• Bid'ah

    65 entries

Muslims have to avoid bid'ahs (religious innovations) and beware of them for the Prophet ﷺ said, "He who does an act which we have not commanded, will have it rejected (by Allah)." and he ﷺ also said, "Avoid novelties [in religion], for every novelty is a bid'ah, and every bid'ah is deviation.".

This Shari’ah is fully established by Allah, and needs no human to complete it, as Allah states, “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5: 3).

The fundamental rule on the acts of ‘Ibadah (worship) is that it is Tawqifiyyah (bound by a religious text from the Qur’an and Sunnah, and not subject to personal opinion). Whoever claims that an ‘Ibadah is legitimate should provide evidence to support it; otherwise, it is rejected. It is authentically reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ stated, “He who innovates something in this matter of ours (i.e., Islam) that is not of it will have it rejected (by Allah).” In another narration, “He who does an act which we have not commanded, will have it rejected (by Allah)”

As for the meaning of Bid`ah, linguistically it means creating something new, with no previous example to follow; while in Shari’ah it means innovating a form of verbal, practical, or creedal ibadah which is not legislated by Allah (Praised and Exalted be He). Every Bid’ah leads to misguidance, according to what the Prophet ﷺ stated. Imam Ash-Shafi’i (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “A Bid’ah is anything that has no basis in the Quran, Sunnah or sayings of any of the Companions.”

See also Ruling on describing wordly investions as bidah

  1. Ignorance about Islam.
  2. Following whims.
  3. Clinging to doubts.
  4. The sole use of ration with no reference to the Islamic texts (Quran and Sunnah).
  5. Dependence on weak or fabricated narrations.
  6. Blind imitation of the masses.
  7. Not following the instructions of sincere scholars.

Ruling on placing a wreath on a grave

Is placing a wreath on a grave of a unknown Soldier equal to aggrandizing the Awliya and pious...

The Ruling on pronouncing the intention to pray aloud

What is the ruling on pronouncing the intention to pray aloud? Answer: Pronouncing the intention is an...

The Ruling on Salatul-Hajah and Salat Hifzul Qur’an

I have heard about Salatul-Hajah (The prayer of need) and Salat Hifzul Qur’an (The prayer of Qur’an memorization)...

There is no such thing as a good bid’ah in the religion

There is no such thing as a ‘good bid’ah (innovation)’ as is claimed by some of the ignorant ones. Innovations...

Concerning bid'ah or innovations in the religion

His eminence, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Salih al-’Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked concerning bid’ah (innovations)....

Ruling on writing Quranic verses and putting it in water and drink it

What is the ruling on writing some Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) on a sheet of paper, putting it in...

Ruling on carrying the wife of the deceased

Some peple, if a man dies, a woman who has not menstruated carries his wife around his grave...

Ruling on preparing food for the people who attend the funeral

Is it permissible for the family of the deceased to cook food during the same day in which...

Ruling on bury a Mushaf or Qur'an in the grave of deceased

Is it permissible to bury a Mushaf or the Qur’an in the grave of the deceased? What is...

Ruling on gathering on the Prophet's Mawlid

Is it permissible to gather on the 12th of Rabi‘ul-Awwal to commemorate the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday)?

Every bid'ah is a going astray

Scholars hold different opinions concerning Bid‘ah (innovation in religion); some of them say that there is a good...

Ruling on reciting Surah Ya-Sin over the dead

What is the ruling on reciting the Surah of Ya-Sin over the dead, with the intention of dedicating...

Ruling on reciting the Qur'an over the dead for a fee

In Morocco, most of the memorizers of the Qur’an say supplications in behalf of some people in return...

Ruling on hiring people to recite Qur'an for the dead

What is the ruling on taking money in return for reciting the Qur’an? Is there a special event...

Act of Jahiliyyah in Muharram

During the month of Muharram, women go to the house of a newly married woman and bring water...

Ruling on Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Some people celebrate the fourteenth day of February of each Christian year as the Day of Love (Valentine’s...

The ruling on supplications accompanied by music

What is the ruling on supplications accompanied by music? Answer: This is not permissible, for music in...

Ruling on reciting Al-Fatihah for the deceased when visiting his grave

Is it permissible to read Al-Fatihah or anything from the Qur’an for the deceased when visiting his grave, and...

What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary?

What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary? Answer: The origin of this is a Pharaonic custom which was...

Ruling On Reciting Al-Fatihah At The Time Of A Man's Proposal To A Woman

Is reciting Al-Fatihah at the time when a man gets engaged to a woman an innovation (bid‘ah)?  Answer: Reciting...

Green Dome over the Prophet’s grave

There are those who take the building of the green dome over the Prophet’s grave in the Prophet’s Mosque as evidence that...

Ruling on Islamic Anasheed

What deserves attention also is: The tapes that are being increasingly circulated amongst the practicing youth in which anasheed done...

What is the meaning of Bid'ah?

What is the meaning of Bid’ah? We want you to define this term clearly. Indeed, there are some people...

The meaning and types of Bid'ah

We would like you to explain the meaning and types of Bid’ah (innovation in religion) in detail for us....

Acts of worship are Tawqifi

Please comment on the Hadith mentioned below, as it is controversial among the students of knowledge. I would like...

Ruling on extravagant and lavishness during funerals

What is the ruling on extravagance in funerals? The bereaved family serve dinners for those who come to...

