• Rulership

    48 entries

Ruling on voting and candidacy

Is it permissible to vote or nominate for elections, given the fact that our country is not ruled...

What is meant by Al-Siyasah Al-Shar'iyyah?

What is meant by Al-Siyasah Al-Shar’iyyah? Answer: Al-Siyasah Al-Shar’iyyah is policy that is based on the Qur’an...

It is impermissible for a Muslim to elect a communist

Is it permissible for a Muslim to vote in municipal elections for a communist or someone who mocks...

On those who say that there are no politics in Islam and no Islam in politics

What is your view on those who say that there are no politics in Islam and no Islam...

False accusations against Uthman

An author wrote that ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan, the Man with Two Lights, (may Allah be pleased with him)...

The ruling on invoking Allah against a ruler who does not judge according to Shari'ah

What is the ruling on invoking Allah against a ruler who does not judge according to Allah’s revealed...

Ruling on those who speak ill of the Muslim rulers and the scholars

This one (the questioner) says: How should our stance be towards those who speak ill of the (Muslim)...

Concerning the Hadith 'The best Jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler'

Does the Hadith “The best Jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler” apply...

Obey Allah, the Messengerﷺ and those who are in authority

May Allaah reward you, noble shaykh, what is your opinion with regards to the one who says: that...

The ideology of the Khawarij in present times

Are those who carry the ideology of the Khawaarij present today? Answer: Far removed is Allaah from...

Does rebellion against the rulers occur only by the sword or does it include slandering them?

Does rebellion against the rulers occur only by the sword or does it include slandering them, inciting the...

Ruling on the one who disobeys the rulers

What is the ruling regarding the one who disobeys the rulers or criticises them? Answer: Whoever disobeys...

Those who declare the Muslim rulers to be disbelievers are from the Khawarij

What is our position towards those who make takfeer of the Muslim rulers today, generally and in detail?...

Correct methodology for advising the rulers

What is the correct methodology for advising, particularly with regard to advising rulers? Should it be done by publicizing...

The Believer's Stance towards the Trials (Fitnah)

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. May the good end be for the pious people. Peace be...

Ruling on the view that not rebel against the ruler as a defeatist thinking which manifests weakness

Your Eminence, we know that this forms one of the foundational beliefs of Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama‘ah (those adhering to the...

It is not permissible to rebel against him if revolution leads to greater harm

Some latter-day sects give Bay’ah (pledge of allegiance) to leaders they choose from among themselves. They claim that it...

Obeying rulers and scholars in Ma'ruf to set things right

Question 1: What is meant by obeying those in authority in the Ayah (Qur’anic verse)? Does the term refer...

Ruling on abstains from supplicating to Allah for the ruler

What is the ruling on one who abstains from supplicating to Allah for the ruler? May Allah protect you....

If we suppose that a certain group has a lawful excuse to rebel against a ruler

If we suppose that a certain group has a lawful excuse to rebel against a ruler, does this justify...

Does giving the pledge of allegiance entail supplicating to Allah for those in authority?

Does giving the pledge of allegiance entail supplicating to Allah for those in authority? Answer: One of the entailments...

Ruling on beliveing have the right to break the laws that have been made by the ruler

Some people believe that they have the right to break the laws that have been made by the ruler,...

Response to a letter from Shaykh Abdul-Rahman ibn Abdul-Khaliq and weak Hadith that support the demonstrations

From Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz to the honorable son Shaykh Abdul-Rahman ibn Abdul-Khaliq, may Allah guide him to do...

Advising or complaining to the ruler from someone abandoning the congregational Salah

Is it obligatory on me to complain to the Imam about someone who does not attend the congregational...

Ruling on taking money to break the law

The current laws in Egypt allow pharmacists to own only two pharmacies. Some pharmacists are not satisfied with this,...

Ruling on standing up as a way of honoring the national anthem

Is it permissible to stand in honor of a national anthem or flag? Answer: It is not permissible for...

Ruling on shaving the beard and being unable to perform some Salahs during military service

Is it permissible to join an activity that requires shaving one’s beard, being unable to perform some of the...

Ruling on lying to and deceiving the ruler

The governmental system does not allow government employees to open a shop of their own. Is it permissible to...

No obedience in matters involving disobedience to Allah

Is it permissible for a true believer to commit some minor sins to please a ruler or some people,...

Tawbah to prevent the execution of the Hadd

Is Tawbah (repentance to Allah) from the major sins for which Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Laws) are...

Stoning versus lashing a previously married man committing Zina

If a divorced man commits Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage), should he be stoned to death or considered unmarried?...

Responsible for Qisas

We live in a non-Islamic country where a Muslim man may be killed for reasons such as being angry...

Punishment on the Day of Resurrection for someone to whom the Hadd has been administered

Will a sinner who receives the Hadd (ordained punishment for violating Allah’s Law) in worldly life be punished on...

Permissibility of the victim's guardian giving up the right of executing the Hadd

In the current Shawwal 20, two students in the first grade in the preparatory school committed homosexuality with a...

Paying money instead of executing the Hadd

What is the ruling on substituting a prescribed penalty proven by texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah with...

Forgiving the people of good qualities their slips

What is the degree of authenticity of the Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and others which reads: “Forgive the...

A family executing the Hadd of Zina if living in a country that does not apply Shari'ah

I would like to know the legal decision on a person who commits a crime that incurs Hadd (ordained...

Executing Hadd in the absence of the ruler

Is it permissible to execute Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Law) when there is no Muslim ruler? Answer:...

Obedience to the ruler

Many questions raised about the statement that Your Eminence declared: “Obeying the ruler is Obligatory” and the Hadith:...

Ruling on seeking the help of Kafirs in fighting other Kafirs

Praise be to Allah. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions, and those who...

The Palestinians differ in their opinions regarding the peace process

The Palestinians differ in their opinions regarding the peace process, while Hamas opposes it and calls for resistance,...

Ruling on criticize rulers openly on the Minbar (pulpit)

Was it the practice of our Salaf (righteous predecessors) to criticize rulers openly on the Minbar (pulpit)? If not,...

There is no way to achieve that unless advice is exchanged

Since its establishment, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has applied the Shari’ah of Allah and ruled according to His...

Ruling on rebel against the rulers

Your Eminence Shaykh, there are people who think that, because some of the rulers commit major sins, we...

It is not permissible to kill resident or immigrant disbelievers

Some young people think that it is lawful to alienate the Kafirs (disbelievers) residing in or immigrating to Muslim...

Clarification of the rulers' rights upon the Ummah

His Eminence, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz the Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has shed light upon rulers’...