Is it permissible for Muslims to use all kinds of Ruqyah?

Is it permissible for Muslims to use all kinds of Ruqyah (reciting Qur’an and saying supplications over the sick seeking healing)? Answer: Ruqyah is permissible if it...

Muharram 17, 1446 // Jul 23, 2024

Ruling on invoking Allah by His Names for healing

Can Muslims make Du’a (supplication) to Allah using His Names for the cure of their illnesses? Answer: It is permissible to do so due to the general...

Muharram 17, 1446 // Jul 23, 2024

Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah is one of the imams of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah

Some people claim that Ibn Taymiyyah does not belong to Ahl-ul-Sunnah wal-Jama`ah (adherents to the Sunnah and the Muslim mainstream). They further claim that he is astray and...

Muharram 17, 1446 // Jul 23, 2024

Can Ali ibn Abu Talib aid anyone after his death?

Can Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) aid anyone in times of distress? Answer: Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was killed and was not...

Muharram 17, 1446 // Jul 23, 2024

Ruling on disbelieving in Salafiyyah

What is your opinion, Oh virtuous Shaikh, about the one who says: that he is a disbeliever in Salafiyyah? Answer: This is ignorance and trespassing the truth....

Muharram 16, 1446 // Jul 22, 2024

Ruling on visiting the grave of Arwaz and making offerings for him

A group of people visits a Masjid (mosque) wherein is buried a Waliy (a pious person) called Sayidi Arwaz. They try to draw closer to him by offering...

Muharram 16, 1446 // Jul 22, 2024

Ruling on following the funeral of grave-worshippers

Allah (Exalted be He) says, “It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allâh’s Forgiveness for the Mushrikûn (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in...

Muharram 06, 1446 // Jul 12, 2024

Ruling on carrying the wife of the deceased

Some peple, if a man dies, a woman who has not menstruated carries his wife around his grave seven times to the right and seven times to the...

Muharram 06, 1446 // Jul 12, 2024

The Moon Landing

What is your opinion regarding those who claim to have landed on the moon which we, as Muslims, consider one of Allah’s signs? Answer: The knowledge about...

Muharram 04, 1446 // Jul 10, 2024

Words to be said at times of adversity

I live with my parents, brothers, and sisters. We all love and respect each other, all praise be to Allah. I love my family very much and this...

Muharram 02, 1446 // Jul 08, 2024

Ruling on preparing food for the people who attend the funeral

Is it permissible for the family of the deceased to cook food during the same day in which a person passes away to serve it to those who...

Muharram 02, 1446 // Jul 08, 2024

Patience During Hardship

I do not feel submission or the sweetness of faith. This may happen at times of diversity and calamities. What is the solution to this? Please advise me,...

Muharram 02, 1446 // Jul 08, 2024

Enduring diseases

What is the ruling on the illnesses that befall the sons of Adam (i.e. humans); are they punishments from Allah or tests for His Servants? Are there any...

Muharram 02, 1446 // Jul 08, 2024

Allah will punish the person whom He loves beforehand in this world

How correct is the statement ‘Allah will punish the person whom He loves beforehand in this world’? Does (affliction with) disease belong to the punishment by which sins...

Muharram 02, 1446 // Jul 08, 2024

Ruling on bury a Mushaf or Qur'an in the grave of deceased

Is it permissible to bury a Mushaf or the Qur’an in the grave of the deceased? What is the Islamic ruling on this? Answer: It is not...

Muharram 01, 1446 // Jul 07, 2024

Ruling on gathering on the Prophet's Mawlid

Is it permissible to gather on the 12th of Rabi‘ul-Awwal to commemorate the Mawlid (the Prophet’s birthday)? Answer: Celebrating the Mawlid is an act of bid‘ah (deviant...

Muharram 01, 1446 // Jul 07, 2024

Where is the grave of Al-Husayn?

The Egyptians claim that the head of Al-Husayn is buried in Egypt, and the Iraqis have a Masjid (mosque) that they call Al-Mashhad Al-Husayni. I do not know...

Muharram 01, 1446 // Jul 07, 2024

Ruling on going out to the market without husband permission

What is the ruling on a woman going out to the market without her husband’s permission? Answer: If a woman wants to go out, she should inform...

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1445 // Jul 04, 2024

Ruling on saying Allah and His Messenger know best

What is the Islamic ruling in your opinion on saying these phrases: “Allah knows that…,” “Allah forbid!” “Allah’s Will,” and “Allah and His Messenger know best”? Answer:...

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 // Jul 02, 2024

Ruling on applying the phrase Al-Marhum and Al-Maghfur Lahu to the deceased

I often hear people say some words about which I would like to know the Islamic viewpoint. For example, when a person dies some people call him “Al-Marhum”...

Dhul-Hijjah 26, 1445 // Jul 02, 2024