Ruling on replacing stoning the adulterer to death with a sword or gunSep 13, 2024 / Rabiul Awwal 10, 1446 It is impermissible to replace stoning to death with killing by sword or shooting with a gun, because stoning to death is more deterring and preven... |
The Quran is the Word of Allah and is not createdAug 02, 2024 / Muharram 27, 1446 AH The difference between the two statements is that claiming that the Qur'an is created is a statement of disbelief that takes the Muslim out of ... |
Executing one who apostatizes from IslamOct 26, 2020 / Rabi' Al-Awwal 9, 1442 AH The Noble Qur'an and the purified Sunnah have verified the obligation of executing a Murtad if they refuse to repent and this is understood in ... |
Tawbah to prevent the execution of the HaddAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH If Hudud come to the knowledge of the ruler and are proven by sufficient evidence, they should be carried out and should not be waived by Tawbah ac... |
Stoning versus lashing a previously married man committing ZinaAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH It is impermissible to cut one's own hand to apply the Hadd of stealing or to kill oneself if there is a reason to do it. A person should perfo... |
Responsible for QisasAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH It is not permissible to resort to Qisas (just retaliation) unless the crime is legally confirmed through the legal court. Only the ruler should br... |
Punishment on the Day of Resurrection for someone to whom the Hadd has been administeredAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH Will a sinner who receives the Hadd (ordained punishment for violating Allah’s Law) in worldly life be punished on the day of Resurrection? |
Permissibility of the victim's guardian giving up the right of executing the HaddAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH The guardian of the victim is not permitted to forgo, for executing the punishment is Allah's right, and the ruler is the one responsible for t... |
Paying money instead of executing the HaddAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH It is not permissible to substitute the Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Law) that Allah decreed with monetary fines; because the ... |
Forgiving the people of good qualities their slipsAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH The Hadith means that it is desirable to forgive people of good qualities if they commit a small or trivial mistake but not a sin that requires the... |
A family executing the Hadd of Zina if living in a country that does not apply Shari'ahAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH You are not entitled to execute the punishment; because execution of Hudud (ordained punishments for violating Allah’s Law) against the fornicator ... |
Executing Hadd in the absence of the rulerAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH Only a Muslim ruler or his deputy is entitled to execute the Hudud, so as to keep order, prevent transgression, and oppression, and provide security. |
Lesbianism and its HaddAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH Lesbianism stands for homosexuality between females. It is forbidden and those who commit it have to be punished with Ta'zir (discretionary pun... |
Ruling on sodomy and the effect on illegitimate childrenAug 29, 2020 / Muharram 10, 1442 AH Sodomy is one of the major sins, whether it is committed with a boy or an adult, and whether it is with or without their consent. |