Ruling on Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Some people celebrate the fourteenth day of February of each Christian year as the Day of Love (Valentine’s Day), where they exchange gifts of red roses and wear...

Muharram 02, 1445 AH // Jul 20, 2023

The ruling on supplications accompanied by music

What is the ruling on supplications accompanied by music? Answer: This is not permissible, for music in itself is haram and making du’as (supplications) accompanied by music...

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 // Jul 16, 2023

Ruling on listening to songs

What is the ruling on listening to singing? Answer: Listening to songs is haram, for Allah (Exalted be He) says, “And of mankind is he who purchases...

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 // Jul 16, 2023

Ruling on hearing songs or music without intending

What is the ruling on hearing songs on the telephone that you have no choice but to listen to when you booking flights with airline companies? Because usually...

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1444 // Jul 16, 2023

What is the kind of bell that is forbidden?

What is the kind of bell that is forbidden? Please note that there are electric bells that make sounds like birds, or bells on alarm clocks where one piece...

Dhul-Hijjah 27, 1444 // Jul 15, 2023

Tafsir Surat Al-Tawbah 23-24

Allah Ta’ala says: “O you who have believed, do not take your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so among...

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 // Jul 12, 2023

Tafsir Surat Al-Ankabut Ayat 8

“And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents; but if they strive to make you join with Me (in worship) anything (as a partner)...

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 // Jul 12, 2023

Ruling on reciting Al-Fatihah for the deceased when visiting his grave

Is it permissible to read Al-Fatihah or anything from the Qur’an for the deceased when visiting his grave, and does that benefit him?  Answer: It is proven that the...

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 AH // Jul 12, 2023

What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary?

What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary? Answer: The origin of this is a Pharaonic custom which was practised by the Pharaohs before Islam, then it spread from...

Dhul-Hijjah 24, 1444 AH // Jul 12, 2023

It is not permissible to give the daughters of Sunni families in marriage to the sons of Shi’is or Communists

Allah decreed that a Kurdish man who claims to be a Sunni and is outwardly righteous should propose marriage to me. His name is Haydar ‘Abdul-Husayn Al-Jabiri. He...

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1444 // Jul 11, 2023

Rapprochement Between The Shi'ah And The Sunnis Is Not Possible

Rapprochement between the Rafidah and the Sunnis is not possible, because their beliefs are different. The belief of Ahl Al-Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah is Tawhid or the oneness of Allah and devoting...

Dhul-Hijjah 23, 1444 // Jul 11, 2023

Ruling on a Muslim Marrying a Shi’i

We come from a tribe that lives on the northern borders [of Saudi Arabia], and we mix with tribes from Iraq who are idolatrous Shi’ah; they worship domes and...

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 // Jul 10, 2023

Marriage is Half Your Religion

The Sunnah indicates that it is prescribed to get married, and that it is one of the Sunnahs of the Messengers. By getting married a person can, with the help...

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 // Jul 10, 2023

Ruling On Burying Non-Sunnis With Sunnis In The Same Graveyard

What is the ruling on burying Non-Sunnis with Sunnis (Ahlus-Sunnah) in the same graveyard? Answer: If the innovator is a kafir (disbeliever) because of his bid’ah (religious innovation), then...

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 AH // Jul 10, 2023

Ruling On Reciting Al-Fatihah At The Time Of A Man's Proposal To A Woman

Is reciting Al-Fatihah at the time when a man gets engaged to a woman an innovation (bid‘ah)?  Answer: Reciting Al-Fatihah at the time of a man’s proposal to a...

Dhul-Hijjah 22, 1444 AH // Jul 10, 2023

Palestinian Intifada

Today we are witnessing a major political phenomenon that has shaken the world, namely the uprising of the Palestinian people against the Jews (the Intifada). Can you suggest...

Dhul-Hijjah 11, 1444 // Jun 29, 2023

On Palestinian Issue

What is the way of solving the Palestinian issue which becomes more complicated each day? Answer: The Muslim is deeply grieved and filled with sorrow as the...

Dhul-Hijjah 10, 1444 // Jun 28, 2023

Green Dome over the Prophet’s grave

There are those who take the building of the green dome over the Prophet’s grave in the Prophet’s Mosque as evidence that it is permissible to build domes over other graves, such...

Rabi Al-Thani 13, 1444 // Nov 07, 2022

Correct methodology for advising the rulers

What is the correct methodology for advising, particularly with regard to advising rulers? Should it be done by publicizing their evil actions from the mimbars or by advising them...

Rajab 13, 1443 AH // Feb 14, 2022

Ruling on Anasheed

What deserves attention also is: The tapes that are being increasingly circulated amongst the practicing youth in which anasheed done in group voices are recorded. They call them Islamic anasheed,...

Rajab 13, 1443 // Feb 14, 2022