Ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing Hijab


What is the ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing Hijab (veil)?


If the case is as mentioned, her father’s reaction is not her fault and will not harm her. He should not do this as she is obeying Allah. Thus, she must not obey him in this regard, because her act of wearing Hijab is an act of obedience to Allah. Moreover, abandoning Hijab is a sin and no one is allowed to obey anyone in disobedience to the Creator. As for the father, he is sinful in his action. May Allah guide him.

  • Estimated Reading Time
    1 min read
  • Source :
    Fatawa Al-Lajnah Al-Da'imah, Fatwa no. 5953, Question 6
  • Fatwas   Women
  • Last modified
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