Who are the Mutafayhiqun?

Who are the “Mutafayhiqun”? Answer: They are those given to ostentatious, braggart speech.

Muharram 14, 1442 // Sep 03, 2020

What is the way to attain Taqwa?

I hear the call to observe Taqwa, but I cannot determine whether I have attained it, because it is a broad term. What is the way to attain...

Muharram 15, 1442 // Sep 03, 2020

The meaning of knowing Islam with evidence

What does the author of “Hashiatul-Usul Al-Thalathah” mean by his statement: “Knowledge of Islam has to be substantiated by evidence”? In the same book, the author says: “Allah...

Muharram 15, 1442 // Sep 03, 2020

Who are Ahl-ul-Qiblah?

One of the principles of Ahlus-Sunnah (adherents to the Sunnah) is not to declare whether a person from Ahl-ul-Qiblah (literally: People who face Ka`bah-direction in Prayer) will enter...

Muharram 15, 1442 // Sep 03, 2020

Celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Question 1: The people here hold an eleven-day celebration in commemoration of the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday) in Rabi‘ Al-Awwal. They gather the Muslims together and do acts that express...

Muharram 15, 1442 AH // Sep 03, 2020

Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Celebrating the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday): a meeting is held in commemoration of that occasion in which people talk about the life of the Messenger (peace be upon him),...

Muharram 15, 1442 AH // Sep 03, 2020

Calling people to Allah with wisdom and fair preaching

All the inhabitants of the village embraced Islam. But about half of the village have idols in their houses. We advised them to relinquish all these idols, but...

Muharram 14, 1442 // Sep 03, 2020

Calling Muslims who do not know Islam

My question is about what should be given priority while practicing Da’wah (call to Islam) here. Muslims here know nothing about Islam. Perhaps if most of them were...

Muharram 14, 1442 // Sep 03, 2020

The Hadith: 'You will fight against the Jews and you will gain victory over them. The stones will saying: 'Oh slave of Allah! there is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him'

Is the Hadith that says: “There will come a day when Muslims will gain victory over the Jews, and then a stone behind which a Jew may hide, will...

Muharram 13, 1442 AH // Sep 01, 2020

The Hadith on splitting of this Ummah into seventy-three sects

I read a Hadith mentioned by the Shaykh of Islam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab, in his book entitled “Mukhtasar Sirat Al-Rasul” (The Abridged Biography of the Prophet), which states:...

Muharram 13, 1442 // Sep 01, 2020

Reason behind disagreement among Imams Malik, Ahmad and Al-Shafi'i

What are the causes of disagreement in legal opinions among Imams Malik, Al-Shafi’i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allah be Merciful with them)? Answer: All praise is due to...

Muharram 13, 1442 AH // Sep 01, 2020

Ruling on obedience to parents leads to committing sins

A young lady wants to wear Niqab (face veil), knowing that it is Fard (obligatory, based on a definitive text), but her parents refuse and tell her that...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing Hijab

What is the ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing Hijab (veil)? Answer: If the case is as mentioned,...

Muharram 12, 1442 // Aug 31, 2020

Revenue from endowed land

Are the payments for having permission to hire Waqf [endowment] included in its revenue or a part of the Waqf (endowment) itself? Answer: A Fatwa was issued by His...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Ruling on borrowing from money dedicated as Waqf

I have a plot of arable land owned by my father as a Waqf (endowment). I take care of it and pay the wage of the farmers and reclaim...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Is it permissible to bow to greet a Muslim or a non-Muslim?

We joined a karate club in America. The coach said: “You should bow when your opponent bows to you”. We refused and explained that this is against our religion....

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

Meaning of the Qur'anic verse: '...and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess'

Concerning the meaning of Allah’s statement: “(the slaves) that your right hands possess.” [al-Nisa: 3] Is it permissible for the master to behave as he likes with those he...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

The Hadith: 'You will have rulers some of whom you will approve of and some you will disapprove of'

“You will have rulers some of whom you will approve of and some of whom you will disapprove of. Anyone who disapproves of them will be saved, and anyone...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

The Hadith: 'Every flesh that has grown up from unlawful earnings, Hellfire is most entitled to it'

Does the Hadith saying: “For every flesh that is grown up from unlawful earnings, Hellfire is most entitled to it” apply to a foundling? Answer: The Hadith which is...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020

The Hadith: 'Before the Last Hour there will be Fitnahs like pieces of a dark night'

I want to ask about a Hadith which reads as follows: Al-Hasan Al-Basri (may Allah be merciful to him) said: I have come to know that the Prophet (peace...

Muharram 12, 1442 AH // Aug 31, 2020