Ruling on visiting the graves to supplicate to the dead or ask for their help or intercession

I found contradictory and controversial Hadith in the book: “Shifa’ Al-Siqam fy Ziyarat Khayr Al-Anam” by Shaykh Taqy Al-Din Al-Subky Al-Shafi’i, in the chapter on Tawassul (supplicating to...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on the Wirds of Al-Tijaniyyah, Al-Qadiriyyah and others

What is the ruling on the Wird (sayings recited with consistency) of the Tijaniyyah, Qadiriyyah and other Sufi Tariqahs (orders)? Answer: Their Wirds are full of the Bid’ah (rejected...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on the recitation of Al-Tijaniyyah and Al-Qadiriyyah and praying behind their followers

What is the ruling on reciting the utterances said on a regular basis by Al-Tijaniyyah and Al-Qadiriyyah Tariqahs (Sufi orders)? And what is the ruling on whoever recites them...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on reading the virtues of Shaykh Abdul-Qadir

What is the ruling concerning gathering one’s neighbors to read the virtues of Shaykh Abdul-Qadir, believing that this leads to the love of Awliya (pious people), then offering a...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on Masjid controlled by Al-Tijaniyyah followers

There is a village with a relatively large population. It has a spacious Masjid (mosque) where a group of righteous people offers the five congregational Salahs, for it is...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on the Imamate of a follower of Al-Tijaniyyah tariqah (sufi order) and praying behind them

In our village, there is an Imam who follows Al-Tijaniyyah Tariqah (Sufi order). The followers of this Tariqah receive the wird (sequence of devotional phrases to be repeated at...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Exaggeration of the Qadiriyyah order

The questioner would like to be given a general idea about the Qadiriyyah Tariqah (Sufi order). He read one of the Qadiriyyah books: “Al-Fiyudat Al-Rabbaniyyah fi Al-Ma’athir wa Al-Awrad...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on Naqshabandiyyah Order

I am seeking knowledge and Iman (Faith) that may please Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). Which Islamic books would you advise me to read to strengthen...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Al-Tijaniyyah is one of the most disbelieving and misguided tariqahs (sufi orders)

What is your opinion concerning Al-Tijaniyyah Tariqah (Sufi order) and seeing the Prophet (peace be upon him) in wakefulness? Answer: Al-Tijaniyyah is one of the most disbelieving, misguided and...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 AH // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on Al-Mahdiyyah Tariqah (Sufi order)

There is a Sufi Order called “Al-Ansar” (the followers of Al-Mahdy) which is widespread in Western Sudan. The supporters of this order are millions of common people. Al-Mahdy said...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on Al-Habriyyah tariqah

What is the Shari’ah ruling on the two Tariqahs (Sufi orders) that are prevalent in Algeria called Al-Habriyyun. They were named after their grand shaykh Al-Habry, who is beloved...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Does the Shirk mentioned in the Qur'an: 'And do not marry Al-Mushrikât till they believe' include those who follow some Tariqahs (sufi orders) such as Al-Tijaniyyah?

Does the Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) mentioned in the Ayah (Qur’anic verse) “And do not marry Al-Mushrikât (idolatresses, etc.) till they believe (worship...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on Al-Burhamiyyah Tariqah

We trust Your Eminence and have confidence in your Fatwa; therefore, we wish that Your Eminence will read this book carefully and give us a legal opinion about it,...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

The creed of Barelwiyyah (Barelvis) Sufi Order

In Pakistan, there is an order known as the Barelvis (Bareilwi) or the order of Nawary, as named after its current leader Nuwary. I ask Your Eminence about...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Scholars' books on Shiite 'Aqidah and their details

What is the Shiite ‘Aqidah (creed)? Please clarify as much as possible. Answer: Shiites have numerous sects, some are extremists and others are not. Hence, we recommend you read...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on the present Shiites

Are all the present Shiites Kafirs (disbelievers) or just their Imams? Answer: Shiites nowadays have many sects. For more clarification on this issue, refer to the contemporary books written...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on marrying from those who invoke Al-Hasan, Al-Husayn and 'Aly apart from Allah

We are from a tribe living on the northern borders (of Saudi Arabia), and we mix with tribes from Iraq . Those people are idolatrous Shiites who worship shrines...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on the followers of Al-Imamiyyah

What is the ruling on the followers of Al-Imamiyyah Al-Ithna ‘Ashriyyah (the Twelve Imami Shi’ites), which is one of the Rafidi sects (Shiitic sects which openly reject the legitimacy...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on eating animals slaughtered by Ja'faris Shi'ah

The person asking this question along with a group of people live at the northern borders close to the Iraqi centers. There is a Shiite community belonging to the...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020

Ruling on claiming that 'Ali is ranked as a prophet and Jibril made a mistake

What is the ruling on Shiites especially those who say that ‘Ali is ranked as a prophet and that Jibril (Gabriel) (peace be upon him) mistakenly descended to the...

Dhul-Hijjah 7, 1441 // Jul 28, 2020