• Fatwas

    958 entries

Lesbianism and its Hadd

What is the meaning of lesbianism? Is there any punishment for it? Answer: Lesbianism stands for homosexuality between females....

Suing the one who does Qadhf

If a Muslim does Qadhf (falsely accusing a chaste person of involvement in prohibited sexual relations) against his Muslim...

Ruling on sodomy and the effect on illegitimate children

A Muslim man had sodomy with a boy under the age of puberty with the boy’s consent and without...

Ruling on lesbianism

What is the ruling on lesbianism and masturbation? Answer: Lesbianism is Haram (prohibited), and is a major sin because...

Ruling on intending to commit sodomy

I intended many times to practice sodomy, but I did not. Allah, all praise and thank are due to...

Ruling on wearing something bearing a cross while praying

What is your opinion concerning performing Salah (Prayer) while wearing a watch that has the sign of the...

Salah of a person who drinks intoxicants

What is the ruling on a person who drinks Khamr (intoxicants) at night and offers Salah (Prayer) during...

Obligation of Salah on a Mukallaf

Is Salah obligatory at all times? What is the ruling if a person gives up Salah because of...

Making up for missed Salah due to unconsciousness or sickness

My ninety-nine year old father was hit in a car accident. He was taken to a hospital where...

Making up for missed Salah due to sleep or other reasons

Allah has guided me to obey Him. I offer the daily prayers on time except for Fajr (Dawn)....

Exhorting children to pray

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Command your children to pray when they are seven...

Ruling on deliberate abandoning or delaying of Salah after its prescribed time

What is the ruling if a woman delays performing Salah (Prayer) after its due time and encourages her...

Clothing for women during Salah

I used to pray without wearing Hijab (veil), as I did not know of its obligation during prayer....

Prophet Ibrahim's (Abraham, peace be upon him) rescue from his enemies

I would like to benefit from the knowledge of Your Eminence to clear my heart, Allah (Exalted and Glorified...

Jesus was no more than a Messenger of Allah

This question includes Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) which the Qadianis (a deviant sect) quote as evidence for their opinion....

The descent of Jesus before the end of time as a prophet and messenger is one of the major signs of the Hour

There are authentic Hadiths regarding the return of Prophet ‘Isa (peace be upon him). Are these Hadiths ranked as...

Covering the Awrah

As there are many sectors including the military where people wear special outfits for physical exercises and which uncover...

The translation of the Qur’an by Muhammad Asad contains fatal errors and flagrant false beliefs

We were informed that a translation of the Qur’an by Muhammad Asad would be published soon in Dublin,...