• Women

    39 entries

Ruling on marrying a woman who is not righteous

Many [Muslim] brothers - who are religiously committed - when proceeding to get married, they choose to ask...

The ruling on divorcing a pregnant wife

Is it permissible to divorce a pregnant wife or not? Answer: There is no objection in divorcing...

Ruling on wearing black garment in mourning for the dead

Is it permissible to wear a black garment for (mourning) the dead, in particular a deceased husband?

Ruling on going out to the market without husband permission

What is the ruling on a woman going out to the market without her husband’s permission? Answer:...

A woman is not guilty of sin if she advises her negligent husband

If a woman advises her negligent husband to do his prayers in the mosque or she expresses anger...

The importance of women's face-veil

I would like Your Eminence to answer me concerning the importance of a woman covering her face. Is...

Ruling on obedience to parents leads to committing sins

A young lady wants to wear Niqab (face veil), knowing that it is Fard (obligatory, based on a...

Ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing Hijab

What is the ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing...

A wife inheriting from the husband's Diyah as well as other property

A client of mine, Dr. Muhammad Tariq Mahmud, has received 100,000 Riyals as Diyah (blood money) from the driver...

Excluding the bedroom and the wife's property from the husband's inheritance

A man died leaving a furnished house, including the bedroom. Does the bedroom with all its accessories belong to...

Answering misconception related to women's inheritance

There is a suspicious matter aroused by the enemies of Allah. They say that Islam wrongs women. When one...

Ruling on paying the woman money to have intercourse

I am an unmarried man; I fear committing sins. What is the ruling if I give a woman...

Ruling on befriending women

A man lived with a woman (without marriage) for a long time and she bore him many children....

Salah of a menstruating woman

If a woman is purified from menstruation or postpartum bleeding before sunset, should she perform the Zhuhr (Noon)...

Ruling on deliberate abandoning or delaying of Salah after its prescribed time

What is the ruling if a woman delays performing Salah (Prayer) after its due time and encourages her...

Clothing for women during Salah

I used to pray without wearing Hijab (veil), as I did not know of its obligation during prayer....

Covering the Awrah

As there are many sectors including the military where people wear special outfits for physical exercises and which uncover...

What should a woman do when she has her monthly period and she is unable to offer Salah

What should a woman do when she has her monthly period and she is unable to offer Salah...

Woman's Hijab color

Should the Hijab (veil) of a Muslim woman be black or can it also be another color?

Wearing black clothes

Is it obligatory for women to dress in black when going out, or can they wear any color...

Ruling on wearing a brassiere

What is the ruling on women wearing a brassiere? Answer: Wearing a brassiere defines women’s breasts and...

Ruling on wearing sheer clothes

What is the ruling on women wearing sheer clothes? Answer: It is not permissible for women to...

Ruling on a woman wearing tight clothes

Is it permissible for a woman to wear tight clothes or white dress? Answer: It is not...

Ruling on a Women uncovering their hands in the presence of non-Mahrams

Is it permissible for a woman to uncover her hands in public or not? Answer: The palms...

Ruling on a woman removing hair from her body

I asked you previously about the ruling on a woman’s plucking of excessive hair from her body and...

Ruling on a woman who cover her head and uncover her face

If a woman wears clothes covering her head while uncovering her face and wears a garment covering everything...

Ruling on wearing tight shirts

Women here in our country wear tight shirts that reveal the shape of their bodies. I heard on...

Ruling on wearing skirt's opening

Fashion designs are rampant in the world today. Some women wear clothes that are zipped up at the...

Ruling on wearing scarf that covers the head partially leaving some hair uncovered

Is it permissible for a woman to cover her head with a scarf that covers the head partially...

Ruling on wearing ornamented clothes at weddings

Is it permissible for women to wear ornamented clothes at weddings while non-Mahrams (not spouses or unmarriageable relatives)...

Ruling on trimming eyebrows

What is the ruling on women trimming eyebrows? Answer: It is not permissible for women to remove...

Ruling on trimming eyebrows and the hair in between

What is the religious ruling on trimming the hair of the eyebrows and the hair in between if...

Ruling on those who believes that wearing black clothes will be in Hellfire forever

Some people claim that if a man makes his wife wear the Hijab (veil) and stay at home,...

Ruling on parting hair on side

What is the ruling on a woman parting her hair on the side, making only one braid, or...

Ruling on a man paying no attention to his women's clothes

What is the ruling on a man whose female members of his family go out wearing transparent clothing?...

Ruling on using artificial nails, eye lashes, and colored contact lenses

Some methods of adornment are available in our markets, such as artificial nails, false eyelashes, and colored contact...

Ruling on men neglecting their Mahrams

What is your opinion of a man who does not order his female household to cover themselves in...

Touching or shaking hands with woman

Question : Is Wudu’ (ablution) nullified by touching or shaking hands with a non-Mahram woman (neither a spouse nor a...

Emission of wind from a woman’s vagina

Question 1: Does emission of wind from a woman’s front passage invalidate Wudu’? Question 2: A woman passes wind from...