Category: Terminology

Difference between repentance and praying for forgiveness
What is the meaning of Bid'ah?
The meaning and types of Bid'ah
Difference between Iman and Islam
What is meant by Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited) in Islam
Ruling on Ghulu in loving the Prophet (peace be upon him)
What is the difference between Al-Hilm and Al-Sabr
The word 'Aqidah
The difference between a prophet and a messenger
Definition of Makruh
The difference between 'Aqidah and Manhaj
Who are the Mutafayhiqun?
Who are Ahl-ul-Qiblah?
The difference between Major Shirk and Minor Shirk
Meaning of Shirk
The meaning of Tawhid-ul-Rububiyyah and Tawhid-ul-Uluhiyyah