The Salaf warned against the story-tellers

The Salaf have mentioned the story-tellers (qassas) in the past and condemned them. What is their method and what should our stance be towards them? Answer: The Salaf, may...

Rajab 12, 1443 // Feb 13, 2022

Was the Ka'bah clad with a covering at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)?

Was the Ka’bah clad with a covering at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)? When did this practice begin? Who was the first person...

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH // May 03, 2021

What is the meaning of Bid'ah?

What is the meaning of Bid’ah? We want you to define this term clearly. Indeed, there are some people who say that everything that was not practiced during the...

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH // May 03, 2021

The meaning and types of Bid'ah

We would like you to explain the meaning and types of Bid’ah (innovation in religion) in detail for us. Answer: Bid’ah is an act of worship that was not...

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH // May 03, 2021

Acts of worship are Tawqifi

Please comment on the Hadith mentioned below, as it is controversial among the students of knowledge. I would like you to explain it in writing, so that they can...

Ramadan 21, 1442 AH // May 03, 2021

Ruling on commanding one's children under ten to offer Salah

Are parents of children under ten considered sinners if their children do not perform Salah (Prayer)? Answer: No! They are not sinners. They should only encourage thern...

Sha'ban 23, 1442 // Apr 05, 2021

Ruling on extravagant and lavishness during funerals

What is the ruling on extravagance in funerals? The bereaved family serve dinners for those who come to offer condolences. There are also some customs that have spread,...

Sha'ban 22, 1442 // Apr 04, 2021

The differences between the Ahl-ul-Sunnah and Shiites

We are in urgent need of information about the differences between the Ahl-ul-Sunnah (adherents to the Sunnah) and Shiites. We hope that you can explain something about their beliefs?...

Jumada Al-Awwal 26, 1442 // Jan 10, 2021

Are Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism considered religions?

On the evening of Friday, 4th of Safar 1403 A.H., I watched the TV show “The Natural World”. The episode was about India. While giving a quick introduction to...

Jumada Al-Awwal 26, 1442 AH // Jan 10, 2021

The Qarmatians and Al-Batiniyyah

What is your opinion regarding the Qarmatians and Al-Batiniyyah? Are they considered Islamic sects or Kafir (disbelieving) ones? Please provide us with some information on them along with some...

Jumada Al-Awwal 25, 1442 // Jan 09, 2021

Punishment in the Grave

I learned from some Muslim scholars that a dead person comes to life in the grave, answers the questions of the angels, and is punished if they had shown...

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH // Dec 23, 2020

It was not authentically reported that a dead person can see the Prophet in his grave

After death and burial, does a person see the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the grave? Shall he be asked, ‘what do you say about this man (the...

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH // Dec 23, 2020

Is there any Adhkar from the Qur'an and the Sunnah that can be said to rescue one from the punishment of the grave?

What is the evidence from the Qur’an and the Sunnah showing that certain things can protect people from the punishment in the grave? Are there any Dua’s (supplications) said...

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH // Dec 23, 2020

Hadith about the Prophet putting a palm leave on the graves

Ibn ‘Abbas narrated: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) once passed by two graves and said: “These two persons are being tortured not for a major sin (to...

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 // Dec 23, 2020

Giving the Muslims' sins to the Jews and Christians

Burdening the Jews and Christians with the Muslims’ sins on the Day of Resurrection contradicts Allah’s saying: “…nor will you be requited anything except that which you used to...

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH // Dec 23, 2020

Entering Jannah is by the bounty of Allah, not by good deeds

It has been narrated in a Hadith that no one will enter Jannah (Paradise) by the virtue of their deeds; rather due to the bounty of Allah (Exalted be...

Jumada Al-Awwal 8, 1442 AH // Dec 23, 2020

Should a man who discovers that his wife is not a virgin demand his Mahr?

In some countries, people like to see the virginal blood on the bride’s garment and announce her virtuousness the next morning in daylight. If a husband finds his wife...

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH // Dec 20, 2020

Rule on a woman refuses any person proposing for her betrothal and wants to be married only to her paternal cousins

I have a full sister who has reached twenty years of age without getting married. Whenever a man proposes to marry her she refuses, saying “I consent only to...

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH // Dec 20, 2020

Prohibition of giving women in marriage without their permission

My father forced my sixteen years old sister to marry a man whom she does not desire. She tries now to commit suicide saying that death is more desirable...

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH // Dec 20, 2020

It is permissible to refuse marriage when there is a Shar'i excuse

What is the ruling on a Muslim girl refusing to get married? While she is chaste and Islamically committed and hence she finds no needs of marriage? It should...

Jumada Al-Awwal 05, 1442 AH // Dec 20, 2020