Category: Bid'ah (Deviant Innovation)

Concerning bid'ah or innovations in the religion
Ruling on writing Quranic verses and putting it in water and drink it
Ruling on carrying the wife of the deceased
Ruling on preparing food for the people who attend the funeral
Ruling on bury a Mushaf or Qur'an in the grave of deceased
Ruling on gathering on the Prophet's Mawlid
Every bid'ah is a going astray
Ruling on reciting Surah Ya-Sin over the dead
Ruling on reciting the Qur'an over the dead for a fee
Ruling on hiring people to recite Qur'an for the dead
Act of Jahiliyyah in Muharram
Ruling on Celebrating Valentine’s Day
The ruling on supplications accompanied by music
Ruling on reciting Al-Fatihah for the deceased when visiting his grave
What is the origin of the forty-day anniversary?
Ruling On Reciting Al-Fatihah At The Time Of A Man's Proposal To A Woman
Green Dome over the Prophet’s grave
Was the Ka'bah clad with a covering at the time of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)?
What is the meaning of Bid'ah?
The meaning and types of Bid'ah
Acts of worship are Tawqifi
Ruling on extravagant and lavishness during funerals
Ruling on describing worldly inventions as Bid'ah
The meaning of 'Newly invented things'
Ruling on making Sujud and slaughtering for other than Allah out of ignorance
Ibn Taymiyyah did not approve celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid
Response to Urdu newspaper Idarat who launched a press campaign against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid during Rabi' Al-Awwal in his honor
Celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid
Ruling on celebrating the Prophet's Mawlid
Ruling on reciting Quran over the dead
Bidahs committed in funerals
Some practices done upon burial
Ruling on seeking help from the Messenger when digging the grave
On a habit dated to occur twenty, thirty or forty days after the time of death
When there is a funeral, lines of lamps are hung, chairs are brought and reciters of the Qur'an are hired to recite the Qur'an
Ruling on building domes over graves
Ruling on holding funeral ceremonies
Ruling on saying Sadaqallah Al-Adhim when finishing reading the Qur'an
How to know the Bid'ah and its divisions
Ruling on carrying flags for Awliya
Do Awliya’ have authority over anyone?
Ruling on visiting the graves to supplicate to the dead or ask for their help or intercession
Ruling on congratulating others in the new Gregorian or Hijri years or the Mawlid
Ruling on slaughtering animals, engaging in Dhikr and beating drums during celebrations of Mawlid
Ruling on sleeping on the ground for forty days as mourning over the dead
Ruling on slaughtering sheep for the deceased
Ruling on three pieces of clay for the dead
Ruling on Al-Uns Salah
Ruling on a wife of the deceased wears a white dress and does not take a bath
Ruling on relatives of the deceased sitting beside the grave
Ruling on Adhan after burying the dead in the grave
Ruling on Prophet's songs
Ruling on setting up tents beside the graves
Ruling on placing Henna in the Grave with the Deceased
Ruling on placing book in the grave
Claiming to have dream of deceased who command him to build a shrine for the deceased
Ruling on hanging photos of the deceased at home