• Hisbah

    18 entries

The Believer's Stance towards the Trials (Fitnah)

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. May the good end be for the pious people. Peace be...

The Hadith: 'Whoever among you sees an evil'

What is the meaning of the Hadith reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with...

Warning against the bad deeds of Fasiq persons is not tale-bearing

Someone is known for their misbehavior and they publicly commit a major sin such as drinking alcohol. Thus,...

Scholars are obliged to enjoin good and forbid evil

The Qur’an and authentic Sunnah contain texts that signify enjoining good and forbidding evil, and the obligation of...

Someone who mentions another's faults in his face

Is it permissible for someone to frankly tell someone else about his defects? Answer: It is permissible...

Ruling on someone committing some misdeeds such as trailing the garment, shaving the beard, backbiting and tale-bearing

What is the ruling on someone who makes Isbal (Lowering and trailing one’s garment below one’s ankles), shaves...

Muslim's attitude towards political parties

Some Muslims take part in political parties. These parties follow either Russia or America. There are many such...

Matters that need disapproval of evil

Is it allowed to reprove a Muslim because he believes that pictures are permissible? What things are permissible...

Advising or complaining to the ruler from someone abandoning the congregational Salah

Is it obligatory on me to complain to the Imam about someone who does not attend the congregational...

Advising sinners and disobedient people and one's attitude towards them

How should a Muslim deal with an abusive man who speaks evil utterances of disbelief and oaths of...

No obedience in matters involving disobedience to Allah

Is it permissible for a true believer to commit some minor sins to please a ruler or some people,...

Stoning versus lashing a previously married man committing Zina

If a divorced man commits Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage), should he be stoned to death or considered unmarried?...

Disapproving evil done by relatives

What should a believing woman do when she sees one of her relatives committing evil acts? Answer:...

There is no way to achieve that unless advice is exchanged

Since its establishment, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has applied the Shari’ah of Allah and ruled according to His...

It is not permissible to kill resident or immigrant disbelievers

Some young people think that it is lawful to alienate the Kafirs (disbelievers) residing in or immigrating to Muslim...

What is the proper manner of enjoining right and forbidding evil

What is the proper manner of enjoining right and forbidding evil? What is the wisdom behind doing this? Answer:...

Ruling on those who abstain from enjoining good and forbidding evil

What is the ruling on those who abstain from enjoining good and forbidding evil while having the ability...