Difference between repentance and praying for forgiveness
What is the difference between repentance and praying for forgiveness?
Repentance is regret for what has passed, giving it up, and resolving not to go back to it. This is called repentance. As for praying for forgiveness, it may be repentance or it may be mere words. A person may say: “O Allah, forgive me” or “I seek forgiveness from Allah,” but it is not repentance unless it is accompanied by regret and giving up the sin, and resolving not to go back to it. This is called repentance and it is called praying for forgiveness. The beneficial and productive kind of praying for forgiveness is that which is accompanied by regret, giving up the sin and resolving sincerely not to go back to it.
- Estimated Reading Time1 min read
- Terminology Fatwas Audios
- Last modified