Obligation of repaying the deceased's debt before distributing the shares of inheritors

Before his death, my father borrowed 3,000 Kuwaiti dinars and willed that this debt be repaid. Given that I am the executer of his will, should I repay the...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Impermissibility of paying Sadaqah from the inheritance without the heirs' permission

If a person dies, is it permissible to give, in Sadaqah (voluntary charity), to the poor from their money before dividing it among the inheritors and without taking their...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

A husband's inheritance from his wife

A woman was killed and her family accepted the Diyah (blood money). Can her husband inherit from this Diyah? We appreciate your guidance. May Allah guide you! Answer: The...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

A husband died after lending his wife some money without her repaying it

A wife borrowed a sum of money from her husband and he stipulated that she has to repay it but he died before settling the debt. What should she...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Excluding the bedroom and the wife's property from the husband's inheritance

A man died leaving a furnished house, including the bedroom. Does the bedroom with all its accessories belong to his widow or it should be shared among the heirs?...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Everything the deceased has left as the sole right of heirs

There is a tribe that promotes solidarity among its members. If a disaster befalls one of them - Allah forbid! - and the involved person becomes obligated to pay...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Distributing the inheritance after one of the heirs has traded in it and made profits

My father was a merchant and he died in 1970, and left three million dirhams. I took over his trade in this sum of money. I had a married...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Distributing the inheritance according to Shari'ah

In our village which is called (Darramah) Banu Bishr Qahtan Al-Janub, people used to distribute blood money as follows: One third for the heirs. One third for the...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Answering misconception related to women's inheritance

There is a suspicious matter aroused by the enemies of Allah. They say that Islam wrongs women. When one dies and leaves behind a father, a mother, a wife...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Impermissibility of building the Masjid from the shares of minors

My brother died (may Allah be merciful to him) and left a number of sons and daughters. Some of them are grown-up, others are underage orphans. Their financial status...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

When was Hajj made obligatory?

In which year, following the Hijrah (Prophet’s migration to Madinah), was Hajj made obligatory? What is the most authentic report in this regard? Answer: Scholars have differed...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Seeking husband's permission to perform obligatory Hajj

I am a married woman for forty years. I’ve been asking my husband to perform Hajj and he agrees. However, every time he goes to perform Hajj or...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on Hajj

Some people claim that there is no obligation to go to the holy lands to perform Hajj. They also say that whoever goes there, comes back more coarse...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Repeating Hajj

Is it preferable to perform Hajj every year for whoever wishes to do so and it is not difficult, or is it better to perform it once every...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Obligation of Hajj even in the company the followers of Bid'ah

We would like to inform you that many of our Sunni Muslim brothers who live on the Persian coast are desirous of performing the Islamic obligation of Hajj....

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

New revert entering the Sacred Precincts without changing his name

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’ has read what was sent by to the General Chairman by the Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry for Political Affairs. This...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Merit of Hajj

Are major sins forgiven by virtue of Hajj Mabrur (Hajj sincerely done, not mixed with any sin, and is accepted by Allah)? When is trade permissible in Hajj?...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Importance of Makkah to Muslims

How important is Makkah to the Muslim world? Answer: Allah has made Makkah a place of resort for mankind and a place of safety and a holy...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Ibrahim's proclamation to mankind to perform Hajj

Qestion: It is claimed that Allah (Exalted be He) ordered His Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) to proclaim Hajj to mankind. Ibrahim did, and the people answered his...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Hastening to fulfill religious obligations

May I delay performing Hajj for one or two years, although I can perform it this year, for the sake of visiting my family? If I perform Hajj...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020