• Fatwas

    958 entries

I found a sum of money somewhere and asked people there about it but it was not theirs

I found a sum of money somewhere and asked people there about it but it was not theirs. Is...

Ruling on forgets something with a merchant and does not return to take it

Because of the large number of sellers and buyers, some customers forget books which they bring to sell. As...

Ruling on denying the Hadiths of the Messenger (peace be upon him)

What do you say about the people who deny the Hadiths of the Messenger (peace be upon him)?...

claiming that some Hadiths contradict the Qur'an

Some people claim that some of the Hadiths in the books of Sunnah such as Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others...

Who is meant by the reference 'Related by the Three or Five Compilers'

What is meant by “Related by the three” and “Related by the five”? Answer: The Three Compilers are Abu...

Claiming there are Hadith Munkar related by Al-Bukhari

Some people deny some authentically reported Hadith and claim that there are Da’if (weak) and Munkar (rejected Hadith reported...

The basic rule concerning any commands of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is that they denote obligation

Any command given by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) indicates obligation and duty. However, there is...

Do the books of Hadith explain the Qur'an?

Do the books of Hadith explain the Qur’an? Is it true that there is no Sunnan (supererogatory acts...

Ruling on Zina especially where one is away from the spouse

What is the ruling on committing Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage)? Is it permissible for those working in...

Ruling on paying the woman money to have intercourse

I am an unmarried man; I fear committing sins. What is the ruling if I give a woman...

Ruling on befriending women

A man lived with a woman (without marriage) for a long time and she bore him many children....

Professing committing Zina

In our school, some students talk publicly about Zina (adultery) and admit to having committed it. What should...

Confusion in lineage as a reason behind prohibiting Zina

There is an Ayah (Qur’anic verse) in the Glorious Qur’an, which states that Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage)...

Salah of a menstruating woman

If a woman is purified from menstruation or postpartum bleeding before sunset, should she perform the Zhuhr (Noon)...

Tawbah to prevent the execution of the Hadd

Is Tawbah (repentance to Allah) from the major sins for which Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Laws) are...

Stoning versus lashing a previously married man committing Zina

If a divorced man commits Zina (sexual intercourse outside marriage), should he be stoned to death or considered unmarried?...

Responsible for Qisas

We live in a non-Islamic country where a Muslim man may be killed for reasons such as being angry...

Punishment on the Day of Resurrection for someone to whom the Hadd has been administered

Will a sinner who receives the Hadd (ordained punishment for violating Allah’s Law) in worldly life be punished on...

Permissibility of the victim's guardian giving up the right of executing the Hadd

In the current Shawwal 20, two students in the first grade in the preparatory school committed homosexuality with a...

Paying money instead of executing the Hadd

What is the ruling on substituting a prescribed penalty proven by texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah with...