Warning against seeking Fatwa from ignorant people and those who follow false doctrines

His Eminence Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz the Grand Mufty of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of Council of Senior Scholars and Departments of Scholarly Research and Ifta’, warned youth against asking for the opinion of the ignorant, half-educated people and followers of false doctrines who seek to sow the seeds of discord between Muslims and try to harm their Din (religion).

In response to a question published in Al-Yawm newspaper on the role scholars can play in directing young people and warning them against adopting alien principles which incite them to rebel against their country, His Eminence said:

It is the duty of scholars of the Qur’an and Sunnah (whatever reported from the Prophet) to convey to people the duties which Allah (Exalted be He) has ordered them to fulfill and to avoid what He has declared to be prohibited. They should warn them against obeying ignorant people who seek to sow seeds of discord between Muslims. Lacking beneficial knowledge, their ultimate concern is to be at enmity with Islam and its followers. They seek to confuse Muslims with regard to their religion. His Eminence reiterated the necessity of guarding against this sort of people. He called upon all people to only ask for the opinion of righteous and wise scholars who are well-versed in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

  • Estimated reading time :
    1 Min read
  • Source:
    Majmu' Fatawa wa Maqalat vol 9
  • Refutals   Manhaj
  • Updated :