Biography of Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan

His Name and Lineage:

Shaykh Dr. Salih Ibn Fawzan ibn ‘Abdullah Al-Fawzan from the family of Fawzan from the people of Al-Shamasyah from the tribe of Al-Dawasir.

His Post:

A member of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’ and member of the Council of Senior Scholars

His Rank:


His Date of Appointment:

15 Rajab, 1412 A.H.

His Jobs:

He worked as an associate professor at the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University.

His Life and Study:

Shaykh Salih ibn Fawzan was born in 1363 A.H. His father died when he was young so he was brought up by his family. He learnt the Ever-Glorious Qur’an and the basics of reading and writing under the Imam of the town’s mosque, who was a good reciter. He was the noble Shaykh Hamud ibn Sulayman Al-Talal, who was later made a judge in the town of Dariyyah in the region of Al-Qassim.

He later studied at the state school when it opened in Al-Shamasyah in 1369 A.H. He completed his primary studies at the Faysaliyyah School in Buraydah in 1371 A.H., and was then appointed as a primary school teacher. He joined the Educational Institute in Buraydah when it opened in 1373 A.H., and graduated from it in 1377 A.H. He then joined the Faculty of Shari’ah in Riyadh and graduated from it in 1381 A.H. Thereafter he gained his Master’s degree in Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), and later a Doctorate from the same faculty, also specializing in Fiqh.

His Posts:

After graduating from the Faculty of Shari’ah, Shaykh Salih ibn Fawzan was appointed as a teacher in the Educational Institute in Riyadh, and subsequently transferred to teaching in the Faculty of Shari’ah. Later, he transferred to teaching at the Department for Higher Studies in the Faculty of Usul Al-Din (the Principles of the Religion). Then he transferred to teaching at the High Judicial Institute, where he was appointed as the Head. He then returned to teaching there after his period of headship came to an end. He was then made a member of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’, where he continues to this day.

The noble Shaykh is a member of the Council of Senior Scholars, and a member of the Fiqh Academy in Makkah, which is affiliated with the Muslim World League. He is also a member of the Committee for Supervision of the Callers in Hajj, and a member of the Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’. He is also the Imam, preacher, and teacher at the Prince Mut’ib Ibn ‘Abdul-‘Aziz Mosque in Al-Malz.

He participates in responding to questions on the radio program Nur ‘Ala Al-Darb. He also contributes research, studies, theses, and Fatwas (legal opinions issued by a qualified Muslim scholar) to scholarly magazines, which are then collected and published. The noble Shaykh also takes part in supervising a number of theses at the Master’s degree and Doctorate levels. He has a number of students of knowledge who frequent his regular gatherings and lessons.

His Shaykhs:

He studied at the hands of a number prominent scholars and jurists, the most notable of whom were His Eminence Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz ibn Baz, Shaykh ‘Abdullah ibn Humayd (whose lessons he used to attend at the Buraydah Mosque), Shaykh Muhammad Al-Amin Al-Shanqity, Shaykh ‘Abdul-Razzaq ‘Afifiy, Shaykh Salih ibn ‘Abdul-Rahman Al-Sakity, Shaykh Salih ibn Ibrahim Al-Balihy, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sabil, ‘Abdullah ibn Salih Al-Khalify, Shaykh Ibrahim ibn ‘Ubayd Al-‘Abd Al-Muhsin, Shaykh Hammud ibn ‘Uqla, and Salih Al-‘Ali Al-Nasir.

His Works:

The Shaykh has many written works, the most notable being:

  1. Al-Tahqiqat Al-Murdiyyah Fi Al-Mabahith Al-Fardiyyah in the science of inheritance, 1 volume, which is his thesis for his Master’s degree.
  2. Ahkam Al-At’imah Fi Al-Shari’ah Al-Islamiyyah, 1 volume, which is his thesis for his Doctorate.
  3. Al-Irshad Ila Sahih Al-I’tiqad, 1 volume.
  4. Sharh Al-‘Aqidah Al-Wasatiyyah, 1 volume.
  5. Al-Bayan Fima Akhta’a Fihi Ba’d Al-Kuttab, 1 volume.
  6. Majmu’ Muhadarat Fi Al-‘Aqidah Wa Al-Da’wah, 2 volumes.
  7. Al-Khutab Al-Manbariyyah Fi Al-Munasabat Al-‘Asriyyah, 4 volumes.
  8. Min A’lam Al-Mujadidin Fi Al-Islam.
  9. Rasa’il Fi Mawadi’ Mukhtalifah.
  10. Majmu’ Fatawa Fi Al-‘Aqidah Wa Al-Fiqh, taken from Nur ‘Ala Al-Darb program, of which four parts are finished.
  11. Naqd Kitab Al-Halal Wa Al-Haram Fi Al-Islam.
  12. Sharh Kitab Al-Tawhid Lil Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab.
  13. Al-Ta’qib ‘Ala Ma Dhakarahu Al-Khatib Fi Haq Al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab.
  14. Al-Mulakhkhas Al-Fiqhi, 2 volumes.
  15. Ithaf Ahl Al-Iman Bidrus Shahr Ramadan.
  16. Al-Diya’ Al-Lami’ Min Al-Ahadith Al-Qudsiyyah Al-Jawami’.
  17. Bayan Ma Yaf’aluhu Al-Hajj Wa Al-Mu’tammir.
  18. Kitab Al-Tawhid, a two-part curriculum of the secondary school at the Ministry of Education.
  19. Fatwas and articles published in Al-Da’wah magazine.

There are also many books, research papers, and theses, some of which are printed and others which are not. We ask Allah, Exalted be He, to make him beneficial and make them in the records of our eminent Shaykh. Verily Allah is All-Hearing, All-Responding.

Written by ‘Abdul-‘Aziz ibn ‘Abdul-Karim Al-‘Isa

  • Estimated Reading Time
    4 min read
  • Country :
    Saudi Arabia
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