Be fair and equitable with your children

My father has an ancient house in an excellent location. He wants to register that house in my brother’s name and I have agreed to this. However, I have...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 15, 1442 AH // Nov 01, 2020

Warning against talking about people's honor and Ghibah

What is Ghibah? What is the ruling on transgressing against the honor of people? Is it permissible to sit with a person who backbites others? Answer: Saying things about...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 15, 1442 AH // Nov 01, 2020

Jarh wa Ta'dil and investigating Hadith still remain

Your Eminence, concerning Takhrij (referencing) of a Hadith, Ta’dil (validating the uprightness of Hadith narrators) and Jarh (criticism of Hadith narrators), some people think that the field of Jarh...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 14, 1442 AH // Oct 31, 2020

On Shaykh Al-Albani

We have a knowledgeable Shaykh in our district, but he insults the other Shaykhs who contradict his opinions. This Shaykh mentions Shaykh Nasir Al-Din Al-Albani specifically and he warns...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 14, 1442 AH // Oct 31, 2020

Ruling on women offering Janazah Prayer

Is it permissible for women to offer Janazah (Funeral) Prayer, or not? Answer: Yes, generally, it is Mashru’ (Islamically prescribed) for any Muslim to offer Janazah Prayer,...

Rabi' Al-Thani 13, 1442 // Oct 30, 2020

Rule on associating with the disbelievers

What is the association with Kafirs (disbelievers) that is prohibited by Shari`ah (Islamic Law)? Answer: Loving the Kafirs, helping them in falsehood and considering them friends are major sins...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

The ruling on Taswir of an inanimate objects

If Taswir (painting, drawing, sculpture, and photography) of inanimate objects is lawful from the Shar`y perspective, is it permissible to continue doing so? Answer: Yes, this is permissible according...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

Ruling on Taswir (painting, drawing, sculpture, photography)

What is your view concerning the claim that taking photographs of humans is permissible, while drawing pictures is Haram (prohibited)? What is your advice for Muslim women who issue...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

The ruling on putting pictures in homes

We know that hanging pictures in homes is Haram (prohibited). Can we hang them in the bathroom, whether they are tridimensional or not? Answer: It is obligatory to remove...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

The ruling on keeping useful magazines that contain pictures

What is the ruling on bringing home useful magazines and school books that contain pictures of living creatures? Does this come under the ruling introduced in the Hadith that...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

The ruling on keeping pictures

What is the ruling on personal photos one has? Answer: These photos should be disposed of if they are no longer needed. As for the Hadith: “Except a design...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

The ruling on caricatures

What is the ruling on caricatures in newspapers and magazines that include drawings of persons? Answer: The referred to drawing is not permissible. It is one of the widely...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

Issue on Taswir (painting, drawing, sculpture, photography)

Is it permissible for a teacher to draw animate beings in the course of teaching as a visual aid, bearing in mind that many Sahih (authentic) Hadiths prohibit Taswir...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

Ruling on Muslims residing in a non-Muslim country

What is your advice for the unemployed Muslim brothers and sisters who live in England and receive financial support from the government? They sometimes get a job but they...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 11, 1442 AH // Oct 28, 2020

Allah's Wisdom behind trying His Slaves with calamities and ordeals

From ‘Abdul-Aziz ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Baz to all Muslims. May Allah help us do what pleases Him and safeguard us against what causes His wrath and punishment! Amen! As-salamu...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 09, 1442 // Oct 26, 2020

A Piece of advice about earthquakes

All praise be to Allah. May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon Allah’s Messenger and upon his family, Companions, and those who follow his guidance! Allah (Glorified be He) is...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 09, 1442 // Oct 26, 2020

Executing one who apostatizes from Islam

I heard on a radio program interview that there is no evidence in the Noble Qur’an, the Hadith or even a Fatwa (legal opinion issued by a qualified scholar)...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 9, 1442 AH // Oct 26, 2020

It is Compulsory to save yourself and family from Hellfire

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. In the Ever-Glorious Qur’an, Allah (Glorified and Exalted be...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 08, 1442 // Oct 25, 2020

Do supplication and Sadaqah (voluntary charity) repel the Divine Decree and Predestination?

Do supplication and Sadaqah (voluntary charity) repel the Divine Decree and Predestination? Answer: Predestination that Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) decided will definitely come to pass....

Rabi' Al-Awwal 06, 1442 // Oct 23, 2020

Ruling on following Sufi Shaykhs

A Sudanese person living in Al-Anbar says: In our country we have various sects. Each sect follows a certain shaykh to guide and teach them and believe that he...

Rabi' Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH // Oct 22, 2020