• Fatwas

    958 entries

Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah is denied only by deviated people

As the communists and atheists of today deny Allah’s Existence, is this not considered a denial of Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah...

Copyrights on tapes

I work in the field of information technology. Since I started work in this field, I have made...

Ruling on saying Allah is Omnipresent

What is the ruling on saying that Allah (Glorified be He) exists everywhere? Answer: Saying that Allah...

Rule on preventing a girl from marrying due to the opinion of a family member

It has become common nowadays in many families to prevent a girl from marrying due to the opinion of...

It is not permissible to delay the marriage of the younger girl

It is a tradition in our village that the younger daughter cannot be given in marriage before the elder...

Merits of hastening to marry

One thinks that the salary of a girl, her job, the financial and social status of a suitor or...

The things that nullify one's Islam

Can you mention to the listeners the things which take out a person from the Din (religion) of...

Actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Paradise

He (the questioner) is asking about actions and deeds that bring a person closer to Jannah (Paradise) and...

Explaining what strengthens faith

How does a Mu’min (believer) become firm in Iman (faith)? Answer: The Prophet (peace be upon him)...

How can a Muslim know the extent of his Iman

How can a Muslim know the extent of his Iman (faith/ belief)? Answer: This can be known...

How do I taste the sweetness of Iman (faith)

How do I taste the sweetness of Iman (faith)? Answer: Turn to Allah, paying a lot of...

Refuting those opining that the rulings of Shari'ah do not match with the present time

A man allege that the Shari’ah contains some rulings incompatible with modern time and hence must be reconsidered...

Difference between Iman and Islam

What is the difference between Iman and Islam? Answer: Iman is Islam and Islam is Iman (i.e....

Ruling on claiming knowledge of the Unseen

A sister asks: There is a man in our village who claims to have knowledge of the Ghayb...

Who are the Magians of this Ummah?

Who are the Magians of this Ummah, Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ? Answer: They are the denying Qadariyyah who...

Ruling on describing worldly inventions as Bid'ah

There is no doubt that there is a fine distinction between what can be described as Bid’ah (innovation in...

What is meant by Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited) in Islam

What is meant by Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited) in Islam? Answer: Halal and Haram are two Shar’i (Islamic...