• Salah (Prayer)

    25 entries

Ruling on lazy performing prayers

Some of the young men - may Allah guide them - are lazy about performing the prayer during...

Ruling on fasting without praying

I have witnessed some of the Muslim youth fasting, but they do not pray. Is the fast of...

The Ruling on pronouncing the intention to pray aloud

What is the ruling on pronouncing the intention to pray aloud? Answer: Pronouncing the intention is an...

The Ruling on Salatul-Hajah and Salat Hifzul Qur’an

I have heard about Salatul-Hajah (The prayer of need) and Salat Hifzul Qur’an (The prayer of Qur’an memorization)...

Ruling on praying behind an imam from the bareilawi sect

What is the ruling on praying behind an imam from the bareilawi sect, who believes that the Prophet...

The claim that Islam is based on morals and not Salah

Some people say that Islam is not just to perform Salah (Prayer), but it is to be of...

Salah of a menstruating woman

If a woman is purified from menstruation or postpartum bleeding before sunset, should she perform the Zhuhr (Noon)...

Ruling on missing the Fajr prayer due to practicing masturbation

I have neglected offering the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer at its due time for five times because of practicing masturbation,...

Ruling on wearing something bearing a cross while praying

What is your opinion concerning performing Salah (Prayer) while wearing a watch that has the sign of the...

Salah of a person who drinks intoxicants

What is the ruling on a person who drinks Khamr (intoxicants) at night and offers Salah (Prayer) during...

Obligation of Salah on a Mukallaf

Is Salah obligatory at all times? What is the ruling if a person gives up Salah because of...

Making up for missed Salah due to unconsciousness or sickness

My ninety-nine year old father was hit in a car accident. He was taken to a hospital where...

Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons

Allah has guided me to obey Him. I offer the daily prayers on time except for Fajr (Dawn)....

Exhorting children to pray

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Command your children to pray when they are seven...

Ruling on deliberate abandoning or delaying of Salah after its prescribed time

What is the ruling if a woman delays performing Salah (Prayer) after its due time and encourages her...

Clothing for women during Salah

I used to pray without wearing Hijab (veil), as I did not know of its obligation during prayer....

Repeating Wudu' and Salah if a person knows that some impurity was discharged during Salah

Question : I often feel drops of some fluid being emitted from my penis after performing Wudu’ (ablution) or during...

Penis erection does not invalidate Wudu'

Question : While a man performs Salah (Prayer), his penis becomes erect discharging nothing. Is his Wudu’ (ablution) nullified? If...

Looking at one's private parts does not invalidate Wudu'

Question : Is it permissible for a person to touch the Mushaf or offer Salah (Prayer) if it happened that...

Flowing of blood from anywhere other than the private parts does not invalidate Wudu'

Question : Does bleeding invalidate the Salah (Prayer)? Answer: All praise be to Allah Alone, and peace and blessings be...

Discovering after Salah that a person might have urinated in bed

Question : What should someone do if they wake up, make Wudu’ (ablution), offer Salah (Prayer), then go back to...

Deep sleep probably invalidates Wudu'

Question : Some people may fall asleep while engaged in Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) in the Masjid (mosque) using Misbahah...

Certainty is not removed by doubt

Question : If I perform Wudu’ (ablution) and then offer Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer and after a while the prescribed time...

An infant's urine should be washed but does not invalidate Wudu'

Question : I performed Wudu’ (ablution) for Salah (prayer), then I held a baby that stained my clothes with urine....