• Fatwas

    972 entries

The Ruling on Cursing Israel

The Jews; their known name is Yahud (Yehudi; Judah followers 1). However, they have begun...

Ruling on presenting pictures of the wounded or killed in Palestine and other places

Some presentations are established to show the wounds of the Muslims in Palestine and other places, and they...

The Jews assembling in Palestine is from the signs of the Hour

The Jews assembling in Palestine is from the signs of the Hour. They will assemble during the last days in...

The crescent moon is not a symbol of Islam

May Allah reward you with good and treat you well. Why do the Muslims symbolize the crescent moon...

Concerning Oppressed Muslims in Palestine

May Allah reward you with good, this questioner says, what is your advice for the Muslims in light...

Gharqad the tree of the Jews

What is the Gharqad (a kind of thorny tree) tree? Answer: This kind of tree is well...

Ruling on lazy performing prayers

Some of the young men - may Allah guide them - are lazy about performing the prayer during...

Islamic ruling on frozen chickens

What is the ruling on meats imported from abroad and also frozen chicken about whose slaughter we do...

Ruling on fasting without praying

I have witnessed some of the Muslim youth fasting, but they do not pray. Is the fast of...

The ruling on divorcing a pregnant wife

Is it permissible to divorce a pregnant wife or not? Answer: There is no objection in divorcing...

Ruling on wearing black garment in mourning for the dead

Is it permissible to wear a black garment for (mourning) the dead, in particular a deceased husband?

The Ruling on Violating Traffic Rules

What is the Islamic ruling regarding someone who disregards traffic rules, someone, for example, who passes through a...

The ruling on shaking with both hands

Is it permissible to shake using both hands? Answer: For a Muslim male to shake his brother’s...

Ruling on playing poker

Some people don’t just play poker, but they become engrossed in it. The time for prayer comes and...

Ruling on Kidney Transplants

A friend of mine donated her kidney to her brother, who was suffering from kidney failure. She was...

The ruling on one who thinks that 'right is wrong and vice versa'

What is your opinion about people whose judgements have become perverse: they deem evil to be good, and...

Is it permissible to translate the Quran?

Is it permissible to translate the Qur’an, for example, into English, French, or Hebrew? Answer: To translate...

Concerning al-Dirar Mosque (the mosque built by the hypocrites)

What does this verse mean and what building is it referring to? Answer: Allah Ta’ala says: “The...

Ruling on buying from the Jews who are in a state of war against the Muslims

Questioner: Since there is war between us and the Jews is it permissible to buy from the Jews and...

Muslims can not achieve glory or overcome their enemies unless they obey Allah and His Messenger

How can glory and might be to Muslims when they are so weak in a corrupted world that...