• Fatwas

    958 entries

Validity of acts of worship by someone committing a sin that entails executing the Hadd

Someone drinks Khamr (intoxicants) and commits Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage) but they perform Salah (Prayer) and the...

Rule on drink Khamr for relieve pains

Is it permissible for a believer to drink Khamr claiming that it relieves some of their pains?

Ruling on wearing gloves while praying

Abdullah Abu Omar from Jordan asks: In winter, my hands become very cold, can I wear woolen gloves...

The ruling on smiling during Salah

Does smiling during Salah (Prayer) invalidate it ? Answer: Smiling does not invalidate Salah but laughing with...

False Karamahs

It is said that there are chosen men who can perform extraordinary events such as coming to perform Hajj...

Can a person be excused for their ignorance regarding the fundamentals of Tawhid

Can a person be excused for their ignorance regarding the fundamentals of Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah)...

Ruling on using phrase 'peace be upon him' to anyone other than the Messenger

While reviewing the topics in the book “‘Aqd Al-Durar fi Akhbar Al-Muntadhar”, I found some narrations reported on the...

Ruling on Palmistry

Some people say that the lines on the right palm are in the shape of the Arabic number...

Ruling on Ghulu in loving the Prophet (peace be upon him)

What does Ghulu in loving the Prophet (peace be upon him) mean? Answer: Ghulu (Exceeding proper limits)...

Sites of the Prophets' graves

In the Sultanate of Oman, particularly in the South, there is a Masjid (mosque) and a grave in...

The location of the grave of Al-Husayn

People talk a great deal and have different opinions about where the grave of Al-Husayn is located. Can...

Exposition that the exact location of the grave of Al-Khadir is unknown

There is a mausoleum in our residential district where people claim the body of Al-Khadir (peace be upon...

Quburiyyun (grave worshippers)

It is said that the early Mushriks (those who associate others with Allah in His Divinity or worship)...

Is it true that Ali fought the Jinn?

A questioner from Republic of Yemen asks: is it true that Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with...

Ruling on the green dome on the grave of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

We learnt from Shaykh Abdul- ‘Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz that domes and other buildings on graves are...

Was Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab's Da'wah based on Takfir?

Some claim that Takfir (declaring someone to be a disbeliever) that is known nowadays was the product of...

All of the scholars in Saudia are Wahhabis?

My parents are not upon the correct methodology and Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) has guided me...

Ruling on Funeral Prayer for people transgressing Shari'ah

If a Muslim transgresses the Shari’ah (Islamic law), should Muslims offer Funeral Prayer for him on his death...

Extolling Allah means praising Him a lot

What is the meaning of extolling Allah? Answer: Extolling Allah means praising Him a lot; i.e., (saying):...

Allah's Speech to Moses

How many times did Allah speak to Musa (Moses, peace be upon him)? Did He speak to him...