• Masturbation

    13 entries

Ruling on swearing not to masturbate but returning to it

I committed masturbation several times. Once I took an oath by the Mus-haf (copy of the Qur’an) that I...

Ruling on masturbation

A person observes obligatory acts of worship such as Salah (Prayer) and Sawm (fast) etc. However, he practices masturbation....

Ruling on masturbation for medical purposes

I suffer from a disease that makes me unable to have sexual intercourse with my wife. I have been...

Ruling on cursing the masturbator

Is a masturbator included among the seven types of people whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) cursed in...

Ruling on missing the Fajr prayer due to practicing masturbation

I have neglected offering the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer at its due time for five times because of practicing masturbation,...

Ruling on masturbation to prove the need to marry

I am a fifty year old man who does not have enough money to marry. However, I have married...

Ruling on masturbation during Ramadan

I am a young man in the habit of masturbating. I masturbated on one of the days of...

Ruling on masturbation by means of pressing the prostate area

I would like to know the Islamic ruling on intentional rubbing of the prostate gland to discharge Maniy (sperm),...

Is having a wet dream similar to masturbation?

Repeated lustful thoughts may preoccupy a person’s mind thus driving them to discharge Maniy (sperm) as a result of...

Comparison between masturbation and looking at women

It is known that masturbation which is especially practiced among young men, is Haram (prohibited) in Islam. A person...

The Ayahs that state the prohibited immoral sexual practices

What are the Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) that prohibit immoral sexual practices commonly spread in some countries? Answer: The Ayah...

Administering the Hadd to the masturbator

Due to the high expenses of marriage, some youth resort to masturbation; what is the ruling on this? Will...

Ruling on lesbianism

What is the ruling on lesbianism and masturbation? Answer: Lesbianism is Haram (prohibited), and is a major sin because...