• Fatwas

    958 entries

Forgiving the people of good qualities their slips

What is the degree of authenticity of the Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and others which reads: “Forgive the...

A family executing the Hadd of Zina if living in a country that does not apply Shari'ah

I would like to know the legal decision on a person who commits a crime that incurs Hadd (ordained...

Executing Hadd in the absence of the ruler

Is it permissible to execute Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Law) when there is no Muslim ruler? Answer:...

Ruling on bestiality

What is the ruling on bestiality? Answer: The ruling on bestiality and its consequences: Having sex with animals is...

Ruling on swearing not to masturbate but returning to it

I committed masturbation several times. Once I took an oath by the Mus-haf (copy of the Qur’an) that I...

Ruling on masturbation

A person observes obligatory acts of worship such as Salah (Prayer) and Sawm (fast) etc. However, he practices masturbation....

Ruling on masturbation for medical purposes

I suffer from a disease that makes me unable to have sexual intercourse with my wife. I have been...

Ruling on cursing the masturbator

Is a masturbator included among the seven types of people whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) cursed in...

Ruling on missing the Fajr prayer due to practicing masturbation

I have neglected offering the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer at its due time for five times because of practicing masturbation,...

Ruling on masturbation to prove the need to marry

I am a fifty year old man who does not have enough money to marry. However, I have married...

Ruling on masturbation during Ramadan

I am a young man in the habit of masturbating. I masturbated on one of the days of...

Ruling on masturbation by means of pressing the prostate area

I would like to know the Islamic ruling on intentional rubbing of the prostate gland to discharge Maniy (sperm),...

Is having a wet dream similar to masturbation?

Repeated lustful thoughts may preoccupy a person’s mind thus driving them to discharge Maniy (sperm) as a result of...

Comparison between masturbation and looking at women

It is known that masturbation which is especially practiced among young men, is Haram (prohibited) in Islam. A person...

The Ayahs that state the prohibited immoral sexual practices

What are the Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) that prohibit immoral sexual practices commonly spread in some countries? Answer: The Ayah...

Administering the Hadd to the masturbator

Due to the high expenses of marriage, some youth resort to masturbation; what is the ruling on this? Will...

Ruling on a wife practicing Qadhf with her husband

Is it permissible for a woman to accuse her husband of adultery when she sees any signs of it...

Qadhf of the wife

Due to a quarrel between someone and his wife, he insulted her with obscene language as he said to...

Ruling on following Malik in religious rulings as he derived them

What is the ruling on a person who strictly follows the Ijtihad (juristic effort to infer expert legal rulings)...

Ruling on acting in accordance with Imam Malik's School of Jurisprudence

A certain person strictly follows and urges others to follow the Madh-hab (School of Jurisprudence) of Imam Malik. He...