• Hudud

    13 entries

The Quran is the Word of Allah and is not created

What is the difference between one who says: “My articulation of the Qur’an is created” and one who...

Executing one who apostatizes from Islam

I heard on a radio program interview that there is no evidence in the Noble Qur’an, the Hadith or...

Tawbah to prevent the execution of the Hadd

Is Tawbah (repentance to Allah) from the major sins for which Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Laws) are...

Stoning versus lashing a previously married man committing Zina

If a divorced man commits Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage), should he be stoned to death or considered unmarried?...

Responsible for Qisas

We live in a non-Islamic country where a Muslim man may be killed for reasons such as being angry...

Punishment on the Day of Resurrection for someone to whom the Hadd has been administered

Will a sinner who receives the Hadd (ordained punishment for violating Allah’s Law) in worldly life be punished on...

Permissibility of the victim's guardian giving up the right of executing the Hadd

In the current Shawwal 20, two students in the first grade in the preparatory school committed homosexuality with a...

Paying money instead of executing the Hadd

What is the ruling on substituting a prescribed penalty proven by texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah with...

Forgiving the people of good qualities their slips

What is the degree of authenticity of the Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and others which reads: “Forgive the...

A family executing the Hadd of Zina if living in a country that does not apply Shari'ah

I would like to know the legal decision on a person who commits a crime that incurs Hadd (ordained...

Executing Hadd in the absence of the ruler

Is it permissible to execute Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Law) when there is no Muslim ruler? Answer:...

Lesbianism and its Hadd

What is the meaning of lesbianism? Is there any punishment for it? Answer: Lesbianism stands for homosexuality between females....

Ruling on sodomy and the effect on illegitimate children

A Muslim man had sodomy with a boy under the age of puberty with the boy’s consent and without...