The difference between a prophet and a messenger
What is the difference between a prophet and a messenger?
The well-known view of scholars is that a prophet is one to whom a system of law is revealed but was not commanded to convey it. He is ordered to pray and fast, etc., but not commanded to deliver what was revealed to him. If he is ordered to convey a message, then he is considered a prophet and a messenger; such as our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Musa (Moses), ‘Isa (Jesus), Nuh (Noah), Hud, Saleh, etc. Other scholars held that a prophet is one sent with a code similar to that which was revealed to the prophet who preceded him, while a messenger is one sent with a new, different code, such as the prophets who were sent after Musa to teach the Tawrah (Torah). The soundest view is that a messenger is one who receives revelation and is ordered to convey it, even if he is sent with a code similar to that revealed to the prophet preceding him. Prophets Dawud (David), Sulaiman (Solomon) as well as those who were sent after Musa are called prophets because they invited people to the same laws of Musa. Therefore, a messenger is ordered to convey the revelation to the people whereas a prophet is ordered to pray, fast, etc.; but he is not ordered to convey the message he received to people.
- Estimated Reading Time1 min read
- Fatwas Audios Prophets Terminology
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