The Ayahs that state the prohibited immoral sexual practices
What are the Ayahs (Qur’anic verses) that prohibit immoral sexual practices commonly spread in some countries?
The Ayah that prohibits sodomy and masturbation, which is known as “the secret habit”, is in Surah Al-A`raf where Allah (Exalted be He) says: “And (remember) Lût (Lot), when he said to his people: “Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Alamîn (mankind and jinn)? “Verily, you practise your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins).” [al-A’raf: 80-81]
Allah (Glorified be He) also says: “And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts) Except from their wives or (the slaves) that their right hands possess, - for then, they are free from blame; But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors;” [al-Mu’minun: 5-7]
May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
- Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz , Shaykh Abdull-Razzaq al-Afify , Shaykh Abdullah ibn Qa'ud , Shaykh Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan
- Estimated reading time :1 Min read
- Source:Fatawa Al-Lajnah Ad-Da'imah no. 3056-7
- Masturbation Homosexual
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