• Da'wah (Calling to Islam)

    8 entries

Ruling on calling people to Islam through politics

Which is better; to work for the benefit of Islam through politics or through calling people to work...

The book: 'Al-Jawahir by Shaykh Zayn Al-Din Al-Malibary' is not considered a reliable source

Question : Attached to my letter is a booklet called Al-Jawahir fi ‘Uqubat Ahl Al-Kaba’ir. I have read the entire...

Extent of obligatory knowledge

Question : I would like to know the extent of the knowledge that it is conditional to know before practicing...

Ruling on claiming that the Call to Islam does not need knowledge

Some Muslim brothers hold the view of the obligatory nature of calling non-Muslims to Islam upon every capable Muslim....

Calling people to Allah with wisdom and fair preaching

All the inhabitants of the village embraced Islam. But about half of the village have idols in their...

Calling Muslims who do not know Islam

My question is about what should be given priority while practicing Da’wah (call to Islam) here. Muslims here...

Ruling on the call to rapprochement between religions

Is the call for rapprochement between religions (Islam - Christianity - Judaism) a legitimate one? Is it permissible for...

How to call those who are influenced by certain cultures to Islam

What is the best way to practice Da’wah (calling to Islam) with people who are influenced by certain...