Advice for Social Media Users


May Allah protect you, honorable Shaykh. The questioner here asks you to provide advice to social media users.


Yes, these media platforms have both good and bad aspects. If they are used for good, they can be beneficial, but if they are used for evil, they can harm everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims alike. They are like a double-edged sword, which can bring benefit if used for good, but can cause harm if used for evil. Therefore, Muslims youth should be aware of this and take from these social media channels and websites what is useful and beneficial for their religion and worldly affairs, and leave what is worthless, such as misguided ideas, deviant opinions, and ignorance spread by ignorant people or those who are misguided.

Knowledge is not obtained from websites or social media networks; it is obtained directly from scholars, from the Book [of Allah] and the Sunnah by the hands of scholars! It is not obtained from social media networks, rumors, or websites. This is misleading. Knowledge can only be obtained directly from scholars. If the questions arise, they should be posed to scholars, not to the general public. They should be sent directly to scholars, who are responsible for answering them.

If there is a matter of security or fear, they can be broadcasted. This is called broadcasting, which is the dissemination of information to the masses, including the ignorant people. They may enter into such matters and make judgments without knowledge. If they had referred the matter back to the Messenger (the Prophet), he would have replied to it during his lifetime and after his death (rely) according to his Sunnah. If they referred the matter to the leaders, they would be divided into two groups: the political leaders and the scholars. In matters of religion and worldly affairs, in matters of jurisprudence, religious problems, and politics, the matter should be referred to the people of knowledge.

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