Weak Hadiths: 'Fitnah is asleep. May Allah the Curse of Allah be upon the one who wakes it up' and 'Stay away from verdure growing in manure'


What is the ruling on the authenticity of these two Hadiths: “Fitnah (sedition or turmoil) is asleep (dormant). May the Curse of Allah be upon the one who wakes it up (stirs it up).

And: “Stay away from Khadra’ Al-Diman (i.e. Verdure growing in manure).’ It was asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is Khadra’ Al-Diman?’ He (peace be upon him) replied, ‘A beautiful woman of a bad origin.’


The Hadith that reads: “Fitnah is asleep. May the Curse of Allah be upon the one who wakes it up” is mentioned by Al-‘Ajluni, the author of Kashf Al-Khafa’ who mentioned that Al-Najm said: “Al-Rafi’i related it in His book Al-Amali from Anas.” It was also related by Al-Suyuty in Al-Jami’ Al-Saghir who ranked it as weak.

The Hadith that reads: “Stay away from Khadra’ Al-Diman” is related by Al-Daraqutny, Al-‘Askari, Ibn ‘Adi and Al-Quda’i and others. Al-Daraqutny said: “There is no authentic narration of it.”

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

  • Shaykh Abdul-Aziz ibn Baz , Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aal al-Shaykh , Shaykh Salih Fawzan , Shaykh Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan , Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd
  • Estimated reading time :
    1 Min read
  • Source:
    Fatawa Al-Lajnah Ad-Da'imah no. 17867-3
  • Tafsir   Hadiths   Mawdu-daif
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