Number of prophets and messengers

How many Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them) were there? Answer: No one knows their number except Allah, because Allah (Exalted be He) says: “And, indeed...

Muharram 7, 1442 // Aug 26, 2020

On movie entitled A Man from Babel about the life story of Prophet Abraham

Dear brother, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz ibn Baz I am a director and scenarist. I recently thought of producing a new movie entitled (A Man from Babel) about the life...

Muharram 7, 1442 // Aug 26, 2020

Is Adam a prophet or a messenger?

Is it from the articles of faith to believe that Adam was the first prophet as was pointed out by Allah’s saying in the Qur’an: “Then Adam received...

Muharram 7, 1442 // Aug 26, 2020

Ruling on denies Abraham was thrown in the fire

What is the ruling on he who denies that Ibrahim (Abraham) (peace be upon him) was thrown in the fire and says that his enemies conspired against him...

Muharram 7, 1442 // Aug 26, 2020

The difference between Major Shirk and Minor Shirk

What is the difference between major Shirk and minor Shirk in terms of their definitions and rulings? Answer: Major Shirk is: (i) Regarding anything equal to Allah, in terms...

Muharram 7, 1442 AH // Aug 26, 2020

Tafsir Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 258

Please interpret the Saying of Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He): “Have you not looked at him who disputed with Ibrâhîm (Abraham) about his Lord (Allâh), because Allâh had...

Muharram 6, 1442 AH // Aug 25, 2020

Revelation of Hadith

Your Eminence, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Aziz ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Baz (may Allah protect you from every evil), would you kindly answer my question! As-salamu ‘alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh (May Allah’s Peace, Mercy,...

Muharram 6, 1442 AH // Aug 25, 2020

The Anti-Christ (Al-Dajjal)

Is it stated that the One-Eyed Al-Dajjal reveals his leg or not? Answer: As far as we know, this is not mentioned in any Hadith. Yet revealing the leg...

Muharram 6, 1442 AH // Aug 25, 2020

Deceitful acts of dervishes

What is the ruling on people who call themselves “dervish” who stab themselves with daggers and knives and do similar acts? Instead of invoking Allah, they invoke Al-Rifa’i. What...

Muharram 6, 1442 // Aug 25, 2020

Obedience to the ruler

Many questions raised about the statement that Your Eminence declared: “Obeying the ruler is Obligatory” and the Hadith: He who obeys the commander (appointed by me) obeys me.” Muharram 6, 1442 AH // Aug 25, 2020

Warning against seeking Fatwa from ignorant people and those who follow false doctrines

His Eminence Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz the Grand Mufty of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of Council of Senior Scholars and Departments of Scholarly Research and Ifta’, warned...

Muharram 6, 1442 // Aug 25, 2020

The importance of Fiqh

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate All praise is due to Allah. May Allah’s Peace and Blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad, the Truthful and Trustworthy,...

Muharram 6, 1442 // Aug 25, 2020

Categories of Tawhid

Tawhid (monotheism) is the essence of religion and the basis of the revelations of all Messengers (peace be upon them). There is no doubt that it is a significant issue...

Muharram 06, 1442 // Aug 25, 2020

Advice of Allah's Book [Part 1]

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds, and the good end will be for the pious! Peace and blessings be upon Allah’s Servant, Messenger, Khalil (beloved,...

Muharram 06, 1442 // Aug 25, 2020

Tawhid comes first

Is it sufficient to utter the testimony of faith, namely La Ilah Illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah (i.e. there is no one worthy of worship other than Allah, and...

Muharram 6, 1442 AH // Aug 25, 2020

Ruling on reciting Quran over the dead

Some people recite the Qur’an by the grave for/over the dead in return for certain rewards. Do the dead avail of this recitation? When a person dies, people...

Muharram 6, 1442 // Aug 25, 2020

Bidahs committed in funerals

What is the ruling on some of the traditions observed in funerals such as holding banquets, reciting the Ever-Glorious Qur’an, and marking the passage of forty days or...

Muharram 6, 1442 // Aug 25, 2020

The principle of Al-Wala' wal-Bara'

Please explain for whom should be the principle of Al-Wala’ wal-Bara’ (loyalty and disassociation for Allah’s Sake)? Is it permissible to be loyal to the disbelievers? Answer: Al-Wala’ wal-Bara’...

Muharram 5, 1442 AH // Aug 24, 2020

Tafsir Surah Yusuf Ayat 106

Allah (Exalted be He) says: “And most of them believe not in Allâh except that they attribute partners unto Him [i.e. they are Mushrikûn i.e. polytheists. See Verse 6:...

Muharram 5, 1442 AH // Aug 24, 2020

Tafsir Surah Al-Qalam Ayat 42

What is the Tafsir (explanation/exegesis of the meanings) of Allah’s Statement: “(Remember) the Day when the Shin shall be laid bare (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) and they shall...

Muharram 5, 1442 AH // Aug 24, 2020