen to...

Ruling on making pictures of Christian symbols such as the cross

Images of crosses have become openly visible. Muslims are so neglectful of this issue that we now see...

Ruling on living with non-Muslims

I live with ten colleagues of various nationalities, including nine Christians and one atheist. We have our main...

Ruling on listening to Christian programs to know more

Sometimes I listen to some Christian radio programs only in order to know and learn about Christian thought....

Ruling on listening to Christian broadcast

Is listening to a Christian radio station forbidden, although the listener believes in Islam, Allah, and His Messenger...

Ruling on keeping the company of a brother who refuses to enter Islam

Is it permissible to keep company with a non-Muslim brother whom you called to accept Islam but he...

Ruling on Non-Muslims entering Masjids

What is the ruling on non-Muslims entering a Masjid (mosque) or Musalla (a place for Prayer), whether to...

Ruling on invoking Allah for the Kafir

I am a government employee. My direct supervisor is Christian. What is the ruling on using phrases such...

Ruling on importing goods bearing the Swiss flag symbol

We want to import Swiss pocketknives on which the Swiss flag logo is inscribed. We would like you...

Ruling on honoring the people of Bid'ah

I would like to inform you that I work in the Province of Badr in Al-Madinah Al-Nabawiyyah. There,...

Ruling on hiring a non-Muslim

Is it permissible for a Muslim to employ a non-Muslim as a servant or driver? What if this...

Ruling on having one temple for the three religions; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Is it permissible to have one temple for Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? Answer: It is not permissible...

Ruling on hanging a non-Muslim country's flag on a Muslim's chest

Some foreign authorities distribute two types of flags, one for Saudi Arabia and the other one for their...

Ruling on giving a non-Muslim neighbor from the Udhiyah

If my neighbor is non-Muslim, but he never annoys me with regard to my ‘Ibadah (worship). Is it...

Ruling on making friendship with a Christian

Is it permissible for a Muslim to befriend, visit and study with a Christian friend? Answer: It...

Ruling on eating foods prepared for Neyruz feast after it

We know that it is not permissible to celebrate what is called Neyruz (Iranian new year holiday), as...

Ruling on decorating the Masjid minaret with Christian decoration

First: Last year, people placed the word “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) on the minaret of the...

Ruling on students congratulating Hindu teachers on their feasts

All our teachers are Hindu and many of their festivals and religious ceremonies come up on which all...

Ruling on congratulating a Christian teacher or who commits acts of Shirk

Most of our teachers are Mushriks (those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) or...

Ruling on saying the Christians are better than Muslims in dealings

It is common among us to say “Nowadays the Christians are better than Muslims in dealing with others.”...

Ruling on celebrating holidays of Non-Muslims

What is the ruling on Muslims who celebrate holidays of non-Muslims that Allah did not sanction, such as...

Ruling on Celebrating Christmas

Is it permissible for a Muslim to join the Christians in their celebrations, such as Christmas that is...

Ruling on attending the parties of a related unbeliever

My inquiry is about the wedding of my brother-in-law who is a Magus. Should we travel with him...

Ruling on attending festivities of Christians

What is the legal ruling on entertaining some Christian clergymen on the occasion of the Argentinean national celebrations...

Ruling on attending Buddhist ceremonies

What is the ruling on Muslim’s taking part in the celebrations held by the Buddhists for their dead,...

Ruling on accept kafirs invitation

These people deal with each other so kindly and friendly that they invite each other to their respective...

Ruling on loving and mingling with Kafirs

The nature of work requires the intermingling between Muslim and non-Muslim workers. Sometimes we find Muslims and non-Muslims...

Ruling on imitating Jews and Christians in their weekends

What is the ruling on a school owner who appoints its weekends on both Saturdays and Sundays, and...

Reward in the Hereafter for a disbeliever treating a Muslim kindly

What is the ruling on a benevolent disbeliever who does good towards Muslims such as building a Masjid...

Permissibility of the People of the Book's food

Some of my Christian colleagues invite me for meals in their homes. Is it permissible to eat if...

Obligations towards non-Muslim co-workers

There are non-Muslims working with us in our company, who are Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians. What are our...

Take not as friends the people who incurred the Wrath of Allah

What is the meaning of Allah’s Saying: “Take not as friends the people who incurred the Wrath of...

Loyalty to Kafirs that takes one out of Islam

What are the boundary lines of loyalties which when transgressed turn the doer into a Kafir (disbeliever), outside...

Love for the Sake of Allah

There is a brother in Islam whom I like very much, more than other brothers. Since having met...

Ruling on haircuts that imitate disbelievers

What is the ruling on haircuts worn by some young men nowadays, imitating the disbeliever Michael Jackson? What...

Ruling on granting the nationality of a Muslim country to a non-Muslim

What is the ruling on granting the nationality of a Muslim country to a non-Muslim? Answer: It...

Dealing with a Dhimmy

What is the ideal way to deal with a Dhimmy (protected non-Muslim living under Islamic rule)? Should they...

Dealing with Christian neighbors

How should I deal with my Christian neighbors or classmates? Should I visit and congratulate them on their...

Coercion on disbelief

Does verbal or practical coercion justify professing Kufr (disbelief)? Answer: If coercion is actually existent, then the...

Abd Al-Muttalib's love for the Prophet

I watched the TV series “The Grandfather of the Leader of Mankind,” which made me love ‘Abdul-Muttalib and...

Ruling on loyalty to the Mushrik family

What should a son do who was raised by an ignorant family then he learned Islamic knowledge and...

Ruling on befriending with those who worship the graves

There is no doubt regarding the Kufr (disbelief) of those who worship graves, pious people, including the Sahabah...

Ruling on initiating Salam with non-Muslims

Is it permissible to begin greeting a disbeliever, especially if they are of high positions such as a...

Ruling on those contradicts decisive texts from the Qur'an and authentic Hadith

What is the opinion of the knowledgeable scholars on a man who contradicts decisive texts from the Qur’an...

Ruling on attending mushrik weddings

Is it permissible for a Muslim who believes in one God to participate in the wedding ceremonies of...

It is not permissible to kill resident or immigrant disbelievers

Some young people think that it is lawful to alienate the Kafirs (disbelievers) residing in or immigrating to Muslim...