Ruling on believing in Al-Shadhiliyyah order

There is a Sufi order called “Al-Shadhiliyyah”. Its members do not perform Salah (prayer), nor Sawm (fasting), nor pay Zakah (obligatory charity). They have a person whom they...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on taking money to break the law

The current laws in Egypt allow pharmacists to own only two pharmacies. Some pharmacists are not satisfied with this, because they would like to expand their business. Pharmacists wishing...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on standing up as a way of honoring the national anthem

Is it permissible to stand in honor of a national anthem or flag? Answer: It is not permissible for a Muslim to stand in honor of a national anthem...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on shaving the beard and being unable to perform some Salahs during military service

Is it permissible to join an activity that requires shaving one’s beard, being unable to perform some of the prescribed Salahs (Prayers) at their due times, or obeying military...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on lying to and deceiving the ruler

The governmental system does not allow government employees to open a shop of their own. Is it permissible to open a shop under the name of another person, who...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

No obedience in matters involving disobedience to Allah

Is it permissible for a true believer to commit some minor sins to please a ruler or some people, or does he have to strictly follow the Book of...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Advice of Allah's Book [Part 2]

Read part one here All praise be to Allah. Beware of Zhulm (injustice), for it has bad consequences. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The Muslim is inviolable...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on medical insurance

I would like to tell Your Eminence that Riyadh Reconstruction Company secures healthcare coverage to its employees and their families for free through paying the bills of their...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on Insurance

All praise is due to Allah Alone and peace and blessings be upon the Last of the Prophets. To proceed: The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’ has reviewed...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on health Insurance

Someone has a dispensary and used to conclude contracts with some companies to treat their employees for a specific amount of money per year. The employees of the contracting...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on applying health insurance to company employees

I am working in a certain company which makes contracts with some hospitals to supply medical insurance for the staff of this company since it pays one million riyals,...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

A wife inheriting from the husband's Diyah as well as other property

A client of mine, Dr. Muhammad Tariq Mahmud, has received 100,000 Riyals as Diyah (blood money) from the driver who caused the accident that killed his son. The question...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling holding a funeral ceremony for the deceased

My mother (may Allah be merciful to her) gave me around LE 5,000 to invest for her, but she died on 2/8/1983 A.D. I have spent around LE 2,000...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Starting by distributing the inheritance or repaying the debt

A man died and left behind a lot of money for his children. The deceased is also indebted to someone. Could you please provide us with an Ayah (Qur’anic...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Repaying the debt of a deceased debtor to a deceased creditor

I am a fourteen-year-old young man and my father died ten years ago. He borrowed 40 Arabian Riyals from an old woman who is now dead. He died before...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Repaying the deceased's debt to the Real Estate Development Fund before fulfilling the will, unless one of the children repays it

Questions: Q 1: My father took a loan from the Real Estate Development Fund to build a house, but he died before repaying this loan. Will this loan remain as...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Repaying the deceased's debt in full before distributing the inheritance

Is it permissible for a son who settled his deceased father’s 30,000 riyal debt, as the father had little money, to take the amount he paid to settle the...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Repaying the deceased's debt before distributing the inheritance

To Your Eminence we submit the fatwa request regarding the fact that the heirs of the deceased Ibrahim Sa’d Al-Musaylikh are underage. Moreover, we obtained a primary sum of...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

The remaining amount of Mahr with the husband as a part of the wife's inheritance

Kindly be informed that I agreed to pay sixty thousand Riyals (60,000) as Mahr (mandatory gift to a bride from her groom), of which I presented eighteen thousand riyals...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Obligation of repaying the deceased's debt before the inheritance

A person died leaving behind a wife and some children. He owes more than 100,000 Riyals to someone. He has holiday entitlements. Should they be used for settling his...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020