It is not permissible to give the daughters of Sunni families in marriage to the sons of Shi’is or Communists


Allah decreed that a Kurdish man who claims to be a Sunni and is outwardly righteous should propose marriage to me. His name is Haydar ‘Abdul-Husayn Al-Jabiri. He accompanied my father for several months, during which he was hosted by my father. During this period he was of good character and religiously committed, and he presented himself to my father as being a Sunni, and he attacked the Shi’ah openly. Based on what my father saw of his righteousness and piety, my father agreed to give me in marriage to him. After the marriage contract was done and he consummated the marriage with me, he announced that he was not a Sunni; rather he was a fanatical Shi’i. When we asked him to come back to Islam and to the way of Ahl Al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, and we put pressure on him, he said: “I am neither Sunni nor Shi’i, I am a communist! (i.e., an atheist).”

Respected mufti, my question is: What is the shar’i ruling on my staying with this man in this situation, especially since I hated him since he disclosed his hateful secret to us, and he deceived us in the past by making us think that he was a Sunni Muslim. What is the way to annul this marriage contract? How can I annul it, especially since I live in a non-Muslim country? 


It is not permissible to give the daughters of Sunni families in marriage to the sons of Shi’is or Communists. If the marriage takes place, it is invalid, because it is well known that the Shi’ah offer supplication (du’a) to Ahl al-Bayt (the Prophet’s family) and seek help through them, and this is major shirk; and the communists are atheists and have no religion at all. You have to go back to your family and not allow this man to be intimate with you, and you have to refer the matter to the authorities in your own country. 

  • Estimated Reading Time
    1 min read
  • Source :
    Fatawa Al-Lajnah Al-Da’imah 18/298-300, Fatwa no. 20011
  • Sects   Marriage
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