Words to be said at times of adversity


I live with my parents, brothers, and sisters. We all love and respect each other, all praise be to Allah. I love my family very much and this makes me very worried when any member of my family falls sick to the extent that I cannot speak of anything. I sometimes make Du’a (supplication), but at other times I keep silent. I often think that one of them may die at any time and I fear trials of faith and inability to be patient, may Allah protect us. I would like Your Eminence to give me some advice in this regard that I may never forget.


Our advice to you is to say at times of adversity: “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. Allahumma ‘ajurni fi musibati wa-khluf li khayran minha [Verily, to Allah we belong, and unto Him is our return. O Allah, reward me for my calamity and compensate me with something better than it].” We also advise you to refer to the book of Al-Adhkar by Imam An-Nawawi (may Allah be merciful to him) and Tuhfat Al-Akhyar fi Al-Ad`iyah wa Al-Adhkar by Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz.

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