Category: Refutals

Refuting those opining that the rulings of Shari'ah do not match with the present time
Theory of human evolution or Darwin's theory
The Shari'ah ruling on Ghulam Ahmad Pervez
Refuting and criticizing an article published in Al-Musawwir magazine
Exposing the mistakes of some writers
A brief look at Babism and Bahaism and their hatred towards the Muslims
Danger of denying the Sunnah by words and deeds
Refuting those who say that Allah dwells among His creatures
Refuting an article which states:'We should avoid all conflicts between our two religions...'
Ruling on those who claim that Jesus was not raised to the heavens and will not return at the end of time
There is no brotherhood between Muslims and Kafirs and the only true religion is Islam
Response to Urdu newspaper Idarat who launched a press campaign against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Refuting Salih Muhammad Jamal for his call of the glorification of Islamic monuments
Refuting Mustafa Amin
A commentary and explanation of an article by Dr. Muhiy Al-Din Al-Safy entitled 'In order to be the most powerful Ummah'
Jama'at-ul-Ahbash (the Habashis)
Response to a letter from Shaykh Abdul-Rahman ibn Abdul-Khaliq and weak Hadith that support the demonstrations
Comments on some books of Shaykh Abdul-Rahman ibn Abdul-Khaliq
The translation of the Qur’an by Muhammad Asad contains fatal errors and flagrant false beliefs
Warning against seeking Fatwa from ignorant people and those who follow false doctrines
Refuting Darwin's theory that man evolved from an ape-like creature
A reply to the claims of BBC
Warning against Rashad Khalifa's denial of the Sunnah
Refuting the claims against Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab and his Da'wah
On Abdullah Al-Habashy