Ruling on describing worldly inventions as Bid'ah

There is no doubt that there is a fine distinction between what can be described as Bid’ah (innovation in...

The meaning of 'Newly invented things'

What are the “Newly invented things” (mentioned in a Hadith)? Answer: The Hadith of the Prophet (peace...

Ruling on making Sujud and slaughtering for other than Allah out of ignorance

What is the ruling on making Sujud (Prostration) and slaughtering for other than Allah out of ignorance? Is...

Ibn Taymiyyah did not approve celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Brother A.M.M. From Kuwait says: “One of the scholars said that Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah be merciful to him)...

Living in a village where there are Bid'ahs

The questioner explains his circumstances and those of the town where his mother is living. She keeps asking...

Response to Urdu newspaper Idarat who launched a press campaign against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

All praise be to Allah Who has perfected the religion for us, completed His Favor upon us and approved Islam...

Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid during Rabi' Al-Awwal in his honor

Question : What is the ruling on celebrating the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday) in Rabi‘ Al-Awwal as a tribute to...

Celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Question 1: The people here hold an eleven-day celebration in commemoration of the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday) in Rabi‘ Al-Awwal....

Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid

Celebrating the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday): a meeting is held in commemoration of that occasion in which people talk...

Ruling on reciting Quran over the dead

Some people recite the Qur’an by the grave for/over the dead in return for certain rewards. Do the...

Bidahs committed in funerals

What is the ruling on some of the traditions observed in funerals such as holding banquets, reciting the...

Some practices done upon burial

When someone dies, people have certain practices that I am going to list, hoping that you will comment...

Ruling on seeking help from the Messenger when digging the grave

In some of our villages when digging a grave, the diggers keep on repeating a particular word, which...

On a habit dated to occur twenty, thirty or forty days after the time of death

We have a custom that whenever any distress like an accident or death befalls a person or any...

When there is a funeral, lines of lamps are hung, chairs are brought and reciters of the Qur'an are hired to recite the Qur'an

It can be noticed in Makkah Al-Mukarramah known as Allah’s Sacred City, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and Jeddah that when...

Ruling on building domes over graves

Some people consider the green dome that was built on the Prophet’s grave in Madinah evidence for the...

Ruling on holding funeral ceremonies

According to our customs, when someone dies, people gather outside their house, ornamental light bulbs are hung (like...

Ruling on saying Sadaqallah Al-Adhim when finishing reading the Qur'an

I often hear that saying “Sadaq Allah Al-Adhim” upon ending recitation of the Qur’an is a Bid’ah (innovation in...

How to know the Bid'ah and its divisions

How can we know the Bid’ah and its divisions, respected Shaykh? Answer: Bid’ah refers to whatever people...

Ruling on carrying flags for Awliya

During festivals some people carry colorful flags bearing some Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) and expressions; for example, the magnate,...

Do Awliya’ have authority over anyone?

I hear and see with my own eyes, that people say that Awliya’ (pious people) have authority over...

Ruling on visiting the graves to supplicate to the dead or ask for their help or intercession

I found contradictory and controversial Hadith in the book: “Shifa’ Al-Siqam fy Ziyarat Khayr Al-Anam” by Shaykh Taqy...

Ruling on congratulating others in the new Gregorian or Hijri years or the Mawlid

Is it permissible to congratulate non-Muslims on the occasion of the new Gregorian year, the new Hijri (lunar) year,...

Ruling on attending mushrik weddings

Is it permissible for a Muslim who believes in one God to participate in the wedding ceremonies of...

Ruling on slaughtering animals, engaging in Dhikr and beating drums during celebrations of Mawlid

What is the ruling on slaughtering animals, engaging in Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and beating drums during celebrations of...

Ruling on sleeping on the ground for forty days as mourning over the dead

What is the Islamic method for holding a Ma’tam (mourning assembly)? In the Sudanese rural areas, most relatives...

Ruling on slaughtering sheep for the deceased

Here in Ouargla, when someone dies, his family slaughters one of their sheep on the next day. What...

Ruling on three pieces of clay for the dead

When a person dies, some people in our village bring three pieces of clay. They make a sphere...

Ruling on Al-Uns Salah

What is the authenticity of Al-Uns Salah (prayer)? It is performed after Maghrib (Sunset Prayer) on the day...

Ruling on a wife of the deceased wears a white dress and does not take a bath

In Algeria when a man dies, his wife wears a white dress and does not take a bath...

Ruling on relatives of the deceased sitting beside the grave

What is the ruling on a relative of a dead person sitting beside the grave when people leave...

Ruling on Adhan after burying the dead in the grave

In Bangladesh, we call the Adhan after burying the dead in the grave. Scholars differed on this issue;...

Ruling on Prophet's songs

Many Muslims celebrate the Prophethood of our Messenger (peace be upon him) with musical songs just as the Jews...

Ruling on setting up tents beside the graves

What is your opinion - may your favor continue - on setting up tents beside the graves, where...

Ruling on placing Henna in the Grave with the Deceased

Is placing henna in the grave with the deceased part of the Islamic ceremony? If yes, what are...

Ruling on placing book in the grave

We have a strange practice and would like to know the religious ruling on it. Some people place...

Claiming to have dream of deceased who command him to build a shrine for the deceased

Nowadays, there are a group of people who transfer the deceased months or years after burying them claiming...

Ruling on hanging photos of the deceased at home

Is it Haram (prohibited) to hang a photo in the home of one that died? Is it Haram...