• Fatwas

    972 entries


Is Al-Jassasah, which is mentioned in the Hadith reported by Tamim Al-Dary, the same creature as the one...

Advising sinners and disobedient people and one's attitude towards them

How should a Muslim deal with an abusive man who speaks evil utterances of disbelief and oaths of...

Reports about the Awaited Al-Mahdy and the descending of 'Isa

What is reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him) regarding the appearance of the Awaited Mahdy and...

Abdullah ibn Sayyad

Who is Ibn Sa’id? Is he Al-Masih-ul-Dajjal (the Antichrist)? Why did the Prophet (peace be upon him) not...

Concerning the Hadith: 'You will fight against the Jews and you will gain victory over them.'

Is the Hadith that says: “There will come a day when Muslims will gain victory over the Jews,...

The Hadith on splitting of this Ummah into seventy-three sects

I read a Hadith mentioned by the Shaykh of Islam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhab, in his book entitled “Mukhtasar...

Reason behind disagreement among Imams Malik, Ahmad and Al-Shafi'i

What are the causes of disagreement in legal opinions among Imams Malik, Al-Shafi’i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allah...

Ruling on obedience to parents leads to committing sins

A young lady wants to wear Niqab (face veil), knowing that it is Fard (obligatory, based on a...

Ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing Hijab

What is the ruling on a father who breaks all contact with his daughter due to her wearing...

Revenue from endowed land

Are the payments for having permission to hire Waqf [endowment] included in its revenue or a part of...

Ruling on borrowing from money dedicated as Waqf

I have a plot of arable land owned by my father as a Waqf (endowment). I take care...

Is it permissible to bow to greet a Muslim or a non-Muslim?

We joined a karate club in America. The coach said: “You should bow when your opponent bows to...

Meaning of the Qur'anic verse: '...and those (slaves) whom your right hands possess'

Concerning the meaning of Allah’s statement: “(the slaves) that your right hands possess.” [al-Nisa: 3] Is it permissible for...

The Hadith: 'Every flesh that has grown up from unlawful earnings, Hellfire is most entitled to it'

Does the Hadith saying: “For every flesh that is grown up from unlawful earnings, Hellfire is most entitled to...

The Hadith: 'Before the Last Hour there will be Fitnahs like pieces of a dark night'

I want to ask about a Hadith which reads as follows: Al-Hasan Al-Basri (may Allah be merciful to him)...

Ruling on believing in Al-Shadhiliyyah order

There is a Sufi order called “Al-Shadhiliyyah”. Its members do not perform Salah (prayer), nor Sawm (fasting), nor...

Ruling on taking money to break the law

The current laws in Egypt allow pharmacists to own only two pharmacies. Some pharmacists are not satisfied with this,...

Ruling on standing up as a way of honoring the national anthem

Is it permissible to stand in honor of a national anthem or flag? Answer: It is not permissible for...

Ruling on shaving the beard and being unable to perform some Salahs during military service

Is it permissible to join an activity that requires shaving one’s beard, being unable to perform some of the...