Ruling on whoever dies as a minor

O Shaykh, it is said that when a baby is born, it will be written on his forehead that he is wretched or blessed. What is the ruling on...

Safar 24, 1442 AH // Oct 11, 2020

Ruling on Ahl Al-Fatrah

Two people differed over the final destiny of Ahl-Al-Fatrah (people whom the message of Islam has not reached). While one holds the view that they will be saved from...

Safar 24, 1442 AH // Oct 11, 2020

The Prophet's parents

Is it correct that Ahl-ul-Fatrah (people having no access to Divine Messages) will be saved from Hell and that the parents of the Prophet (peace be upon him) were...

Safar 24, 1442 AH // Oct 11, 2020

The fate of the children of the disbelievers

What is the fate of the non-Muslim children on the Day of Resurrection? Answer: The preponderant view is that Allah will test them with some commands on the Day...

Safar 24, 1442 AH // Oct 11, 2020

The fate of Ahl Al-Fatrah

A young intellectual Buddhist lady has recently embraced Islam after seven years of extensive research, and she is now performing Da’wah (calling to Islam). Some men and women embraced...

Safar 24, 1442 AH // Oct 11, 2020

Can a Muslim's ignorance of creed be excused?

In our country, the worship of graves is rampant; there are many advocates who claim that the worshippers of graves among Muslims will be excused for their ignorance. Therefore,...

Safar 24, 1442 AH // Oct 11, 2020

Ruling on watching movies and television and playing cards during the daytime in Ramadan

Some Muslims spend most of the day in Ramadan watching movies, soap operas, videos, television, and playing cards. What is the ruling on this? Answer: Muslims, whether fasting or...

Safar 23, 1442 AH // Oct 10, 2020

Is the month of Ramadan an exclusive feature of the Muslims?

Is the month of Ramadan an exclusive feature of our Muslim nation only or it was also prescribed upon previous nations? Answer: Allah (Exalted be He) states: “O you...

Safar 23, 1442 AH // Oct 10, 2020

Advise for Muslims on the occasion of the beginning of blessed Ramadan

What is the word you would like to direct to the Muslim Ummah (nation based on one creed) on celebrating the beginning of Ramadan? Answer: In the Name of...

Safar 23, 1442 AH // Oct 10, 2020

Ruling on joining religious parties

What do you advise preachers to do against the religious innovators? We would like you to direct special advice to the young men who are excited about joining...

Safar 21, 1442 // Oct 08, 2020

knowledge has faded and the scholars have died

One of the common sayings among students, especially in colleges and scientific institutions is: knowledge has faded and the scholars have died. Also that there is no one who...

Safar 21, 1442 AH // Oct 08, 2020

Obeying rulers and scholars in Ma'ruf to set things right

Question 1: What is meant by obeying those in authority in the Ayah (Qur’anic verse)? Does the term refer to scholars or rulers, who may be unjust? Answer...

Safar 20, 1442 AH // Oct 07, 2020

Each group claims to be the right group

Your Eminence, Fitnahs (temptations) have spread in the arena of Da’wah (calling to Islam) due to the presence of many Islamic groups. Among these groups are Jama’at Tabligh,...

Safar 20, 1442 // Oct 07, 2020

The obligation of abiding by the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger and warning against whatever contradicts them

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. The best outcome is for the righteous. May peace and blessings be upon the slave and Messenger of Allah, whom...

Safar 19, 1442 // Oct 06, 2020

The Hadith: 'All of them will be in Hellfire except one'

What is meant by the Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) concerning the Ummah (nation) in which he said: “…all of them will be in Hellfire except...

Safar 18, 1442 AH // Oct 05, 2020

The meaning of 'Newly invented things'

What are the “Newly invented things” (mentioned in a Hadith)? Answer: The Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Beware of newly invented things (in religion)”...

Safar 8, 1442 // Oct 03, 2020

Answering a question presented by a Muslim brother on some issues of Bid'ah and Shirk

What is the religious ruling of Allah and His Messenger on a person who commits the following: During the Adhan (call to prayer) he says, (I bear witness that...

Safar 15, 1442 // Oct 02, 2020

Obligation of enjoining good and forbidding evil

All praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and those who follow his guidance! To proceed: It is one of...

Safar 09, 1442 // Sep 26, 2020

We do not declare a Muslim as a disbeliever for committing a sin unless he believes it is lawful.

Some people ascribe the following saying of Salaf (righteous predecessor): “We do not declare a Muslim as a disbeliever for committing a sin unless he believes it is...

Safar 07, 1442 // Sep 24, 2020

Ruling on making Sujud and slaughtering for other than Allah out of ignorance

What is the ruling on making Sujud (Prostration) and slaughtering for other than Allah out of ignorance? Is doing these acts ignorantly the same as doing them intentionally? Answer:...

Safar 07, 1442 AH // Sep 24, 2020