Taswir (painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, etc)
8 entries
The ruling on taking picturesWhat is the ruling on photographs, when they are for necessity and when they are for adornment? |
The ruling on Taswir of an inanimate objectsIf Taswir (painting, drawing, sculpture, and photography) of inanimate objects is lawful from the Shar’i perspective, is it... |
Ruling on painting, drawing, sculpture, photographyWhat is your view concerning the claim that taking photographs of humans is permissible, while drawing pictures is... |
The ruling on putting pictures in homesWe know that hanging pictures in homes is Haram (prohibited). Can we hang them in the bathroom, whether... |
The ruling on keeping useful magazines that contain picturesWhat is the ruling on bringing home useful magazines and school books that contain pictures of living creatures?... |
The ruling on keeping picturesWhat is the ruling on personal photos one has? Answer: These photos should be disposed of if... |
The ruling on caricaturesWhat is the ruling on caricatures in newspapers and magazines that include drawings of persons? Answer: The... |
Issue on painting, drawing, sculpture, photographyIs it permissible for a teacher to draw animate beings in the course of teaching as a visual... |