• Fatwas

    958 entries

Tafsir Surat Al-Ankabut Ayat 8

“And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents; but if they strive to make...

Ruling on reciting Al-Fatihah for the deceased when visiting his grave

Is it permissible to read Al-Fatihah or anything from the Qur’an for the deceased when visiting his grave, and...

What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary?

What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary? Answer: The origin of this is a Pharaonic custom which was...

It is not permissible to give the daughters of Sunni families in marriage to the sons of Shi’is or Communists

Allah decreed that a Kurdish man who claims to be a Sunni and is outwardly righteous should propose...

Rapprochement Between The Shi'ah And The Sunnis Is Not Possible

Rapprochement between the Rafidah and the Sunnis is not possible, because their beliefs are different. The belief of Ahl Al-Sunnah...

Ruling on a Muslim Marrying a Shi’i

We come from a tribe that lives on the northern borders [of Saudi Arabia], and we mix with tribes...

Marriage is Half Your Religion

The Sunnah indicates that it is prescribed to get married, and that it is one of the Sunnahs of the...

Ruling On Burying Non-Sunnis With Sunnis In The Same Graveyard

What is the ruling on burying Non-Sunnis with Sunnis (Ahlus-Sunnah) in the same graveyard? Answer: If the innovator is...

Ruling On Reciting Al-Fatihah At The Time Of A Man's Proposal To A Woman

Is reciting Al-Fatihah at the time when a man gets engaged to a woman an innovation (bid‘ah)?  Answer: Reciting...

Ruling on Palestinian Intifada

Today we are witnessing a major political phenomenon that has shaken the world, namely the uprising of the...

What is the way of solving the Palestinian issue

What is the way of solving the Palestinian issue which becomes more complicated each day? Answer: The...

Green Dome over the Prophet’s grave

There are those who take the building of the green dome over the Prophet’s grave in the Prophet’s Mosque as evidence that...

Correct methodology for advising the rulers

What is the correct methodology for advising, particularly with regard to advising rulers? Should it be done by publicizing...

Ruling on Islamic Anasheed

What deserves attention also is: The tapes that are being increasingly circulated amongst the practicing youth in which anasheed done...

The Salaf warned against the story-tellers

The Salaf have mentioned the story-tellers (qassas) in the past and condemned them. What is their method and what...

What is the meaning of Bid'ah?

What is the meaning of Bid’ah? We want you to define this term clearly. Indeed, there are some people...

The meaning and types of Bid'ah

We would like you to explain the meaning and types of Bid’ah (innovation in religion) in detail for us....

Acts of worship are Tawqifi

Please comment on the Hadith mentioned below, as it is controversial among the students of knowledge. I would like...

Ruling on commanding one's children under ten to offer Salah

Are parents of children under ten considered sinners if their children do not perform Salah (Prayer)? Answer:...