Ruling on seeking treatment from a Mushrik


A man fell seriously ill. He visited many doctors but they could not cure his illness. When he went to a man who is in the habit of making Tawassul (supplicating to Allah through a means) by the dead and seeking their help and blessings, Allah cured him. Is it permissible to go to such a person? This incidence happened many times to the point that people believed that such a person treats the sick through these acts of Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship), we seek refuge with Allah! What is the ruling on this?


It is forbidden to go to someone who practices acts of Shirk, such as making Du`a’ to and seeking help from the dead for the sake of recovery from illnesses. Such a Mushrik (one who associates others with Allah in worship) is thought to be the source of healing since sometimes recovery might coincide with his Shirk practices. It might also be that the sick person is possessed by demons that tempt him to go to those Mushrik people then they stop harming him if he does.

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